Back from the Run

Just got back from GulfRun. For my random updates and info on what happened and what I did you can check it out on my

I am sure Zdistrict and Mark will be writing up more posts with pictures soon. I know that Z has 8 posts he plans to write.

Oh and Mark doesn’t like to share his toothpaste or toothbrush. He kept hiding them in a different spot every night so that I wouldn’t use them. That rat bastard!

1306.7 KM Later

Off to Bahrain for the weekend.

Off to Bahrain for the weekend.

Off to Bahrain for the weekend.

The cars ready for fueling

Came back to Kuwait around 20:30 last night. Really quick drive on the way back from bridge to border took us 2 and a half hours then it was a 40 minute ride to Kuwait City. I am still reeling from the trip, viagra
my brain was just broken today. Going to work I missed 4 exits. The traffic and turns just got to me. I was so used to just driving straight on without any cars around for so long it took me a while to adjust to Kuwait traffic.

The The Gulf Run was a great success. There were some little problems, but everyone came thru to help each other and work it out. Blocked in Bahrain

I felt it was going to rain today around 5 and at .825 this evening it gave a salight drizzle.

Summer is finally over Fall has started!
I felt it was going to rain today around 5 and at .825 this evening it gave a salight drizzle.

Summer is finally over Fall has started!
I felt it was going to rain today around 5 and at .825 this evening it gave a salight drizzle.

Summer is finally over Fall has started! has been blocked!. If you dont know Mahmood he is a prominent Bahraini blogger a good friend and for some reason the Bahrain Ministry of Information has blocked his website in Bahrain.

This has always been something we worry and joke about in our area, order but with this one I sense it will not simply pushed under the rug. They really dont know who they are messing with. This only makes his messages louder and strong and to more people.

Now everyone in Bahrain and outside will know about his blog his ideas and the injustices that occurring in Bahrain.

So spread his website to everyone you know make this known!

Boycott Egypt

Morning Coffe

I got maybe 3 hours of sleep.

Morning Coffe

I got maybe 3 hours of sleep.

Old draft wrote it in May 18 2005 at 12:02 figured should publish itThe New York Times is going to paid subscribtion service for their op-ed and news columnists. So all you Friedman fans will have to pay to read his articles now.
It is a strange week, illness just after CNN removed their subscrition service, info and LA times did the same just earlier this year, website like this NY Times has to go backwards.
I dont know who is going to pay for this service, cause I know I won’t. Salon tried the subscrition service route for their premium content and just kept losing money and they didn’t get a profit til they they removed that divide. Now they still have subscriber service but that just removes ads and gives a couple extra perks.
The problem with the internet and subscrition service is that people dont like to pay for something they can’t hold or own in their hand especially when they are just going to read it for 5 minutes when they are sitting on a computer. When people buy magazines and news papers its not just for the content but the portablity of it. I can access the internet on my phone and read websites, but I still buy magazines cause I can take it with me anywhere and easily share it with my friends.
What the NY Times needs to do is what I told Salon create a printable version of their content in a magazine form. And now with syndicated feeds becoming more popular you can create your own news paper. Imagine picking and choose what you read in a paper and have it printed in the morning like a podcast and take it with you.

Morning Coffe

I got maybe 3 hours of sleep.

