A Hot Tipper

I just saw this amusing piece called Six Signs It’s a Scam on Motley Fool. It lists simple things to pay attention to when purchasing an investment.

The thing that I enjoyed when reading it is comparing it to the Kuwait Stock Market.

The ones that really caught my eye were number 3 and 6.

3. Predictions of the future. “It will double in three months.”

6. A “hot inside tip.”

How many times have we heard that in the diwaniya when mentioning a stock. Even the funny part is they say it will double in a week.

Cause then if you are doing something based on those ideas are you investing or gambling?

Another Type of Maniac Muslims

The T is the Middle Finger

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lost my T key a while ago. I got it replaced with a white on from an iBook.

The T is the Middle Finger

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lost my T key a while ago. I got it replaced with a white on from an iBook.

The T is the Middle Finger

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lost my T key a while ago. I got it replaced with a white on from an iBook.

The T is the Middle Finger

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lost my T key a while ago. I got it replaced with a white on from an iBook.

The T is the Middle Finger

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lost my T key a while ago. I got it replaced with a white on from an iBook.

Mostly everyone knows about Dave Chappelle and these crazy stories about him quiting his show on Comedy Central and well just going to hiding. So finally he comes clean on Oprah. (Serisouly on a side note why does everyone do Oprah after some crazy crisis in their life? Is it in some contract or are her goodie bags really that good? Oprah is turning to the Jerry Springer of celebs. Oh and I wonder how she reacted to “Dave gets Oprah Pregnant ” skit).

So back to Dave. After reading this quote:

Chappelle clarified that when he left the show, dysentery “I wasn’t walking away from the money, women’s health I was walking away from the circumstances, arthritis ” he said. “I was feeling overwhelmed, and some of it felt like as if this was happening deliberately.”

I recalled the Chappelle Theory which discusses how a group calling themselves Dark Crusaders consisting of Oprah, Bill Cosby, Louis Farakan, Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Robert L. Johnson. Who were against Dave’s anti black comedy and it was taking their struggle back 50 years. So they worked on destroying him mentally unless he stopped with his “anti black” humor.

Any truth to the “theory”? Is Dave doing Oprah as a redeeming thing to her and the Dark Crusaders?

The T is the Middle Finger

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lost my T key a while ago. I got it replaced with a white on from an iBook.

Mostly everyone knows about Dave Chappelle and these crazy stories about him quiting his show on Comedy Central and well just going to hiding. So finally he comes clean on Oprah. (Serisouly on a side note why does everyone do Oprah after some crazy crisis in their life? Is it in some contract or are her goodie bags really that good? Oprah is turning to the Jerry Springer of celebs. Oh and I wonder how she reacted to “Dave gets Oprah Pregnant ” skit).

So back to Dave. After reading this quote:

Chappelle clarified that when he left the show, dysentery “I wasn’t walking away from the money, women’s health I was walking away from the circumstances, arthritis ” he said. “I was feeling overwhelmed, and some of it felt like as if this was happening deliberately.”

I recalled the Chappelle Theory which discusses how a group calling themselves Dark Crusaders consisting of Oprah, Bill Cosby, Louis Farakan, Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Robert L. Johnson. Who were against Dave’s anti black comedy and it was taking their struggle back 50 years. So they worked on destroying him mentally unless he stopped with his “anti black” humor.

Any truth to the “theory”? Is Dave doing Oprah as a redeeming thing to her and the Dark Crusaders?
Mostly everyone knows about Dave Chappelle and these crazy stories about him quiting his show on Comedy Central and well just going to hiding. So finally he comes clean on Oprah. (Serisouly on a side note why does everyone do Oprah after some crazy crisis in their life? Is it in some contract or are her goodie bags really that good? Oprah is turning to the Jerry Springer of celebs. Oh and I wonder how she reacted to “Dave gets Oprah Pregnant ” skit).

So back to Dave. After reading this quote:

Chappelle clarified that when he left the show, dysentery “I wasn’t walking away from the money, women’s health I was walking away from the circumstances, arthritis ” he said. “I was feeling overwhelmed, and some of it felt like as if this was happening deliberately.”

I recalled the Chappelle Theory which discusses how a group calling themselves Dark Crusaders consisting of Oprah, Bill Cosby, Louis Farakan, Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Robert L. Johnson. Who were against Dave’s anti black comedy and it was taking their struggle back 50 years. So they worked on destroying him mentally unless he stopped with his “anti black” humor.

Any truth to the “theory”? Is Dave doing Oprah as a redeeming thing to her and the Dark Crusaders?
I found my CD case that had some CDs that I thought were lost or missing. Was really annoyed with their disappearance cause I wanted to share a couple and also really had a craving for them. One of them is Space Hog – Resident Alien.

I had this on tape back in 1995 and when I first went to the US I made sure I got it on CD. I just love this album one of the few I can listen forever on repeat adn know every song on there. I been sining it like a fool in the car for the past two days.

