Building Blocks

perfectly perktacular

Thank you Xeni
perfectly perktacular

Thank you Xeni
Reading this Business Week article on Lego is pretty cool. It discusses how they are the 3rd largest toy company in the world and employ around 6000 employees and just have 100 designers working for them. Really big numbers for just a simple company that makes bricks.

They are now going to a strategy to allow the customer to be control, myocarditis they will be able to design their own anything via Lego software share them with the rest of the world and even be able to buy the necessary parts to build it.

That sounds great, buy information pills but looking back at my youth one of the fun things about Legos was not following the instructions, or even knowing or having a full plan of what you are going to build. I would just know I was going to build a house, but as I started building more ideas came to my head and it would start changing shape to a battle cruiser, or just go crazy with it and make it in to a huge town/fort thing.

I guess that explains how I think, can’t stay focused on one thought have to jump like a million ways around it. Hell even when I followed instructions I would build something a couple steps down then go back to stage one.

I want to get back into it now, but the prices for them are just sky high it just doesn’t seem worth it to start it up.

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