England 20 Years Later

Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter that has been missing in Gaza since March 12th.

Alan Johnston banner
Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter that has been missing in Gaza since March 12th.

Alan Johnston banner
Off to England for the week. Arrived earlier today via Qatar Air. Slowly becoming my favorite/standard airline for trips. Just there connections availability and their services are great. Since I had to be in Manchester and it was the best option.

Currently in a place about 120km from Manchester in the country and it has been bliss. The weather here is just amazing cool and sunny. Really wonderful and such a change from the weather we been having in Kuwait. My lunch was outside and was just a wonderful experience, viagra order my body and brain just relaxed in ways I haven’t felt in ages.

There is some culture shock since the last time I was in England was around 20 years ago. So basing what I see from TV (news and shows) and what people have said. I can’t wait to get back to London and see what has changed there over the years, physiotherapy but that won’t be after I am done with work here.

Also update my blog theme, will be adding a LifeStream feature soon, but need some time to work on that and get out the bugs from the plugin.

1306.7 KM Later

Off to Bahrain for the weekend.

Off to Bahrain for the weekend.

Off to Bahrain for the weekend.

The cars ready for fueling

Came back to Kuwait around 20:30 last night. Really quick drive on the way back from bridge to border took us 2 and a half hours then it was a 40 minute ride to Kuwait City. I am still reeling from the trip, viagra
my brain was just broken today. Going to work I missed 4 exits. The traffic and turns just got to me. I was so used to just driving straight on without any cars around for so long it took me a while to adjust to Kuwait traffic.

The The Gulf Run was a great success. There were some little problems, but everyone came thru to help each other and work it out.

Heath and Frank

Just for the record since Arsenal fans suck.
Just for the record since Arsenal fans suck.

The Last Supper

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Barcelona 2 – 1 Arsenal.

I didn’t get to see the game cause I was at a business dinner at the Supper Club. Great place something different. You are on these matresses, sale and the only choice you have when you are there is either meat or vegeterian and they give you this wonderful 4 course meal.

It is a very relaxed place and well different. It really isn’t made for a bunch of men to go there, neuropathist it is better to have some female company to really get the feel for it. Yet for businessmen who are wanting a change and well a place to unwind it is it.

So I was at the dinner so didn’t get to see teh game, but got scores via my phone. I checked it at 60 minutes and saw that it was 1 for Arsenal, and figured that was it. No chance for Barcelona after all what I did to make sure they win.

Then I check it 20 minutes later and see 2 goals for Barcelona! It was great feeling really got my spirits up and all excited. The conssion of having Israeli flag by Kuwait one was small but it served a greater goal.

Today was a good day, accomplished a lot, personall and businessy, but regret one thing. I went to visit this factory and forgot to bring my postcards. It was an hour and so drive to there and back so I figured be good writing time. I go look in my bag and find I forgot them in my hotel.

The writing isn’t the hard part, cause it goes easy the hard part is writing the addresses. That always takes teh most time. Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow before I leave.

Just saw this movie on tv with Bill Murray playing that spy in England. You know it shows how amazing Murray is as an actor, he had me cracking up. Realy got a kick out of the movie. I hope he gets back to his comedy routes again and not let this Oscar stuff get to his head with drama roles.

I stopped by the bookstore earlier and picked some up to throw at people but gotmyself the Charles Bukowski – Women. I really loved his last book Fctotum and want more.

Bags are packed, well not really packed more threw everything in it and just wanted to forget about it. I love packing for the way home it is the best you dont have to fold or think about where to put the dirty and clean. Just toss it all in and close the zipper and forget about it til you get home. So can’t wait to head home.

Well getting tired, better hit the sack its 2am here and better get some rest need to be up in 6 hours.

See you back in Kuwait.

Just for the record since Arsenal fans suck.

The Last Supper

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Barcelona 2 – 1 Arsenal.

I didn’t get to see the game cause I was at a business dinner at the Supper Club. Great place something different. You are on these matresses, sale and the only choice you have when you are there is either meat or vegeterian and they give you this wonderful 4 course meal.

