Secretary of Hair

You’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older.
You’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older.
In these troubled times we always look for something else to entertain us like the lives of celebrities and such like The Superficial or Go Fug Yourself, ambulance but sometimes you want more.

Well I found it at : Princess Sparkle Pony’s Photo Blog its slogan says it all “I keep track of Condoleezza’s hairdo so you don’t have to.

Doesn’t that make you feel all warm inside?

What the Hell is Israel Thinking?

At the Ministry of Energy & takes forever to find parking. The inside parking is full or closed & thus leaves the rest of us to park in the street.

Youd think with all the visitors they would have better facilities. Maybe they are planning for this e-government we keep hearing about.

At the Ministry of Energy & takes forever to find parking. The inside parking is full or closed & thus leaves the rest of us to park in the street.

Youd think with all the visitors they would have better facilities. Maybe they are planning for this e-government we keep hearing about.

At the Ministry of Energy & takes forever to find parking. The inside parking is full or closed & thus leaves the rest of us to park in the street.

Youd think with all the visitors they would have better facilities. Maybe they are planning for this e-government we keep hearing about.

At the Ministry of Energy & takes forever to find parking. The inside parking is full or closed & thus leaves the rest of us to park in the street.

Youd think with all the visitors they would have better facilities. Maybe they are planning for this e-government we keep hearing about.

At the Ministry of Energy & takes forever to find parking. The inside parking is full or closed & thus leaves the rest of us to park in the street.

Youd think with all the visitors they would have better facilities. Maybe they are planning for this e-government we keep hearing about.

Just a few weeks ago the whole world’s eyes were on Hamas accepting Israel and finally getting some REAL change. It was slow but it was peaceful, viagra here the Palestinians were talking with each other they were actually reaching out to Israel to have a compromise.

Then Hamas kidnaps an Israeli soldier and Hamas even offered to trade the soldier for prisoners. That could have been seen as a move of trust and even create more options for communication and compromise. Then what does Israel do, go invade Gaza and do lots and lots of damage. All those Palestinians who were now considering to move away from Hamas and to Fatah because of advancement of Fatah with the communication process are now more resolved than ever to stay with Hamas.

Yesterday I hear Israel then does some bombing in to Southern Lebanon, its another country, but Hizbollah is there. It is wrong, but it has happened before, so we know they are hitting designated Hizbollah targets. Now in the morning I see that the Lebanese Airport is bombed! Talk about throwing the baby with the bath water. Israel can claim the Lebanese government could have done something, but to actually go and attack an international airport and other areas in Lebanon you are affecting the lives of the people there and they are not going to forget this.

Seriously this new Prime Minister of Israel must have some Napoleon complex. He must be doing this to show power and that he is a man that can force change. All he is doing is forcing other people to put their eyes on Israel.

Vote for Me, I Have a Blog

If it wasn’t for the maid always watching KTV2 I swear we would never know about any news in Kuwait. They interrupted regular programing for the speech by the Emir. Basically he said what we have been expecting. Parliament has been dissolved and that voting of the new parliament will occur in June 22nd 29 with the female voters.

It will be a very interesting day.

If it wasn’t for the maid always watching KTV2 I swear we would never know about any news in Kuwait. They interrupted regular programing for the speech by the Emir. Basically he said what we have been expecting. Parliament has been dissolved and that voting of the new parliament will occur in June 22nd 29 with the female voters.

It will be a very interesting day.
Inspired by CaffeinatedKuwaiti’s comment that if I ran for Parliament I would have her vote. So it got me thinking who out of the Kuwait blogosphere would be a good option to run for Parliament soley based on that they have a blog.

My are my three choices would be:

  • SS Stallion: He is political, salve passionate and is active in forming relationships and his political convictions.
  • Purgatory: It is Purg! It is vote for him or death.
  • Maryam: She is our resident astronaut and with her as an MP she would inspire the educational program and get Kuwait into space.

Who would your three be?

Saudi Reduces Fuel Prices

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Today is not my day. Last night at diwaniya we wanted to see the C-Span Boodai interview either transcript of video. I did a couple searches and couldn’t only find the C-Span Archive Program page, more about with an option to order it for $29.95. Since I couldn’t find it and it had some merit on finding out the truth I ordered it.

As soon as I order it. I see that is available on YouTube (people need to tag and describe their files better). Then I check my phone and see an sms from my friend with the website of where the whole thing is available as a download!

So annoyed and pissed that I spent that money, cause it has no real merit. It is not like a movie that I can forget about and see it later, or a book. I guess once I get it I will donate it to a university library or something. They could make some use of it in their catalog.