I just love the beat and the feel for the album it is a fun album to listen to and hte lyrics and music just match it right. Listening to it again after all these years brings back some good memmories. One is seeing them live in Dallas. That was great got two tickets. Well I always get two tickets to shows, no rx
one for me and the other for someone else that will join me. I recall I met some other big fan of theirs online she was from Austin or just out of Dallas by Austin and we met at the show and traded some info and were up front on stage singing every word with the band.

It is always great going to see a band that you just love and knowing their lyrics and singing along. It is a fun experience. One that I miss being in Kuwait.

Some of my favorite songs from the album

3. Starside

5. Space Is The Place

The T is the Middle Finger

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Lost my T key a while ago. I got it replaced with a white on from an iBook.

Mostly everyone knows about Dave Chappelle and these crazy stories about him quiting his show on Comedy Central and well just going to hiding. So finally he comes clean on Oprah. (Serisouly on a side note why does everyone do Oprah after some crazy crisis in their life? Is it in some contract or are her goodie bags really that good? Oprah is turning to the Jerry Springer of celebs. Oh and I wonder how she reacted to “Dave gets Oprah Pregnant ” skit).

So back to Dave. After reading this quote:

Chappelle clarified that when he left the show, dysentery “I wasn’t walking away from the money, women’s health I was walking away from the circumstances, arthritis ” he said. “I was feeling overwhelmed, and some of it felt like as if this was happening deliberately.”

I recalled the Chappelle Theory which discusses how a group calling themselves Dark Crusaders consisting of Oprah, Bill Cosby, Louis Farakan, Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Robert L. Johnson. Who were against Dave’s anti black comedy and it was taking their struggle back 50 years. So they worked on destroying him mentally unless he stopped with his “anti black” humor.

Any truth to the “theory”? Is Dave doing Oprah as a redeeming thing to her and the Dark Crusaders?
Mostly everyone knows about Dave Chappelle and these crazy stories about him quiting his show on Comedy Central and well just going to hiding. So finally he comes clean on Oprah. (Serisouly on a side note why does everyone do Oprah after some crazy crisis in their life? Is it in some contract or are her goodie bags really that good? Oprah is turning to the Jerry Springer of celebs. Oh and I wonder how she reacted to “Dave gets Oprah Pregnant ” skit).

So back to Dave. After reading this quote:

Chappelle clarified that when he left the show, dysentery “I wasn’t walking away from the money, women’s health I was walking away from the circumstances, arthritis ” he said. “I was feeling overwhelmed, and some of it felt like as if this was happening deliberately.”

I recalled the Chappelle Theory which discusses how a group calling themselves Dark Crusaders consisting of Oprah, Bill Cosby, Louis Farakan, Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Robert L. Johnson. Who were against Dave’s anti black comedy and it was taking their struggle back 50 years. So they worked on destroying him mentally unless he stopped with his “anti black” humor.

Any truth to the “theory”? Is Dave doing Oprah as a redeeming thing to her and the Dark Crusaders?
I found my CD case that had some CDs that I thought were lost or missing. Was really annoyed with their disappearance cause I wanted to share a couple and also really had a craving for them. One of them is Space Hog – Resident Alien.

I had this on tape back in 1995 and when I first went to the US I made sure I got it on CD. I just love this album one of the few I can listen forever on repeat adn know every song on there. I been sining it like a fool in the car for the past two days.

I just love the beat and the feel for the album it is a fun album to listen to and hte lyrics and music just match it right. Listening to it again after all these years brings back some good memmories. One is seeing them live in Dallas. That was great got two tickets. Well I always get two tickets to shows, no rx
one for me and the other for someone else that will join me. I recall I met some other big fan of theirs online she was from Austin or just out of Dallas by Austin and we met at the show and traded some info and were up front on stage singing every word with the band.

It is always great going to see a band that you just love and knowing their lyrics and singing along. It is a fun experience. One that I miss being in Kuwait.

Some of my favorite songs from the album

3. Starside

5. Space Is The Place
With all this hate going around the Muslim world it is time for some love and nothing makes hate go away for love like a good laugh. One site that I enjoy visiting for a laugh and really puts a perspective on the Muslim world is Maniac Muslim. This site is well just funny in so many ways and I really can’t just pick one so check out the articles he has written. Well actually I think I can pick one: Shoe Thief Still at Large.

Here is a snippet from it

Other mosque patrons bring their non-Muslim friends in the shoe area to keep an eye on their shoes during the prayer. “It’s a win-win situation for Carl, visit my non-Muslim friend.” said Pervaiz, “He gets to learn more about Islam through the khutbah and at the same time my shoes are safe.”

The Chronic-les

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

Lets Go Fly a Kite (but not in Pakistan)

Los Andalous

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Currently at the Andalous police station waiting. There was a robbery last night at our store. We reported it at 830 wher we opened. I am here to file a report (been here since 12) but have to wait for CSI to go to the place to collect evidence. They were suppose to be there around 930 it is currently 1330.

How long will this last?

