As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.
I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.
Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.
I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.
Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

Just recently someone told me about writing notes on your books. To me this was a big “no no” since I was taught by that books are to be cherished, impotent read and respected. So that the next person down the line can enjoy them and appreciate the book. It took a big mind duck for me to actually write in a book and underline passages and points, but I finally did it.
I rebelled against 20 years of thought programming and it felt good. I enjoyed doing it, it made it fun and more than that I made notes for future reference and ideas that I want to look at later.
So just when I want to write about it and say how cool it is someone already did:
Lifehack Your Books: Dogear, Writing In Books, and Apologizing to Librarians. The only issue I have with this is the dog ears part. I dont know if I can actually do that. I’ve trained myself over the years to memorize where I left off either my remembering page number, or location.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.
I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.
Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

Just recently someone told me about writing notes on your books. To me this was a big “no no” since I was taught by that books are to be cherished, impotent read and respected. So that the next person down the line can enjoy them and appreciate the book. It took a big mind duck for me to actually write in a book and underline passages and points, but I finally did it.
I rebelled against 20 years of thought programming and it felt good. I enjoyed doing it, it made it fun and more than that I made notes for future reference and ideas that I want to look at later.
So just when I want to write about it and say how cool it is someone already did:
Lifehack Your Books: Dogear, Writing In Books, and Apologizing to Librarians. The only issue I have with this is the dog ears part. I dont know if I can actually do that. I’ve trained myself over the years to memorize where I left off either my remembering page number, or location.
So this morning was thinking of what album I should listen to today. Just wasn’t sure on my whole feel of the day and what I needed. So I get to my phone and see a sms from my friend Carl in Seattle completing the Perfect Day lyrics I sent him I think a week ago when someone mentioned sangria.
Carl and I would do amazing duets of this song in Spain and well everywhere, viagra buy we drove his then fiance (wife) crazy in Spain singing it. So I went to the album collection and busted out Lou Reed – Transformer.
This is a great album, pharmacy a real New York album. Drugs, viagra 100mg pimps, hustlers, spending a day in Central Park, just so much imagery and life in it, makes me remeber New York with a tear in my eye. I recall going to New York to see Tibet House Tribute Concenert in 2003 and one of the highlights was Lou Reed and we are all waiting backstage of the Carnegie Music Hall waiting for all the people to come so we can get pictures and autographs. I remeber when Lou came and just was mesmerized this guy was like a war hero. Face filled with wrinkles and lines, black leather jacket. The pictures dont do him justice for his presence was shock and awe. This was Lou Reed, Mr. New York.

As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.
World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.
I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.
Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

Just recently someone told me about writing notes on your books. To me this was a big “no no” since I was taught by that books are to be cherished, impotent read and respected. So that the next person down the line can enjoy them and appreciate the book. It took a big mind duck for me to actually write in a book and underline passages and points, but I finally did it.
I rebelled against 20 years of thought programming and it felt good. I enjoyed doing it, it made it fun and more than that I made notes for future reference and ideas that I want to look at later.
So just when I want to write about it and say how cool it is someone already did:
Lifehack Your Books: Dogear, Writing In Books, and Apologizing to Librarians. The only issue I have with this is the dog ears part. I dont know if I can actually do that. I’ve trained myself over the years to memorize where I left off either my remembering page number, or location.
So this morning was thinking of what album I should listen to today. Just wasn’t sure on my whole feel of the day and what I needed. So I get to my phone and see a sms from my friend Carl in Seattle completing the Perfect Day lyrics I sent him I think a week ago when someone mentioned sangria.
Carl and I would do amazing duets of this song in Spain and well everywhere, viagra buy we drove his then fiance (wife) crazy in Spain singing it. So I went to the album collection and busted out Lou Reed – Transformer.
This is a great album, pharmacy a real New York album. Drugs, viagra 100mg pimps, hustlers, spending a day in Central Park, just so much imagery and life in it, makes me remeber New York with a tear in my eye. I recall going to New York to see Tibet House Tribute Concenert in 2003 and one of the highlights was Lou Reed and we are all waiting backstage of the Carnegie Music Hall waiting for all the people to come so we can get pictures and autographs. I remeber when Lou came and just was mesmerized this guy was like a war hero. Face filled with wrinkles and lines, black leather jacket. The pictures dont do him justice for his presence was shock and awe. This was Lou Reed, Mr. New York.

I heard this album Atari Teenage Riot – Burn Berlin Burn in the summer of 97 in Vegas. A guy from Chicago had their bootleg CD and I was blown away. You had your evil house break beats, malady mixed in with punk lyrics and Japanese animation samples just for good measure then having the whole thing taken to 11. They still were released in Europe but not in US yet but damn did I want to get that CD as soon as it came out.
This is the music to start a revolution with. It is hard and entrances you to go out and Destory 2000 years of culture. I remeber seeing them when they opened for Rage Against the Machine and the kids were not in to it at all. This was so strange and weird for them. Also to note this was before Limp Bizkit or Korn really became popular for this sound of music was totaly in a whole new playing feild and they took down a couple notches.
I remeber that guy telling me how the band was big in Germany and some how got the Neo Nazi movement behind them due to their early songs about destruction, more about revolution and starting riots. So this one show in Berlin with Neo Nazi kids they released their new material totally against them and what they stand for and that started a riot in the show. But it did its work and proved what they really stood for.
This album wouldn’t be in my top 5 but is in my top 10. The raw emotion and music that is in it really pumps me up and just riles me and has me doing strange things in the car. I was listening to Delete Yourself at a traffic light and windows rolled down and head nodding, look left leg moving up and down hands in ready mosh pit fighting positions and this guy next to me just all confused and scared not sure what to make of what I was doing. Think he was trying to listen to pansy ass rock.
Which reminds me I need to get Alec Empire’s latest album.