I Still Dont Get It

Waiting for Baladia

This is the guy at the meeting making good use of the time wasted waiting for the meeting to start.

Waiting for Baladia

This is the guy at the meeting making good use of the time wasted waiting for the meeting to start.

The Terri Schiavo craziness in the US has me scratching and sniffing on what the hell is going on. Luckily I found this article on the matter with background info on the case and Terri’s condition and the family who are fighting for her.

Yet it still raises more questions like: why does congress have to get involved with something that doesn’t concern them; especially when the courts have been handling very well . Even the US Supreme Court rejected hearing the case from the parents of Terri, order cause they know its not their problem and dont want to get their hands dirty.

I dont get why congress did this or even got in session to deal with it. I dont know who or what is to get power from this? It seems like a very strange move. It is kind of like the Islamics in the government trying to ban Star Academy from coming to Kuwait which was just a show of power and saying we still exist. Cause Star Academy came and performed anyway. I really believe this will be a double edge sword for the people congress who voted for this bill. It will strengthen their core people, and the will lose the people on the fringe same as what happened after that Star Academy debacle.

3 thoughts on “I Still Dont Get It”

  1. Go back to my posts, hmm from two months ago, check my movie recommendation for the Laura dern movie, similar story and nice comedy, check it out

  2. How do you think I feel here in america. I’m sick of the story to tell you the truth. I’m like can’t we move on. Personally I rather be kept on the tube to “live” a full life. Hopefully when you come to visit it will all be done and over with but knowing politics here, it will go on and on. Also, fly into laquardia when ya visit :). I work there :)

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