
PETA that happy feely organization that likes to parade naked models in the street is nothing but a shady hypocritical group that kills animals lies to children and 7 other things you didn’t know.
PETA that happy feely organization that likes to parade naked models in the street is nothing but a shady hypocritical group that kills animals lies to children and 7 other things you didn’t know.
I work in the import/export business. We import um stuff, pestilence and export…nothing.

I believe in a community, viagra here and my goals for my many random web development projects are to form a community in Kuwait.
My Past and Present Projects:

qHate – This originally was suppose to be a group blog with people from around the world with connections to Kuwait and to talk about their love and hate for it. Then we had that whole war thing happened and that became our main focus and turned to a war blog. Sadly that wasn’t the main thing I was strive for, troche so after the war ended I pulled the plug on it cause we strayed from our mission.

KuwaitBlogs – After qHate.com went down I started noticing many blogs from Kuwait starting to form but there wasn’t some thing connecting them together and listing them beyond the standard mini blog roll on individual sites. So opened that site, to connect the Kuwaiti blogs together.

KuWiki.org – It is really tough to get any good information about Kuwait, so many things are there but are all hidden. So getting inspiration from wikipedia KuWiki was formed as Kuwait’s collaborative information source. From being a directory to a place where people can contribute information Kuwait’s history and culture.

I have others on the way once I get time and the right resources for it, but my focus has always been to form a community.

My passions:
I love taking pictures, for me its just the joy of the sound of the shutter when capturing that momment. As techn freak I am, my favorite cameras to use are standard film SLRs, my camers of choce are the Canon F1, Minolta X570 and a Polaroid. I do have a digital one which I also use Nikon 995.

I am also an avid collector of magazines. I consider magazine a zietgiest of what is going on in our lives, in terms of culture music and what people are feeling. I enjoy collecting old Playboys for their interviews and commentary.

I collect is toys. This ranges from your standard action figures, to the ones they give out in kids meals.

My other collection that has been stagnant of late is my comics, but I think I filled that void with collecting magazines.