It is a very relaxed place and well different. It really isn’t made for a bunch of men to go there, neuropathist it is better to have some female company to really get the feel for it. Yet for businessmen who are wanting a change and well a place to unwind it is it.

So I was at the dinner so didn’t get to see teh game, but got scores via my phone. I checked it at 60 minutes and saw that it was 1 for Arsenal, and figured that was it. No chance for Barcelona after all what I did to make sure they win.

Then I check it 20 minutes later and see 2 goals for Barcelona! It was great feeling really got my spirits up and all excited. The conssion of having Israeli flag by Kuwait one was small but it served a greater goal.

Today was a good day, accomplished a lot, personall and businessy, but regret one thing. I went to visit this factory and forgot to bring my postcards. It was an hour and so drive to there and back so I figured be good writing time. I go look in my bag and find I forgot them in my hotel.

The writing isn’t the hard part, cause it goes easy the hard part is writing the addresses. That always takes teh most time. Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow before I leave.

Just saw this movie on tv with Bill Murray playing that spy in England. You know it shows how amazing Murray is as an actor, he had me cracking up. Realy got a kick out of the movie. I hope he gets back to his comedy routes again and not let this Oscar stuff get to his head with drama roles.

I stopped by the bookstore earlier and picked some up to throw at people but gotmyself the Charles Bukowski – Women. I really loved his last book Fctotum and want more.

Bags are packed, well not really packed more threw everything in it and just wanted to forget about it. I love packing for the way home it is the best you dont have to fold or think about where to put the dirty and clean. Just toss it all in and close the zipper and forget about it til you get home. So can’t wait to head home.

Well getting tired, better hit the sack its 2am here and better get some rest need to be up in 6 hours.

See you back in Kuwait.

Currently in London’s Heathrow airport, pathopsychology chilling at the lounge, sickness it is strangely empty, so used to the full lounge of Frankfurt.

Little note about me I had two computers, and was going to start a network in my place and decided to have a naming scheme after airports, so I had one named Heath(row) and the other Frank(furt). I enjoyed it.

So tired in a drained out sort of way. Traveling and worrying about catching the flight from Schipol got to me, and it was delayed a bit (more like an hour). If it wasn’t delayed I would have hopped a train to London and visit my old stomping grounds. I haven’t been here since 87/88 so would like to come back before it hits 20 years of being away.

Terminal 3 is one big strip mall everything is here, I wandered around a bit to get a feel for it, but found nothing entertaining and it is all packed together.So you see it all quickly. This is good for passengers with short wait times, but people like me I am ready to shoot myself in the head I have been here less an hour.

One thing that really excited me when landing was the Airbust A380. Today was it’s maiden flight and I saw it in the terminal when we were docking to our gate. The passengers in our plane were tilting to the lift side to get a glimpse of it. I was in awe.

A plane like that is something new, different and you hear so much about it seeing it there is impressive. Then whe I was moving from terminal 4 to 3 I passed by it and the landing crew were all over it on the ground, even people in chefs uniforms were looking at it. I can’t wait to fly on it. It will be an experience.

I am going to wander around a bit, the ticket counter should be opening soon so I can get my boarding pass and should do that as soon as possible.

So Long Everybody I Gotta Go

I’ve seen the Future and it is the The Croquet Project. I can’t really explain how Croquet works or the system behind it. Just check out the Quicktime tutorial demo and just download it and try it for yourself.

Note that is this a beta and once this gets going it will change you whole internet experience.
I’ve seen the Future and it is the The Croquet Project. I can’t really explain how Croquet works or the system behind it. Just check out the Quicktime tutorial demo and just download it and try it for yourself.

Note that is this a beta and once this gets going it will change you whole internet experience.

I’ve seen the Future and it is the The Croquet Project. I can’t really explain how Croquet works or the system behind it. Just check out the Quicktime tutorial demo and just download it and try it for yourself.

Note that is this a beta and once this gets going it will change you whole internet experience.