You know there is a lesson to be learned here. Just pirate movies and dvds. It really isn’t worth buying them, cause once you buy it you will find it available for free online.
Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Today is not my day. Last night at diwaniya we wanted to see the C-Span Boodai interview either transcript of video. I did a couple searches and couldn’t only find the C-Span Archive Program page, more about with an option to order it for $29.95. Since I couldn’t find it and it had some merit on finding out the truth I ordered it.

As soon as I order it. I see that is available on YouTube (people need to tag and describe their files better). Then I check my phone and see an sms from my friend with the website of where the whole thing is available as a download!

So annoyed and pissed that I spent that money, cause it has no real merit. It is not like a movie that I can forget about and see it later, or a book. I guess once I get it I will donate it to a university library or something. They could make some use of it in their catalog.

You know there is a lesson to be learned here. Just pirate movies and dvds. It really isn’t worth buying them, cause once you buy it you will find it available for free online.
Today is not my day. Last night at diwaniya we wanted to see the C-Span Boodai interview either transcript of video. I did a couple searches and couldn’t only find the C-Span Archive Program page, more about with an option to order it for $29.95. Since I couldn’t find it and it had some merit on finding out the truth I ordered it.

As soon as I order it. I see that is available on YouTube (people need to tag and describe their files better). Then I check my phone and see an sms from my friend with the website of where the whole thing is available as a download!

So annoyed and pissed that I spent that money, cause it has no real merit. It is not like a movie that I can forget about and see it later, or a book. I guess once I get it I will donate it to a university library or something. They could make some use of it in their catalog.

You know there is a lesson to be learned here. Just pirate movies and dvds. It really isn’t worth buying them, cause once you buy it you will find it available for free online.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Today is not my day. Last night at diwaniya we wanted to see the C-Span Boodai interview either transcript of video. I did a couple searches and couldn’t only find the C-Span Archive Program page, more about with an option to order it for $29.95. Since I couldn’t find it and it had some merit on finding out the truth I ordered it.

As soon as I order it. I see that is available on YouTube (people need to tag and describe their files better). Then I check my phone and see an sms from my friend with the website of where the whole thing is available as a download!

So annoyed and pissed that I spent that money, cause it has no real merit. It is not like a movie that I can forget about and see it later, or a book. I guess once I get it I will donate it to a university library or something. They could make some use of it in their catalog.

You know there is a lesson to be learned here. Just pirate movies and dvds. It really isn’t worth buying them, cause once you buy it you will find it available for free online.
Today is not my day. Last night at diwaniya we wanted to see the C-Span Boodai interview either transcript of video. I did a couple searches and couldn’t only find the C-Span Archive Program page, more about with an option to order it for $29.95. Since I couldn’t find it and it had some merit on finding out the truth I ordered it.

As soon as I order it. I see that is available on YouTube (people need to tag and describe their files better). Then I check my phone and see an sms from my friend with the website of where the whole thing is available as a download!

So annoyed and pissed that I spent that money, cause it has no real merit. It is not like a movie that I can forget about and see it later, or a book. I guess once I get it I will donate it to a university library or something. They could make some use of it in their catalog.

You know there is a lesson to be learned here. Just pirate movies and dvds. It really isn’t worth buying them, cause once you buy it you will find it available for free online.

Saudi Jeans is reporting that: Saudi Arabia is reducing fuel prices!. This is really a strange twist with the whole world increasing fuel prices, ambulance Saudi decreases there.

This quote from the Saudi Press Agency really has me worried:

[R]educing petrol prices for consumers in the Kingdom to improve the standards of citizens’ living.

For reducing fuel prices by 25-30% can either mean two things.

  • The standard of living is low that people are either eating dinner, human enhancement or putting gas in their car.
  • That this is an economic strategy to increase consumer spending in the country
  • Either one is having my brain wave all sorts of red flags. I recall my trip to Saudi back in Sept 2004 and was talking to this Saudi guy and he was telling me of his financial struggles. I guess this is King Abduallah’s quick fix for the situtation.

Brother Mario

Finally the explanation of why there is chocolate rabbitswith Easter
A Glimpse into the History of Easter Candy

Finally the explanation of why there is chocolate rabbitswith Easter
A Glimpse into the History of Easter Candy

Found this link that really had me chuckling and also questioning my memory when I was younger. It finds these strange similiarities of Mario Bros the game and communism.

Examples are:

  • Mario placing a red flag when finishing a stage
  • Mario wearing red
  • Mario’s resemblance to Stalin

There are some other but those were the ones that caught my eye, ambulance but check it out Communist Mario?

