The Man Date Mandate

Todays answers for everything are:

  • burn out
  • got caught
  • bored
  • sex
  • lots of reasons

Todays answers for everything are:

  • burn out
  • got caught
  • bored
  • sex
  • lots of reasons

Purg’s post this morning talking about something called “mandates, bronchi and wanted to know what he meant so looked up some definitions that might be of interest.

  • In Christian theology, a mandate is an order given from God that must be obeyed without question.
  • Instruction, order, permission to allow or permit something to happen.
  • A contract by which one party agrees to perform services for another without payment.

An order giving from God? Could that mean the holy penguin like some sort of saving angel?

Oh then I found this article on “man dates”. Seems the American male has gone super homophone or just really gay. According to the article that men after leaving college have a hard time getting together in a setting where it doesn’t concern sports, beer or women and forgot how to hang out with other guys.

[T]hese scholars say, two things changed during the last century: an increased public awareness of homosexuality created a stigma around male intimacy, and at the same time women began encroaching on traditionally male spheres, causing men to become more defensive about notions of masculinity.

They would have a real issue in Kuwait then when hanging out with other guys is like the social norm. We really embraced the whole male bonding thing in Kuwait with our Diwaniyas, hell we even go shopping together! I remember when I was in the US and my brother came to visit and we went shopping. Some American friends were confused and weirded out by how can I go shopping with another male.

Well what ever it is that the American male needs to do to get his balls back, cause those feminazis have done a great job of ripping them off.

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