Traveling again, unhealthy
this time just to Amsterdam, buy
but doing it the weird strange way of Qatar Airways. KWI – DOH – LHR – AMS. It is worth trying it out, sick so far I am excited over the new lounge for Kuwait Airways. The Dasman Lounge. It is really really nice, a lot better than that old one. It has some style and elegance to it and a Costa Coffee! It is free, but no to go cups.

This trip feels weird, so not prepared for it mentally or clothing wise. Packed last night and then again at 6am this morning. Either way if I need anything extra there is always the stores, got all the essentials.

I picked up this amazing headphones at the duty free, costs like 2kd (cheapest ones they got) but sounds great and comes with this MP3 strap and neck holder. I ike it for it keeps everything together and dont have to worry about long wires, just hang it around my neck and just listen. Good for the plane trip and other rides.

The book I got with me is Utopia. It is small and light and seems like a fun read. One thing I love to visit in Amsterdam is the bookstores there. Some people frequent the red light district and coffee shops, I go to the book store. I just love it. It is a simple 3 story building but it is wall to wall books. I spend a lot of time there going throught the shelves with the aroma of fresh books and just looking for anything that catches my eye.

The camera I got is my Minolta. I choose it since it was light and already had some film in it.

I just feel tired, dont really feel like smsing people who wished me well on my travel, but the loves is there and all that jazz.

See you all in a week.

Back for More

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about
Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about
Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Nothing much to write about. Awake early and got internet, more about
so figure its a good time to post. It is amusing to tell people you walk to places in Lebanon. We walked from the hotel to this place called Basement. Got bad directions s owe wandered around, order crossing traffic and then we find out that it is closed, approved
so we have to walk back to Virgin. Then just said screw it and since it was Sunday off to Mono St. We saw a place that had kareoke and was going to attend it but I really need to use the bathroom so went to this one that was empty.
One thing I didnt go in to detail about yesterday was the play “Gibran and the Prophet”.
Like most plays it gives a zeitgeist of the feeling and thoughts of a nation. I always read Rampurples posts and she keeps me updated with news of Lebanon but really I never understood what was it all about. I saw her passoin, loyalties and thoughts in the subject. She would recount stories of the villages she visited, the people she would meet and the lifestyle there. Yesterday it all made sense with Gibrans You have Your Lebanon, and I have Mine.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about
Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Nothing much to write about. Awake early and got internet, more about
so figure its a good time to post. It is amusing to tell people you walk to places in Lebanon. We walked from the hotel to this place called Basement. Got bad directions s owe wandered around, order crossing traffic and then we find out that it is closed, approved
so we have to walk back to Virgin. Then just said screw it and since it was Sunday off to Mono St. We saw a place that had kareoke and was going to attend it but I really need to use the bathroom so went to this one that was empty.
One thing I didnt go in to detail about yesterday was the play “Gibran and the Prophet”.
Like most plays it gives a zeitgeist of the feeling and thoughts of a nation. I always read Rampurples posts and she keeps me updated with news of Lebanon but really I never understood what was it all about. I saw her passoin, loyalties and thoughts in the subject. She would recount stories of the villages she visited, the people she would meet and the lifestyle there. Yesterday it all made sense with Gibrans You have Your Lebanon, and I have Mine.
Back in Kuwait. Weather is strange in the airport saw the mix of winter and summer. Guess we “Shayfee” weather again.

On the way back my brother was giving us a tour of Kuwait just like our drive did for Lebanon and was giving places Lebanese sounding names. I told him we are in Kuwait we dont have cool names for places they are all named after Al-Sabah or another. So we started adding “Al-Sabah” to all those Lebanese places.

Solidare Al-Sabah
Fraya Mubarak Al-Sabah
Shareg Mono Ahmed Al-Sabah

You’d think with all our history, healing and people we could come up with much cooler names for areas and streets. I think we should name some areas after famous shipping boats from the trader years. Cause one thing about naming stuff after one name structure is that it gets really confusing giving directions to those places.

