Monthly Planner for Saturday People

Who Wears Short Shorts?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Its official short & sandal weather.

Who Wears Short Shorts?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Its official short & sandal weather.

One issue I have with calendars available online and you can buy is that they are mostly if not all start with either Monday or Sunday. So we are pretty much screwed when it comes to having a nice calendar for our events which doesn’t confuse us.

So I took the DIY Planner widget they had available and made them for starting on Saturday. They are 2 pages, sovaldi one is a print out that you can have on your wall. The other is the same monthly calendar but you can fold it in half. This is an option for people who want to make it into a book form or just like folding it.

There is a weekly one I am working on and hope to have that up soon.
Sat Starting Monthly Calendar A4 Landsacpe and Foldablef

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