links for 2006-01-15

Mark put this link and I recall doing it back in the day. So here is my score 86.23 seconds.

.My Kung Fu
Mark put this link and I recall doing it back in the day. So here is my score 86.23 seconds.

.My Kung Fu

links for 2006-01-14

links for 2006-01-13

This is from Google Video and I laugh because it is true.

links for 2006-01-10

Lambs for Slaughter

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lambs for Slaughter

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone over group dynamics and I mentioned the the group dynamic structure of Forming-storming-norming-performing

  1. Forming: The beginning stage where everyone is an individual and setting their goals and resources needed to achieve it.
  2. Storming: This is where the group starts facing problems and limits are being pushed and tested.
  3. Norming: Here is when the group starts to meld, buy more about and they really start to know their roles and other people in the group.
  4. Performing: It all comes down to this, sale having the team achieve the goals set.

Then there is the 5th stage of Adjourning and Transforming where the group well dies out, the job, goal they were doing just ends and they move on to other things.

After learning this in college and seeing it work and actually work in my group. I always mentally reference this information when I see groups interact trying to figure where they are. Yet, just because you seem people storming doesn’t mean they are in that stage, cause the cycle repeats for situations that arises such as goal or roles changes.

Storming is one of the most difficult stages to really move out of. It is really about well submitting at times. You have to deal with what the group is and give up some of your individual rights and abilities for the better of the group. Some people can’t do that and the group is stuck there.

We were taught methods on how to deal with it and nudge and push the group forward. Basically it involves talking and hearing the other person out. Lots of little notes on that and that crap. Yet sometimes it works.

So where are you in your group development? In your circle of friends, families and even just relationship. Are you stuck in the storming stage? Or achieved performing?

Lambs for Slaughter

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone over group dynamics and I mentioned the the group dynamic structure of Forming-storming-norming-performing

  1. Forming: The beginning stage where everyone is an individual and setting their goals and resources needed to achieve it.
  2. Storming: This is where the group starts facing problems and limits are being pushed and tested.
  3. Norming: Here is when the group starts to meld, buy more about and they really start to know their roles and other people in the group.
  4. Performing: It all comes down to this, sale having the team achieve the goals set.

Then there is the 5th stage of Adjourning and Transforming where the group well dies out, the job, goal they were doing just ends and they move on to other things.

After learning this in college and seeing it work and actually work in my group. I always mentally reference this information when I see groups interact trying to figure where they are. Yet, just because you seem people storming doesn’t mean they are in that stage, cause the cycle repeats for situations that arises such as goal or roles changes.

Storming is one of the most difficult stages to really move out of. It is really about well submitting at times. You have to deal with what the group is and give up some of your individual rights and abilities for the better of the group. Some people can’t do that and the group is stuck there.

We were taught methods on how to deal with it and nudge and push the group forward. Basically it involves talking and hearing the other person out. Lots of little notes on that and that crap. Yet sometimes it works.

So where are you in your group development? In your circle of friends, families and even just relationship. Are you stuck in the storming stage? Or achieved performing?
There something that has taken over my car stereo for the past couple days and loving every minutes of it and She Wants Revenge deserves every minute of it.
People have been describing them as a mix of The Killers and Interpol and I just want to stab those people in the face for that remark, find cause those bands and She Wants Revenge are really influnced by Bauhaus and Joy Division. You can really hear it in the rhythem of the guitar and and their lyrics. It just makes it a pleasure to hear it over over again.

One thing that got to me when I first heard their album was I heard it the first time and said “one hit wonder”, illness then heard the album again “3 hit wonder” and it just got to the point where I have totalyl fallen in love with the album. I can’t name you any songs to listen to cause it is on permemant repeat in my car so it is song and after song with theses guys.

iTunes Prerelease

Lambs for Slaughter

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone over group dynamics and I mentioned the the group dynamic structure of Forming-storming-norming-performing

  1. Forming: The beginning stage where everyone is an individual and setting their goals and resources needed to achieve it.
  2. Storming: This is where the group starts facing problems and limits are being pushed and tested.
  3. Norming: Here is when the group starts to meld, buy more about and they really start to know their roles and other people in the group.
  4. Performing: It all comes down to this, sale having the team achieve the goals set.

Then there is the 5th stage of Adjourning and Transforming where the group well dies out, the job, goal they were doing just ends and they move on to other things.

After learning this in college and seeing it work and actually work in my group. I always mentally reference this information when I see groups interact trying to figure where they are. Yet, just because you seem people storming doesn’t mean they are in that stage, cause the cycle repeats for situations that arises such as goal or roles changes.

Storming is one of the most difficult stages to really move out of. It is really about well submitting at times. You have to deal with what the group is and give up some of your individual rights and abilities for the better of the group. Some people can’t do that and the group is stuck there.

