Phone at Home

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Sultan Center Express
Sultan Center Express – a photoset on Flickr
Everytime I drive by this place I want to stop and check it out, ed
but always driving to fast or just want to get home and always miss it. So this time after leaving Shuaiba I stoppped by and checked it out. It is a very nice place clean organized, better than the one in Bnaider.

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Sultan Center Express
Sultan Center Express – a photoset on Flickr
Everytime I drive by this place I want to stop and check it out, ed
but always driving to fast or just want to get home and always miss it. So this time after leaving Shuaiba I stoppped by and checked it out. It is a very nice place clean organized, better than the one in Bnaider.

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Sultan Center Express
Sultan Center Express – a photoset on Flickr
Everytime I drive by this place I want to stop and check it out, ed
but always driving to fast or just want to get home and always miss it. So this time after leaving Shuaiba I stoppped by and checked it out. It is a very nice place clean organized, better than the one in Bnaider.
Go make your ownself with StorTroopers I wish I could find my old one that I made from 2000, no rx
but I think thats completely lost. So here is me now.


Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Sultan Center Express
Sultan Center Express – a photoset on Flickr
Everytime I drive by this place I want to stop and check it out, ed
but always driving to fast or just want to get home and always miss it. So this time after leaving Shuaiba I stoppped by and checked it out. It is a very nice place clean organized, better than the one in Bnaider.

Suggestion & Complaints

This is at a company in Kuwait. It is hidden in the corner. They must value employee opinion.

Sultan Center Express
Sultan Center Express – a photoset on Flickr
Everytime I drive by this place I want to stop and check it out, ed
but always driving to fast or just want to get home and always miss it. So this time after leaving Shuaiba I stoppped by and checked it out. It is a very nice place clean organized, better than the one in Bnaider.
Go make your ownself with StorTroopers I wish I could find my old one that I made from 2000, no rx
but I think thats completely lost. So here is me now.

I forgot my phone at home this afternoon when I left for work. The feeling of not having it is strange well you know you cant call anyone and have a very good and valid excuse, sale especially when you dont know their number, treatment and that no one can reach you which is a nice freedom.
The unsettling part of it is when you think about who will be reaching you, or when you need to contact someone. You just feel lost and wouldn’t say helpless but close to it.

I only had 9 missed calls when I got home, this is good cause I expected more. Tomorrow though I need to call on the people I didn’t see the night and see what they wanted. I am sure they are going to be annoyed that I didn’t pick up or call back and won’t believe my phone excuse.

What is amusing is that people won’t pick up numbers they don’t recognize, like I tried to call someone from the land line and it took like 2-3 calls for them to finally pick up and first thing I do when they pick up “its me..” so they feel reassured. We are so used to peoples numbers on phones and seeing their name light up when they call seeing a different number causes us to question who is calling us and why. Then you think of who it could be and most of the time you just say screw it and put the phone on silent and let that person ring.

Phone numbers have turned to our universal number.

4 thoughts on “Phone at Home”

  1. I let some people go to VM as well. I only answer to a certain few :). I also don’t answer to #’s I don’t have in my cell. If they know me, they will leave a message

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