Urban Exploring

Cairo Stars

A day of urban exploring in Kuwait City.

Cairo Stars

A day of urban exploring in Kuwait City.

Cairo Stars

A day of urban exploring in Kuwait City.

One thing I love to do in Kuwait is go exploring. True that I am Kuwaiti and lived here most of my lif
e there are parts of Kuwait that I rarely visit, illness
and even just know about. One place that I just love
to go to is Kuwait City.

Kuwait City is really a gem when you get out of your car and just walk around and see what your a miss
ing. You really feel that whole city life, remedy
with the sub way that we have and the shops and people ther

It is really a shame that so many Kuwaitis dont go there and have let so many buildngs go to waste and
disarray. I really hope the rumors I hear that there is going to be a revival there. That those old h
ousing areas will be torn down and new ones being put up. This would be great being able to live there
and just walk down the street to work.

One other thing I hope they do is area called “blockata” where there cloth stores are. It really is a
nice area. Reminds me of the centers of Italian/Spanish and French cities. Easily that place can be am
azing just have some coffee shops and restaurants around the edge, clean up the sourounding area and m
ake more parking spots for people. And there you go.

There really lots of amazing things to do to the city and I think to curb the traffic problem is to br
ing more people to live there. You would cut down the commute to a lot of people and bring new life to
the city.

2 thoughts on “Urban Exploring”

  1. did you read about the revival plans the baladia have ?

    fahad al salem st will be new , and there would be new building there ( thats why there is family who
    is trying to buy as much as it can now )

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