We were taught methods on how to deal with it and nudge and push the group forward. Basically it involves talking and hearing the other person out. Lots of little notes on that and that crap. Yet sometimes it works.

So where are you in your group development? In your circle of friends, families and even just relationship. Are you stuck in the storming stage? Or achieved performing?
There something that has taken over my car stereo for the past couple days and loving every minutes of it and She Wants Revenge deserves every minute of it.
People have been describing them as a mix of The Killers and Interpol and I just want to stab those people in the face for that remark, find cause those bands and She Wants Revenge are really influnced by Bauhaus and Joy Division. You can really hear it in the rhythem of the guitar and and their lyrics. It just makes it a pleasure to hear it over over again.

One thing that got to me when I first heard their album was I heard it the first time and said “one hit wonder”, illness then heard the album again “3 hit wonder” and it just got to the point where I have totalyl fallen in love with the album. I can’t name you any songs to listen to cause it is on permemant repeat in my car so it is song and after song with theses guys.

iTunes Prerelease

links for 2006-01-05

History of coffee and music culture

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

links for 2006-01-04

History of coffee and music culture

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

links for 2006-01-03

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

This morning I wanted to listen to Ash – 1977. This is some dusty CD from my collection. The main reason I wanted to hear it was for the song Girl from Mars. Loved this song when it was from back in the day and was reading some horoscope reading and mentioned Mars and was like “oh” cool. My brain works very strange ways at times. Tangents galore.

Yet hearing the album today introduced me to another song. Lost in You. The song is emo, website like this
but they were out before emo was being bitch slapped. Ash is old school garage punk band and love them for it. So yeah that song is pretty cool, sick
I like guitar feel for it and his whiny voice with the lyrics.


From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

This morning I wanted to listen to Ash – 1977. This is some dusty CD from my collection. The main reason I wanted to hear it was for the song Girl from Mars. Loved this song when it was from back in the day and was reading some horoscope reading and mentioned Mars and was like “oh” cool. My brain works very strange ways at times. Tangents galore.

Yet hearing the album today introduced me to another song. Lost in You. The song is emo, website like this
but they were out before emo was being bitch slapped. Ash is old school garage punk band and love them for it. So yeah that song is pretty cool, sick
I like guitar feel for it and his whiny voice with the lyrics.


This morning I wanted to listen to Ash – 1977. This is some dusty CD from my collection. The main reason I wanted to hear it was for the song Girl from Mars. Loved this song when it was from back in the day and was reading some horoscope reading and mentioned Mars and was like “oh” cool. My brain works very strange ways at times. Tangents galore.

Yet hearing the album today introduced me to another song. Lost in You. The song is emo, website like this
but they were out before emo was being bitch slapped. Ash is old school garage punk band and love them for it. So yeah that song is pretty cool, sick
I like guitar feel for it and his whiny voice with the lyrics.


links for 2006-01-02

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

links for 2006-01-01

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

links for 2005-12-27

Someone asked me how long I have known a someone. It is a really strange question cause how can you really quantify a relationship. Do you start with the first time you met them? Or do you place it around the day you guys exchange numbers? Or even when you share personal secrets with each other.

I know some people since high school but haven’t been close friends with them til recently.

So when does a relationship begin?

Trippig Daisy – Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb
Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb

Someone asked me how long I have known a someone. It is a really strange question cause how can you really quantify a relationship. Do you start with the first time you met them? Or do you place it around the day you guys exchange numbers? Or even when you share personal secrets with each other.

I know some people since high school but haven’t been close friends with them til recently.

So when does a relationship begin?

Trippig Daisy – Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb
Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

Someone asked me how long I have known a someone. It is a really strange question cause how can you really quantify a relationship. Do you start with the first time you met them? Or do you place it around the day you guys exchange numbers? Or even when you share personal secrets with each other.

I know some people since high school but haven’t been close friends with them til recently.

So when does a relationship begin?

Trippig Daisy – Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb
Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

Someone asked me how long I have known a someone. It is a really strange question cause how can you really quantify a relationship. Do you start with the first time you met them? Or do you place it around the day you guys exchange numbers? Or even when you share personal secrets with each other.

I know some people since high school but haven’t been close friends with them til recently.

So when does a relationship begin?

Trippig Daisy – Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb
Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

Someone asked me how long I have known a someone. It is a really strange question cause how can you really quantify a relationship. Do you start with the first time you met them? Or do you place it around the day you guys exchange numbers? Or even when you share personal secrets with each other.

I know some people since high school but haven’t been close friends with them til recently.

So when does a relationship begin?

Trippig Daisy – Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb
Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.

This is a new feature that I am doing. Since I use on a regular basis for my links and other cool things I found I really dont have time to post them on my blog. So this way I can have it regulary dump what ever I been linking to the my blog as a post. Except lots of randomness and strange tags.