Two Meals Away from Revolution

Installed the theme Hemingway. Have some issues with it still but modified it heavily.
Installed the theme Hemingway. Have some issues with it still but modified it heavily.
Installed the theme Hemingway. Have some issues with it still but modified it heavily.

Saw this on article: Gaza police stage violent protest with these pictures

Up to 50 masked officers blocked roads and stormed a government office, approved sick firing their weapons in the air from the roof.

“We warn this is only a first step,” Abu Mohammed, a leader of the protesters in the central town of Khan Younis, the focus of the demonstration, told news agency Reuters.

If this isn’t handled correctly there is going to be a civil war in Palestine between Hamas and Fatah.

Is There a Make Up?

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Foreign Policy has released a new index of Failed States. It list countries that have internal and external struggles that are causing trouble to the government and failing as a provider for their people.

They use 12 social and economic, generic
political and military indicators to bring this list of 60 countries.

Arab Countries on the list:
4) Iraq
28) Syria
36) Lebanon
38) Egypt
45) Saudi Arabia
51) Bahrain

I am really suprised that Bahrain on the list, story
but according to them they have high marks in the Uneven Development, Delegitimization of State, and Security Apparatus.

I would really like to see a complete list and see where Kuwait is on the list.

Punishment for Saddam

Bear attacking bird feeder.
I think it could be an escaped circus bear the way he handles that rope.

Bear attacking bird feeder.
I think it could be an escaped circus bear the way he handles that rope.

Yesterday at 6:37am I woke up with a really bad stomach ache, viagra went to the bathroom and just threw everything up (your body does stop digesting food during your sleep), website like this and other major water losing bodily functions. I dont think I have ever puked that hard, or that much in my life.

But since we had some major business meetings that day I couldn’t just stay home and sleep if off, I had to get to work. It started off bad with the meetings, government just messes everything up but turn out good in the end. The visitor we had is a cool guy, but in my state and him repeating things like 5million times drove me crazy. I was just nodding and smiling just trying to keep it mentally together.

Got home around 2:30pm and just napped and rested. Then having some soup during futoor and a mix mash of random pills I slept from then til 7:30am. I just completely knocked myself out and slept. Feel great.

Bear attacking bird feeder.
I think it could be an escaped circus bear the way he handles that rope.

Yesterday at 6:37am I woke up with a really bad stomach ache, viagra went to the bathroom and just threw everything up (your body does stop digesting food during your sleep), website like this and other major water losing bodily functions. I dont think I have ever puked that hard, or that much in my life.

But since we had some major business meetings that day I couldn’t just stay home and sleep if off, I had to get to work. It started off bad with the meetings, government just messes everything up but turn out good in the end. The visitor we had is a cool guy, but in my state and him repeating things like 5million times drove me crazy. I was just nodding and smiling just trying to keep it mentally together.

Got home around 2:30pm and just napped and rested. Then having some soup during futoor and a mix mash of random pills I slept from then til 7:30am. I just completely knocked myself out and slept. Feel great.

Yesterday at 6:37am I woke up with a really bad stomach ache, viagra went to the bathroom and just threw everything up (your body does stop digesting food during your sleep), website like this and other major water losing bodily functions. I dont think I have ever puked that hard, or that much in my life.

But since we had some major business meetings that day I couldn’t just stay home and sleep if off, I had to get to work. It started off bad with the meetings, government just messes everything up but turn out good in the end. The visitor we had is a cool guy, but in my state and him repeating things like 5million times drove me crazy. I was just nodding and smiling just trying to keep it mentally together.

Got home around 2:30pm and just napped and rested. Then having some soup during futoor and a mix mash of random pills I slept from then til 7:30am. I just completely knocked myself out and slept. Feel great.

Bungie the maker of Halo 2 have just released some mind blowing stats of the online Halo2 matches.

This one to me really takes the cake:

The Halo player who has played the most games to date (his identity will remain secret in order to protect his job) has played a staggering, doctor
mind-boggling 14, pilule 919 games, spending an average of six hours per day, and playing around 71 games. Per day. Now that guy is a freak. Seriously.

Bear attacking bird feeder.
I think it could be an escaped circus bear the way he handles that rope.

Yesterday at 6:37am I woke up with a really bad stomach ache, viagra went to the bathroom and just threw everything up (your body does stop digesting food during your sleep), website like this and other major water losing bodily functions. I dont think I have ever puked that hard, or that much in my life.

But since we had some major business meetings that day I couldn’t just stay home and sleep if off, I had to get to work. It started off bad with the meetings, government just messes everything up but turn out good in the end. The visitor we had is a cool guy, but in my state and him repeating things like 5million times drove me crazy. I was just nodding and smiling just trying to keep it mentally together.

