What Kuwaitis Eat in a Week

Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter that has been missing in Gaza since March 12th.

Alan Johnston banner
Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter that has been missing in Gaza since March 12th.

Alan Johnston banner
Off to England for the week. Arrived earlier today via Qatar Air. Slowly becoming my favorite/standard airline for trips. Just there connections availability and their services are great. Since I had to be in Manchester and it was the best option.

Currently in a place about 120km from Manchester in the country and it has been bliss. The weather here is just amazing cool and sunny. Really wonderful and such a change from the weather we been having in Kuwait. My lunch was outside and was just a wonderful experience, viagra order my body and brain just relaxed in ways I haven’t felt in ages.

There is some culture shock since the last time I was in England was around 20 years ago. So basing what I see from TV (news and shows) and what people have said. I can’t wait to get back to London and see what has changed there over the years, physiotherapy but that won’t be after I am done with work here.

Also update my blog theme, will be adding a LifeStream feature soon, but need some time to work on that and get out the bugs from the plugin.
Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter that has been missing in Gaza since March 12th.

Alan Johnston banner
Off to England for the week. Arrived earlier today via Qatar Air. Slowly becoming my favorite/standard airline for trips. Just there connections availability and their services are great. Since I had to be in Manchester and it was the best option.

Currently in a place about 120km from Manchester in the country and it has been bliss. The weather here is just amazing cool and sunny. Really wonderful and such a change from the weather we been having in Kuwait. My lunch was outside and was just a wonderful experience, viagra order my body and brain just relaxed in ways I haven’t felt in ages.

There is some culture shock since the last time I was in England was around 20 years ago. So basing what I see from TV (news and shows) and what people have said. I can’t wait to get back to London and see what has changed there over the years, physiotherapy but that won’t be after I am done with work here.

Also update my blog theme, will be adding a LifeStream feature soon, but need some time to work on that and get out the bugs from the plugin.
Off to England for the week. Arrived earlier today via Qatar Air. Slowly becoming my favorite/standard airline for trips. Just there connections availability and their services are great. Since I had to be in Manchester and it was the best option.

Currently in a place about 120km from Manchester in the country and it has been bliss. The weather here is just amazing cool and sunny. Really wonderful and such a change from the weather we been having in Kuwait. My lunch was outside and was just a wonderful experience, viagra order my body and brain just relaxed in ways I haven’t felt in ages.

There is some culture shock since the last time I was in England was around 20 years ago. So basing what I see from TV (news and shows) and what people have said. I can’t wait to get back to London and see what has changed there over the years, physiotherapy but that won’t be after I am done with work here.

Also update my blog theme, will be adding a LifeStream feature soon, but need some time to work on that and get out the bugs from the plugin.
29307, and

Saw this on Time: What the World Eats showing what people around the world eat around a week. Compared to other countries in the series we actually dont eat that much, just not much in terms of greens. Thou seems we eat more fish and feed more people.

I Miss Taco Bell

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

I know it is sick to think about Taco Bell with their grade D meat and the soggy tortillas not to mention the exceptional staff. Yet you know all this when you go order the food, health it is in your mind and you somehow either deny or accept it and go with it. My favorites were the 3 soft taco combo, or the mexican pizza. Wait I think there was this combo that was the mexican pizza with like 2 soft tacos, damn that was good. Sometimes when I felt a bit zesty I’d order the 7 layer burrito without layers 3 and 5.

Then to top this all off I’d get a whole bunch of hot sauce, you know the stuff the ones that would remove the gunk and stuff from pennies and just smear it all inside the stuff. Secretly hoping that it would kill any of the ebola, botcholism or salmonella that may be in the food.

mmm I really do miss some Taco Bell.

Two Meals Away from Revolution

Installed the theme Hemingway. Have some issues with it still but modified it heavily.
Installed the theme Hemingway. Have some issues with it still but modified it heavily.
Installed the theme Hemingway. Have some issues with it still but modified it heavily.

Saw this on article: Gaza police stage violent protest with these pictures

Up to 50 masked officers blocked roads and stormed a government office, approved sick firing their weapons in the air from the roof.

“We warn this is only a first step,” Abu Mohammed, a leader of the protesters in the central town of Khan Younis, the focus of the demonstration, told news agency Reuters.

If this isn’t handled correctly there is going to be a civil war in Palestine between Hamas and Fatah.

The Drain

Al Kuwait 1955 (3)

I just found some old pics of Kuwait taken by amkoffee‘s Dad when he was here with the Navy back in 1950.

They are really good quality pics and has me wondering who was there and what was going on.


Found out who the pictures of the people are:
Abduallah Mubarka
Sabah Al-Nasser
Ezzat Jaffer

Al Kuwait 1955 (3)

I just found some old pics of Kuwait taken by amkoffee‘s Dad when he was here with the Navy back in 1950.

They are really good quality pics and has me wondering who was there and what was going on.


Found out who the pictures of the people are:
Abduallah Mubarka
Sabah Al-Nasser
Ezzat Jaffer

I dont know what is wrong with me today. I just feel drained. It is like I had no sleep or something. I know I had my standard 6-7 hours of sleep, and I woke up fine and naturally at 7ish, injection had my regular frosted flake breakfast. Then work as usual, yet feel just out of it.

When I left work I stopped by the baqala and picked up my super supplement that always fixes me up when I am tried or hungry. Bounty bar, Pepsi and Kitco chips. They were ok for a short time, but really didn’t fix the problem.

I dont know, it is just Sunday, and I feel like this. I hate to see what Tuesday brings.

Sex, Coffee or Pizza

Green Kuwait

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Does this look like Kuwait to you?

Green Kuwait

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Does this look like Kuwait to you?

Yesterday when I woke up from my afternoon nap I was craving sex, side effects coffee or pizza. Sex isn’t readily available in this country, and I really didn’t feel like driving for coffee, but luckily pizza delivers.

links for 2006-01-03

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

This morning I wanted to listen to Ash – 1977. This is some dusty CD from my collection. The main reason I wanted to hear it was for the song Girl from Mars. Loved this song when it was from back in the day and was reading some horoscope reading and mentioned Mars and was like “oh” cool. My brain works very strange ways at times. Tangents galore.

Yet hearing the album today introduced me to another song. Lost in You. The song is emo, website like this
but they were out before emo was being bitch slapped. Ash is old school garage punk band and love them for it. So yeah that song is pretty cool, sick
I like guitar feel for it and his whiny voice with the lyrics.


From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

This morning I wanted to listen to Ash – 1977. This is some dusty CD from my collection. The main reason I wanted to hear it was for the song Girl from Mars. Loved this song when it was from back in the day and was reading some horoscope reading and mentioned Mars and was like “oh” cool. My brain works very strange ways at times. Tangents galore.

Yet hearing the album today introduced me to another song. Lost in You. The song is emo, website like this
but they were out before emo was being bitch slapped. Ash is old school garage punk band and love them for it. So yeah that song is pretty cool, sick
I like guitar feel for it and his whiny voice with the lyrics.


This morning I wanted to listen to Ash – 1977. This is some dusty CD from my collection. The main reason I wanted to hear it was for the song Girl from Mars. Loved this song when it was from back in the day and was reading some horoscope reading and mentioned Mars and was like “oh” cool. My brain works very strange ways at times. Tangents galore.

Yet hearing the album today introduced me to another song. Lost in You. The song is emo, website like this
but they were out before emo was being bitch slapped. Ash is old school garage punk band and love them for it. So yeah that song is pretty cool, sick
I like guitar feel for it and his whiny voice with the lyrics.


links for 2006-01-02

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

links for 2006-01-01

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.