My Lebanon

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about
Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about
Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Nothing much to write about. Awake early and got internet, more about
so figure its a good time to post. It is amusing to tell people you walk to places in Lebanon. We walked from the hotel to this place called Basement. Got bad directions s owe wandered around, order crossing traffic and then we find out that it is closed, approved
so we have to walk back to Virgin. Then just said screw it and since it was Sunday off to Mono St. We saw a place that had kareoke and was going to attend it but I really need to use the bathroom so went to this one that was empty.
One thing I didnt go in to detail about yesterday was the play “Gibran and the Prophet”.
Like most plays it gives a zeitgeist of the feeling and thoughts of a nation. I always read Rampurples posts and she keeps me updated with news of Lebanon but really I never understood what was it all about. I saw her passoin, loyalties and thoughts in the subject. She would recount stories of the villages she visited, the people she would meet and the lifestyle there. Yesterday it all made sense with Gibrans You have Your Lebanon, and I have Mine.

Where the Cedar Falls

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about
Had a great night out in Beirut, buy more about just no time to post about it. So the rumors of my return are false. I got picked up by my friend and headed down to the CV for some dinner and a good time. I really enjoy driving around the city and even walking in it just the mix of shapes and colors in the buildings and the feeling of life you get from them really wonderful. This feeling also exists in the inside of these buildings.
We headed to Mono [sp?] street and found some hole in the wall pub an djust hanged out for a while. It is really great to have one street just dedicated to the pubs and such, ailment makes it easier to find friends and other places to go when one is full or just not the right feeling. While at the pub some old friends came and also met some new ones. It was one fun time trading stories and singing a long to the music and recounting history. Also I got to experience the famous Lebanese dancing on the bar ritual. The song was Time goes by – Madonna and since I am sucker for peer pressure I hopped on their with my friend and just went at it. I also would like to take this time to thank all the strippers I’ve seen in action for teaching me how to pole dance. I really couldn’t have done it without them.
After that we decided it was time to go dancing! So we headed out ot BO18, unhealthy which is spectacular. I also always heard of this place and their roof and to get to see it and with the roof open was really great. We had a great time there just dancing the rest of the night away. I was in a different state, just with my circle of new and old friends and that was my world. The rest of the club really didn’t exist We were just having such a good time.
I dont remember when I got back home since I didn’t have to drive up that mountain road, I was just out of it. I was so tired and slept all the way up and sleep walked to my hotel room. I was just gone. All I recall is that as soon as I hit the bed my brother started this broken record telling me to wake up. Out of spite I stayed in bed. I really needed to go to the bathroom but didn’t move out of the bed. If it is war he wanted, war he got.
That was a quiet day, saw friends up in the slopes and had a really good grease bomb of a burger.
Today in Beirut and wandered around the Solidare, really need to get lost here. I love getting lost in a city and just taking pictures and observing the people and how they integrate with the architecture. You get such a wonderufl feel for the place that way. You understand it better. The reaon for the people’s actions and if that is based on the souroundings, or that that souroundings affect the people.
One cool thing for Lebanon history is I saw the “Prophet and Gibran” play.
More exploring tonight and tomorrow. Friend recommended this place called Basement and that seems to be chill to hang out and take it easy.

Sex in the Mountains

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Just got done with some great sking. It really feels great to be back on the slopes again. We got an instructor to guide us for the mountains and well he been teaching us some great stuff. I haven’t have an someone to teach me to ski in a while, symptoms and haven’t skied in over a year so it was very helpful. It was all about flow and well letting your skis take over and move you, approved instead of you forcing to move them. It took a while for me to get mind wrapped around the idea of just letting go.
It took the whole day but by the end I had it down. I was carving down the mountain in full speed with just slight tilt of the knee to the left and right for movement. It felt great just to speed down and move. I just love that feeling. That flow of the whole body moving in a rythem. No thought, just body and flow it is a wonderful feeling just to relax for it and feel that heat in your body and the cold wind on your face.
Tonight to Beirut and burn up downtown. Aiming for that Dunkin Donuts experience I keep hearing about