Got home around 2:30pm and just napped and rested. Then having some soup during futoor and a mix mash of random pills I slept from then til 7:30am. I just completely knocked myself out and slept. Feel great.

Yesterday at 6:37am I woke up with a really bad stomach ache, viagra went to the bathroom and just threw everything up (your body does stop digesting food during your sleep), website like this and other major water losing bodily functions. I dont think I have ever puked that hard, or that much in my life.

But since we had some major business meetings that day I couldn’t just stay home and sleep if off, I had to get to work. It started off bad with the meetings, government just messes everything up but turn out good in the end. The visitor we had is a cool guy, but in my state and him repeating things like 5million times drove me crazy. I was just nodding and smiling just trying to keep it mentally together.

Got home around 2:30pm and just napped and rested. Then having some soup during futoor and a mix mash of random pills I slept from then til 7:30am. I just completely knocked myself out and slept. Feel great.

Bungie the maker of Halo 2 have just released some mind blowing stats of the online Halo2 matches.

This one to me really takes the cake:

The Halo player who has played the most games to date (his identity will remain secret in order to protect his job) has played a staggering, doctor
mind-boggling 14, pilule 919 games, spending an average of six hours per day, and playing around 71 games. Per day. Now that guy is a freak. Seriously.

I was just looking at TV Cream’s Top 100 Toys, allergist and really have to say that toys back then were a lot cooler, deadlier and just good ol fun compared to now.

I still go to the toy stores and like to see what they have now, and seriously they just seem so boring and plain. The other thing with toys now, they can’t hurt you. Yet after numerous class action law suits and parent interest groups they had to get safer. We used to have toys that would fire missiles and toy guns that looked real and fired metal balls at you.

Even out outside toys were death traps. I dont see any monkey bars any more, or big fort structures made out of splinter wood and rusted metal.

Now parents make it so tough for kids to go outside unsupervised and just go and run free. Telling them they can’t go there. So then they just get plopped in front of the TV and their game machines and get fat.

You know come to think of it I dont remember any fat kids when I was growing up. Sure we had some husky ones that were really just big for their age, but they were active like the rest of us.

Like I said we had it good.
Bear attacking bird feeder.
I think it could be an escaped circus bear the way he handles that rope.

Yesterday at 6:37am I woke up with a really bad stomach ache, viagra went to the bathroom and just threw everything up (your body does stop digesting food during your sleep), website like this and other major water losing bodily functions. I dont think I have ever puked that hard, or that much in my life.

But since we had some major business meetings that day I couldn’t just stay home and sleep if off, I had to get to work. It started off bad with the meetings, government just messes everything up but turn out good in the end. The visitor we had is a cool guy, but in my state and him repeating things like 5million times drove me crazy. I was just nodding and smiling just trying to keep it mentally together.

Got home around 2:30pm and just napped and rested. Then having some soup during futoor and a mix mash of random pills I slept from then til 7:30am. I just completely knocked myself out and slept. Feel great.

Yesterday at 6:37am I woke up with a really bad stomach ache, viagra went to the bathroom and just threw everything up (your body does stop digesting food during your sleep), website like this and other major water losing bodily functions. I dont think I have ever puked that hard, or that much in my life.

But since we had some major business meetings that day I couldn’t just stay home and sleep if off, I had to get to work. It started off bad with the meetings, government just messes everything up but turn out good in the end. The visitor we had is a cool guy, but in my state and him repeating things like 5million times drove me crazy. I was just nodding and smiling just trying to keep it mentally together.

Got home around 2:30pm and just napped and rested. Then having some soup during futoor and a mix mash of random pills I slept from then til 7:30am. I just completely knocked myself out and slept. Feel great.

Bungie the maker of Halo 2 have just released some mind blowing stats of the online Halo2 matches.

This one to me really takes the cake:

The Halo player who has played the most games to date (his identity will remain secret in order to protect his job) has played a staggering, doctor
mind-boggling 14, pilule 919 games, spending an average of six hours per day, and playing around 71 games. Per day. Now that guy is a freak. Seriously.

I was just looking at TV Cream’s Top 100 Toys, allergist and really have to say that toys back then were a lot cooler, deadlier and just good ol fun compared to now.

I still go to the toy stores and like to see what they have now, and seriously they just seem so boring and plain. The other thing with toys now, they can’t hurt you. Yet after numerous class action law suits and parent interest groups they had to get safer. We used to have toys that would fire missiles and toy guns that looked real and fired metal balls at you.

