Underground Movies

32 Hours 7
is the true story behind The Cannonball Run
32 Hours 7
is the true story behind The Cannonball Run
I was talking to bozwayed tonight, healthful and we talked about
politics, surgeon life, religion, art, love, friends, family and everything and nothing in between. One thing
that centered around our myriad of topics and stuff was intellectuals.

We were taught different, we went out and explored. We saw life outside our protective bubble. We actu
ally experienced things that gave us the ability to make our own opinions and judgments and have reaso
ns and knowledge behind them. It wasn’t based on what was force fed to us. It was based on what we wer
e taught and learned.

We want to be mind fucked.

We enjoy it love it. To us having someone who makes us think, and just think of things differently is
what we look for. Dont tell us this is the way things are done. We dont adhere to that thought, cause
we know that isn’t true. We know that they are shades of grey, and colors in a rainbow.

And thats the problem in Kuwait, there isn’t anyone to mind fuck us. We come and become drones, follow
steps that make no sense and have no reason or concept behind them besides thats how things are done.

We look around us in Kuwait and see drones. There isn’t a culture that supports the arts, that encoura
ges people to learn, innovate and explore the world around us.

We are censored, held back and tied up.

This is in our schools, our religion, our government and the people around us.

So where are the intellectuals? The ones that stimulate our minds and thoughts in Kuwait. That encoura
ge the people to create and think.

I want to be able to visit art museums, to see movies that are compelling and controversial, I want to
read a book that excites me. I want to be able to say “wow that is fucking amazing”. I want to have s
omeone tell me “you know you have a good point, but let me tell you mine”. I want to.. I want a lot of

I want to be mind fucked.

32 Hours 7
is the true story behind The Cannonball Run
I was talking to bozwayed tonight, healthful and we talked about
politics, surgeon life, religion, art, love, friends, family and everything and nothing in between. One thing
that centered around our myriad of topics and stuff was intellectuals.

We were taught different, we went out and explored. We saw life outside our protective bubble. We actu
ally experienced things that gave us the ability to make our own opinions and judgments and have reaso
ns and knowledge behind them. It wasn’t based on what was force fed to us. It was based on what we wer
e taught and learned.

We want to be mind fucked.

We enjoy it love it. To us having someone who makes us think, and just think of things differently is
what we look for. Dont tell us this is the way things are done. We dont adhere to that thought, cause
we know that isn’t true. We know that they are shades of grey, and colors in a rainbow.

And thats the problem in Kuwait, there isn’t anyone to mind fuck us. We come and become drones, follow
steps that make no sense and have no reason or concept behind them besides thats how things are done.

We look around us in Kuwait and see drones. There isn’t a culture that supports the arts, that encoura
ges people to learn, innovate and explore the world around us.

We are censored, held back and tied up.

This is in our schools, our religion, our government and the people around us.

So where are the intellectuals? The ones that stimulate our minds and thoughts in Kuwait. That encoura
ge the people to create and think.

I want to be able to visit art museums, to see movies that are compelling and controversial, I want to
read a book that excites me. I want to be able to say “wow that is fucking amazing”. I want to have s
omeone tell me “you know you have a good point, but let me tell you mine”. I want to.. I want a lot of

I want to be mind fucked.

Seems some Asian students figure out how to shut down Nokia’s cameraphone. It is basicly done v
ia bluetooth and if you recieve it your phone will disable its camera. Seems like a pretty good hack, sick
but only works on the 6600 and the


(thanks Q80chillgirl)
which is what everyone has in Kuwait. And phones based on that OS

This is just another thing to add to the problems Nokia has with their bluetooth setup on thier phones
Seems the French police discovered this hospital treatment ,1299
444, cheapest 00.html”>underground movie theater under Paris, with a full size projector and a bunch of film
s and “a stocked bar and “pressure-cooker for making couscous” was also found. Then when the police ca
me back 3 days later they found a note stating “Do not,” it said, “try to find us.”

Well the story gets more inte
. The group is called La Mexicaine de la Perforation. They are urban explorers and explore
Paris’ with a mission to “reclaim and transform disused city spaces for the creation of zones of expre
ssion for free and independent art”. Their past performances have been “rock concerts for up to 4,000
people in old underground quarries; 2am projections in a locked film theatre; art and photo exhibition
s in supposedly sealed-off subterranean galleries.”

This brings up stuff that I been thinking about lately. Like my hate of the KCCC and the crap that goes on in the cinema. Sadly there isn’t another place to watch movie
in Kuwait. Then it came to me I can make my own. Just find some abandon warehouse, or some hidden publ
ic space and have a movie night. All you need is projector and some speakers, and anyone who comes can
bring their chairs and food. It is simple, quick and fun. I already have one location in mind just ne
ed to check on it more. Anyone interested in watching a movie without the crap.

6 thoughts on “Underground Movies”

  1. I told you, I’m down with it.

    I just want to see this warehouse/location you got. Also, I was thinking maybe we can make the project
    or mobile (on a car or something) and we have this big ass screen. We just unfold the screen, switch o
    n the projector any where we want. I also know some place where we can rent these big two speakers for

    I would be awesome if we can make it a weekly event.

  2. Btw,

    You don’t need a screen, all you need is a blank white wall. And it could be anywhere. I can make the
    Popcorn!!! Woo Hoo! Can we start with Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, Back to Back ?

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