Modern Life

Serenading June

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

It is 12 noon and I am dead tired, this site been walking in these expo halls for a good ehours and just feel worn out. I believe the flight yesterday just drained the heck out of me. I got some decent sleep. I did what I saidII was going to do in my last post but just relaxed a bit before the bath.

Also for the previous post questions.

I saw the movie Ringer with Johnny Knoxville, pestilence he plays a ringer so that he can fix the special Olympics. The other movie I saw was Fun with Dick and Jane. They were both nice and light comedies for the trip.

Then I watched some TV shows. I finally saw Dr. Who actually finished a whole episode. The last time I watched the Doctor was when I young in England and really didn’t get into it, same as Monty Python. But now I can watch them both since I understand it.

The other show I saw, was also one I kept hearing about but never got a chance to see is House, MD. Good show plan to get some of the seasons of it. It is a medical show that I can watch. I guess cause the main guy is an egotistical bastard but is a genius about it, but I think cause he also was in Blackadder.

Yes, Purg it was a really bad plan but it was worth trying once for the price and the people I am with have to make a stop back in London. And I wont forget your special duty free packages, or Fadibou;s whackmatic thing.

The weather is nice, a nice 20-25 but feels a bit how from the excess sun.

Serenading June

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

It is 12 noon and I am dead tired, this site been walking in these expo halls for a good ehours and just feel worn out. I believe the flight yesterday just drained the heck out of me. I got some decent sleep. I did what I saidII was going to do in my last post but just relaxed a bit before the bath.

Also for the previous post questions.

I saw the movie Ringer with Johnny Knoxville, pestilence he plays a ringer so that he can fix the special Olympics. The other movie I saw was Fun with Dick and Jane. They were both nice and light comedies for the trip.

Then I watched some TV shows. I finally saw Dr. Who actually finished a whole episode. The last time I watched the Doctor was when I young in England and really didn’t get into it, same as Monty Python. But now I can watch them both since I understand it.

The other show I saw, was also one I kept hearing about but never got a chance to see is House, MD. Good show plan to get some of the seasons of it. It is a medical show that I can watch. I guess cause the main guy is an egotistical bastard but is a genius about it, but I think cause he also was in Blackadder.

Yes, Purg it was a really bad plan but it was worth trying once for the price and the people I am with have to make a stop back in London. And I wont forget your special duty free packages, or Fadibou;s whackmatic thing.

The weather is nice, a nice 20-25 but feels a bit how from the excess sun.

Uploaded some pics to a Flickr set Netherlands 06

Here some text for them.

What a day. Had an early start that drover us around the Dutch country side. It was a cool trip visiting some sites and making a coffee stop at Deftl and seeing a statue of one of their cows. The weather was great and it was nice to sit back there for a bit and grab some coffee. We later drove to another site and then to the smallest village in Netherlands with a population of 11 that they have held for two years. Not sure what happened two years ago, visit web either someone left or they killed someone.

I dont even remember the drive back I just passed out in the seat and woke up just before reaching the hotel, cialis 40mg where I just rested til later when we decided to hit the center. We stgoped at Rembrant square and tookj it light. Got tickets to see MI:3 which is amazing. I never saw the other Mission Impossibles but this one had me all sorts of in to it. The story, the action the acting. I was really impressed with it. Cruise, if you are reading this I know we give you crap about the Scientology thing and that you crazxy, but you make great movies.

The place we had dinner was Walk to Wok. I recall coming to Amsterdam a year ago when the place first opened in another part of town and it was just delicious. The concept and system is fantastic. You go in state your base (rice, noodles, vegtebales), then meat choice and then sauce and then bam they cook it for you in a wok and put itin this nice to go style cup/bowl and you areon your way. It is simple quick and yummy. So far I have seen 3 stores and this isn’t including the one that I used to frequent.

Oh one thing that came to me when I was heading back to the hotel on the tram. We passed this store that did stationary and thought about the Kuwait system of wedding invitations. The guys are always simple and plain, and the female ones are these special boxes.

So I thought how cool would it be to have them in code. The female one can be the secret code, and the male one has the breaking code.I think it would be really fun, maybe have some secret code in it for where and when the party will be, or some another clue to something else.

It would be fun to do, but not sure how many people would get in to it and try to figure it out.

Trying to think what pictures I also uploaded.

Tomorrow we move out of this hotel and go to another place for some meetings, but in the morning heading to the ccenter and visiting some musuems hopefully a book store.

Modern Life

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

One thing I enjoy about traveling and I think that it allows me to really experience something new and different is the exposure of different cultures and ideas. So besides the people I interact with it is visiting a museum.

I make it a point to visit something with cultural signifigance. So earlier today I visited the Modern Art Musuem here in Amsterdam. It was great experience beside that it is the best place to see hot girls they have the best art. I have seen the Van Gogh musuem, hospital phimosis and the Rembrant exhibition but once you’ve seen them once, steroids you really dont see anything new the next time you visit unless they have a visiting exhibition of the artists works that isn’t in their permanent collection.

So I really enjoy visiting the Modern Art ones since it is always changing and has a cultural signifigacnce due to it is a good zietgiest.

So today we visited the Modern Art musuem and my main reason was for their exhibtion of video games. They had a collection of video games that I could play, dosage as well as clips from various games. One cool video was people well committing suicide games in games, they had clips of GTA3 diving into the water, or Half Life tossing a gernade near by. It was amusing to watch once or twice, but it mostly annoyed me since well that isn’t gaming. I know gaming and I could tell the player was sucking. It did give the various forms of death.

One thing I enjoyed was this well virtual reailty thing but it was based on reality. As soon as you steped in to this computers line of site you got this arrow pointed over you, and once someone ran to this projector and touched your image on the screen this blob came on top of it and well it would explode. This girl would always get me with a head shot and get 500 points for it.

I also got to play Katamari. Finally I know get what the BoingBoing crew have been raving about. I think this game would be amazing on the Nintenodo Wii.

There was also another exhibtion of M. Quarez who made posters for =French events, his art and colors were very entertaining for it attracted and interpeted the event with style. I took a picture of some of his posters for this choice of colors look like a great option for a website.

I also got a chance to visit the Waterstone book store and picked up Factotum by Charlest Bukowski. Seems like it will be a good read. There are some other books I will pick up like stuff from Paul Auster.

It is all about cultures. Just spent some time talking to a spanish guy and a Russian. Discussing life, love and drink. These are three standard things you can talk about with everyone and be totally safe and actaully learn something. Just avoid religion, politics. Sports are a iffy topic as long as a major international event is coming up like World Cup or Uefa champtionship game.

Need to wake up early tomorrow and to business meetings. I off to bed..

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