Old draft wrote it in May 18 2005 at 12:02 figured should publish itThe New York Times is going to paid subscribtion service for their op-ed and news columnists. So all you Friedman fans will have to pay to read his articles now.
It is a strange week, illness just after CNN removed their subscrition service, info and LA times did the same just earlier this year, website like this NY Times has to go backwards.
I dont know who is going to pay for this service, cause I know I won’t. Salon tried the subscrition service route for their premium content and just kept losing money and they didn’t get a profit til they they removed that divide. Now they still have subscriber service but that just removes ads and gives a couple extra perks.
The problem with the internet and subscrition service is that people dont like to pay for something they can’t hold or own in their hand especially when they are just going to read it for 5 minutes when they are sitting on a computer. When people buy magazines and news papers its not just for the content but the portablity of it. I can access the internet on my phone and read websites, but I still buy magazines cause I can take it with me anywhere and easily share it with my friends.
What the NY Times needs to do is what I told Salon create a printable version of their content in a magazine form. And now with syndicated feeds becoming more popular you can create your own news paper. Imagine picking and choose what you read in a paper and have it printed in the morning like a podcast and take it with you.
Old draft wrote it in May 18 2005 at 12:02 figured should publish itThe New York Times is going to paid subscribtion service for their op-ed and news columnists. So all you Friedman fans will have to pay to read his articles now.
It is a strange week, illness just after CNN removed their subscrition service, info and LA times did the same just earlier this year, website like this NY Times has to go backwards.
I dont know who is going to pay for this service, cause I know I won’t. Salon tried the subscrition service route for their premium content and just kept losing money and they didn’t get a profit til they they removed that divide. Now they still have subscriber service but that just removes ads and gives a couple extra perks.
The problem with the internet and subscrition service is that people dont like to pay for something they can’t hold or own in their hand especially when they are just going to read it for 5 minutes when they are sitting on a computer. When people buy magazines and news papers its not just for the content but the portablity of it. I can access the internet on my phone and read websites, but I still buy magazines cause I can take it with me anywhere and easily share it with my friends.
What the NY Times needs to do is what I told Salon create a printable version of their content in a magazine form. And now with syndicated feeds becoming more popular you can create your own news paper. Imagine picking and choose what you read in a paper and have it printed in the morning like a podcast and take it with you.
Just want to share two things that are going on in the Arabosphere:

  • Boycott Batelco

    Batelco has revised the Broadband Internet (ADSL) packages so that there aren’t any more unlimited usage packages. This means you will be charged extra the more you use your Internet connection, pharmacy
    with no option to pay a flat fee.

  • Free Alaa

    On Saturday (May 7), Alaa was arrested with a group of activists during a peaceful demonstration outside a Cairo courthouse. The rally denounced disciplinary hearings for two reform judges and arrests of protestors at previous demonstrations. Alaa and a group of other demonstrators were cornered by Egyptian police, and security agents then apparently handpicked individual protestors for arrest.

  • It is interesting to see how other countries to compare them to your own.

    The GCC ID

    Saw this link: Saudis, sovaldi sale Omanis Can Visit Each Other Without Passports. Which is great finally Saudi is opening up their borders and joining the rest of the GCC countries in the passport optional borders.

    Then I read down to this paragraph stating that we will soon have a universal ID for all GCC countries:

    Plans are also under way to issue a unified GCC identity card. The new electronic card will use smart card technology with common security features, applications and accessing devices. The main feature of the card, which will have both the GCC and the member country’s logos, is the “interoperability,” making its features readable in all member states.

    This will be very interesting approach. I am worried from a couple points on this.

    • Who will own the data?
    • This is going to be the major force on this, will the data for each ID be located in respective country, and then accessed when needed, or mirrored to each country, or the scary part having a central server with all this information.

    • What data be stored in the smart card?
    • Smart cards are secure to some degree but can be hacked and manipulated, and in the wrong hands someone can easily access all your data on them. Such as medical records, crimnal report, and other personal data.

    I for one am all for a GCC ID. It will really help us in trade and touristic opputunities. I can go to any GCC country open a business or rent an apartment without hassle or issue.

    Is There a Make Up?

    Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

    Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

    Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

    Foreign Policy has released a new index of Failed States. It list countries that have internal and external struggles that are causing trouble to the government and failing as a provider for their people.

    They use 12 social and economic, generic
    political and military indicators to bring this list of 60 countries.

    Arab Countries on the list:
    4) Iraq
    28) Syria
    36) Lebanon
    38) Egypt
    45) Saudi Arabia
    51) Bahrain

    I am really suprised that Bahrain on the list, story
    but according to them they have high marks in the Uneven Development, Delegitimization of State, and Security Apparatus.

    I would really like to see a complete list and see where Kuwait is on the list.