Even out outside toys were death traps. I dont see any monkey bars any more, or big fort structures made out of splinter wood and rusted metal.

Now parents make it so tough for kids to go outside unsupervised and just go and run free. Telling them they can’t go there. So then they just get plopped in front of the TV and their game machines and get fat.

You know come to think of it I dont remember any fat kids when I was growing up. Sure we had some husky ones that were really just big for their age, but they were active like the rest of us.

Like I said we had it good.
I was just looking at TV Cream’s Top 100 Toys, allergist and really have to say that toys back then were a lot cooler, deadlier and just good ol fun compared to now.

I still go to the toy stores and like to see what they have now, and seriously they just seem so boring and plain. The other thing with toys now, they can’t hurt you. Yet after numerous class action law suits and parent interest groups they had to get safer. We used to have toys that would fire missiles and toy guns that looked real and fired metal balls at you.

Even out outside toys were death traps. I dont see any monkey bars any more, or big fort structures made out of splinter wood and rusted metal.

Now parents make it so tough for kids to go outside unsupervised and just go and run free. Telling them they can’t go there. So then they just get plopped in front of the TV and their game machines and get fat.

You know come to think of it I dont remember any fat kids when I was growing up. Sure we had some husky ones that were really just big for their age, but they were active like the rest of us.

Like I said we had it good.
Yesterday during futoor we were discusssing what is a worth punishments for Saddam since no way they can just kill him. My father came with a very good and worth punishment:

Have him chase after paperwork in the Kuwait government.

I think it is a fitting punishment,
Kuwaities have been dealing with it for the past 15 years, he should get some of it.

What Are the Fringe Benifits?

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
As long as I can remeber we always listened to the firing of the canon for the maghreb prayer so we can have futoor, here it to me a ramadan tradition and thought it was a Kuwaiti thing for when we were in the old city to make sure everyone knew it was time to eat.

Well on the radio today (103.7) had a great program on the history of the canon in Kuwait and its rumored origins. It seems they aren’t sure when the sounding of the canon started to occur in Kuwait but they know its is from Egypt. It seems back in the day an Egyptian ruler got some new canons and wanted to test them out and just happened to test it on the first day of Ramadan and at the time of the futoor. The people of the city were excited by this new system for it unifed the futoor and became a tradition during Ramadan. The only time it wasn’t fired was times of war.

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
As long as I can remeber we always listened to the firing of the canon for the maghreb prayer so we can have futoor, here it to me a ramadan tradition and thought it was a Kuwaiti thing for when we were in the old city to make sure everyone knew it was time to eat.

Well on the radio today (103.7) had a great program on the history of the canon in Kuwait and its rumored origins. It seems they aren’t sure when the sounding of the canon started to occur in Kuwait but they know its is from Egypt. It seems back in the day an Egyptian ruler got some new canons and wanted to test them out and just happened to test it on the first day of Ramadan and at the time of the futoor. The people of the city were excited by this new system for it unifed the futoor and became a tradition during Ramadan. The only time it wasn’t fired was times of war.

It seems traumatologist 1284,69111,00.html”>Al-Qaida’s Hiring and have posted their request on the internet.

The London-based Asharq al-Awsat said on its website this week that al-Qaida had “vacant positions” for video production and for editing statements, footage and international media coverage about militants in Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Chechnya and other conflict zones where militants are active.

I wonder if they used Monster, Dice or even Craig’s List.

No Respect

A Snoopy based mobile phone.
A Snoopy based mobile phone.
A Snoopy based mobile phone.
Back from my trip to Saudi and UAE. Will write more about them later and have some of it already written and just need to add some stuff and post them.

It was a great trip, one Health
lots of old friends and new friends. I feels that I have been gone longer than a week.
A Snoopy based mobile phone.
A Snoopy based mobile phone.
Back from my trip to Saudi and UAE. Will write more about them later and have some of it already written and just need to add some stuff and post them.

It was a great trip, one Health
lots of old friends and new friends. I feels that I have been gone longer than a week.


Traffic in Kuwait has shown gone a new low in my book, order it just bad bad bad. The major problem I see is not the roads, rx or the construction, or the parking. It is that people dont have any respect to their fellow drivers and just showing complete disregard to common sense for road traffic. Here is a example un the Shuwaik/Pepsi Cola bridge. The cars that are on my lan are going left and in that process run are blocking access to the other cars from that intersection. They dont stop and wait like they are suppose to if the road is blocked, but keep going and creating more blockage, making that area one big stall. The cars leaving Shuwaik can’t move, since they are blocked.

It is a real shame and something needs to be done there.
Originally uploaded by nibaq.