Google Per Capita

Loyac is doing an event at Bayt Lothan tonight form 4:30pm to 9:00pm. They have a showcase of young fashion designers with their creations. I was there last night and saw some creative designs and these kids deserve the encouragement. So go check it out and supports Kuwait’s young artists.
Loyac is doing an event at Bayt Lothan tonight form 4:30pm to 9:00pm. They have a showcase of young fashion designers with their creations. I was there last night and saw some creative designs and these kids deserve the encouragement. So go check it out and supports Kuwait’s young artists.
I saw this link: flickr world map on ForzaQ8 and was just amazed by it.
It shows you Flickr pictures from world cities. Just at locations and the density you can tell that is a developed area with internet. Just lookat India, visit web its only area is down where Hyderabad which is India’s silicon valley and no where else.
This is something to keep watch of.

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