Los Andalous

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Currently at the Andalous police station waiting. There was a robbery last night at our store. We reported it at 830 wher we opened. I am here to file a report (been here since 12) but have to wait for CSI to go to the place to collect evidence. They were suppose to be there around 930 it is currently 1330.

How long will this last?

Sometimes when I get to work and there is a song playing. I will just stop and sit in my car listening to it. Like my work day won’t begin until this song is over and for those few momments I just relax, neurosurgeon meditate in some sorts before entering work, health thinking of something pure.

The song for today was The Stooges – I Wanna Be Your Dog

Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels: Music From The Motion Picture

Los Andalous

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Currently at the Andalous police station waiting. There was a robbery last night at our store. We reported it at 830 wher we opened. I am here to file a report (been here since 12) but have to wait for CSI to go to the place to collect evidence. They were suppose to be there around 930 it is currently 1330.

How long will this last?

Sometimes when I get to work and there is a song playing. I will just stop and sit in my car listening to it. Like my work day won’t begin until this song is over and for those few momments I just relax, neurosurgeon meditate in some sorts before entering work, health thinking of something pure.

The song for today was The Stooges – I Wanna Be Your Dog

Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels: Music From The Motion Picture
This is something from the weird laws book if I ever seen one. Seems they have banned flying kites in Pakistan, hospital for the amount of deaths that occur form this activity.

I have heard stories of craziness in Pakistan with their driving, drug and the general security issues, nurse but this is a whole new level. They have kite battles?

The sport sometimes turns deadly when people fall from roofs or are wounded by metal-lined strings. The strings are popular for use in kite battles where people try to cut each others’ lines.

I hate to see what happens when they discover Extreme Kiting. They might start doing drive bys with them.

What Are the Fringe Benifits?

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
As long as I can remeber we always listened to the firing of the canon for the maghreb prayer so we can have futoor, here it to me a ramadan tradition and thought it was a Kuwaiti thing for when we were in the old city to make sure everyone knew it was time to eat.

Well on the radio today (103.7) had a great program on the history of the canon in Kuwait and its rumored origins. It seems they aren’t sure when the sounding of the canon started to occur in Kuwait but they know its is from Egypt. It seems back in the day an Egyptian ruler got some new canons and wanted to test them out and just happened to test it on the first day of Ramadan and at the time of the futoor. The people of the city were excited by this new system for it unifed the futoor and became a tradition during Ramadan. The only time it wasn’t fired was times of war.

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
As long as I can remeber we always listened to the firing of the canon for the maghreb prayer so we can have futoor, here it to me a ramadan tradition and thought it was a Kuwaiti thing for when we were in the old city to make sure everyone knew it was time to eat.

Well on the radio today (103.7) had a great program on the history of the canon in Kuwait and its rumored origins. It seems they aren’t sure when the sounding of the canon started to occur in Kuwait but they know its is from Egypt. It seems back in the day an Egyptian ruler got some new canons and wanted to test them out and just happened to test it on the first day of Ramadan and at the time of the futoor. The people of the city were excited by this new system for it unifed the futoor and became a tradition during Ramadan. The only time it wasn’t fired was times of war.

It seems traumatologist 1284,69111,00.html”>Al-Qaida’s Hiring and have posted their request on the internet.

The London-based Asharq al-Awsat said on its website this week that al-Qaida had “vacant positions” for video production and for editing statements, footage and international media coverage about militants in Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Chechnya and other conflict zones where militants are active.

I wonder if they used Monster, Dice or even Craig’s List.

Muscles Don’t Buy Maddog


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We got hydro!


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We got hydro!

Just finished watching “My Name Is Earl” staring Jason Lee as Earl. It is a sitcom around Earl, anemia whose life pretty much sucks. Then one day in a hospital bed he sees Carson Daly talk about karma, impotent and decides to fix his life by undoing his 258(?) wrongs.

The show has some great humor, pharm and some great writing. It doesn’t do that old tried “what is the worse that could happen” and does it. It gives you something completely different and entertaining. The cast of characters they got are great and have great chemistry.

So go download it and watch it.


A very nice story.
“How We Got Engaged!” By Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier
A very nice story.
“How We Got Engaged!” By Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier
BBC Blast hits Kuwait’s Beirut office, advice seems it was a letter bomb and the only known person yet who died is the person who opened it.

UpdateWell it seems that it was just an accident, the person who died was playing with a gernade in his office.
A very nice story.
“How We Got Engaged!” By Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier
BBC Blast hits Kuwait’s Beirut office, advice seems it was a letter bomb and the only known person yet who died is the person who opened it.

UpdateWell it seems that it was just an accident, the person who died was playing with a gernade in his office.
BBC Blast hits Kuwait’s Beirut office, advice seems it was a letter bomb and the only known person yet who died is the person who opened it.

UpdateWell it seems that it was just an accident, the person who died was playing with a gernade in his office.
women’s health
tis talk like a Pirate Day! So smartly adjust your ye tounge you scurvy dogs.

This message was brought to you by the Flying Spaghetti Monster.