Go Joe!

DJ Shadow in Kuwait

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Cool that he opened a shop here more creative freedom.

DJ Shadow in Kuwait

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Cool that he opened a shop here more creative freedom.

I loved watching GI Joe when I was a kid and had the toys, ailment and all the stuff. It was a one of the fixtures of our lives in the 80s. Yet the 80s was a very long time ago and our memory has become swiss cheese in blocking out certain songs and events from that period.

Wel this website: Complete Guide to G. I. Joe: A Real American Hero is your answer! This guy has everything about GI Joes. Ever wanted to know the numbers and statistics of them, or even their ranking system, or cartoon exclusive characters and equipment .

The level of dedication to them is amazing. I keep reading more and more and just can’t believe this guy spent time not just writing this, but actually getting this information.


A very nice story.
“How We Got Engaged!” By Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier
A very nice story.
“How We Got Engaged!” By Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier
BBC Blast hits Kuwait’s Beirut office, advice seems it was a letter bomb and the only known person yet who died is the person who opened it.

UpdateWell it seems that it was just an accident, the person who died was playing with a gernade in his office.
A very nice story.
“How We Got Engaged!” By Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier
BBC Blast hits Kuwait’s Beirut office, advice seems it was a letter bomb and the only known person yet who died is the person who opened it.

UpdateWell it seems that it was just an accident, the person who died was playing with a gernade in his office.
BBC Blast hits Kuwait’s Beirut office, advice seems it was a letter bomb and the only known person yet who died is the person who opened it.

UpdateWell it seems that it was just an accident, the person who died was playing with a gernade in his office.
women’s health
tis talk like a Pirate Day! So smartly adjust your ye tounge you scurvy dogs.

This message was brought to you by the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Oh No Lemmings!


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Went to graveyard in the afternoon to attend a burial. The place grows & grows. There were 5 burials going on at the same timc


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Went to graveyard in the afternoon to attend a burial. The place grows & grows. There were 5 burials going on at the same timc

I been wanting to do one of these for ages, gerontologist especially before my upgrade to Tiger so I can remember what to install again. Luckily Om Malek started a meme on his top ten Mac apps. I posted a comment on my 10, symptoms but after some consideration I revised mine, nurse and added more info and my reasons for it and here it is:

Quicksilver: I dont know how my Mac usage would be without this great app. It just allows me to do everything from the keyboard. I can open files, launch/quit applications, access my bookmarks, have a clipboard catalog and just so much more. If this isn’t in your Applications folder then you are really missing out.

Adium: This is the best chat client for Mac. It just works. One feature that I love is the chat window with Tabs. So instead of having multiple chat windows scattered all over my screen I have just one with tabs in the bottom of the people who I am talking to. A quick Apple Left/Right allows me to switch between them. Also that it supports almost every type of IM system is also an added plus.

TextWrangler: BBedit’s younger brother, but still a powerful and rich text editor. I like using this editor for its ability to open and saves on remote servers, and having a tabbed option. This allows me to access a file on the server, while keeping a control copy on my side to compare what I am doing with what is happening. And to make sure what I am doing is right, it has syntax coloring. These features haven’t even scratched the surface of what it can really do.

OmniWeb: This is my offical web broswer. I can talk about it features over and over again, but if you have to ask, then you wouldn’t understand.

NetNewsWire Lite: I love this RSS aggregator it is light, quick and easy on the eyes, and takes very little CPU and its FREE! It is so simple to use, just hitting Spacebar to move from post to post and if it is a long post it does a page down.

iTerm: I love Terminal.app I am on the CLI regularly, either accessing my servers, or chatting on IRC, but it has its restrictions, like no ANSI, or the PageUp/Down options; so it can be quite aggravating. iTerm fixes all those little problems and gives you much more like tabbed options and bookmarks.

Cocoalicious: I am a del.icio.us fiend. I have the bookmarklet on all my browsers. It is really the only way to bookmark for me now. I enjoy it since I can maneuver from multiple PCs, and browsers and still have my bookmarks. Also it allows me to continue reading what I started somewhere else. Since all my browsers support RSS they are a quick click away. Yet the main issue I have is trying to find old bookmarks, or even just categorizing my new ones properly. Cocoalicious allows me to access my bookmarks on my Mac. It sorts them as tags, or I can for search them, then edit them on the fly from the program without having to visit del.icio.us to do it.

Growl: Growl isn’t an app per se, but a system notification utility. I currently have it setup to inform me when I receive new IMs in Adium, this way I dont have to flip over to the other desktop to see what that person said. I also have it to inform me when I receive new mail and it shows From, Subject, and a few lines from the message. Also I have it with Dictionary, just Apple-F and it will lookup the word and inform me of the definition without having to actually open Dictionary.app and see it. Growl has a lot of features for many more apps, but this is what I just use it for.

Services Manager: I dont know how this little program existed under the radar for so long. This thing is a savior. When OSX first came out and that services menu was all shiny and simple. You could do quick web searches, create text documents from selected text etc with just a keystroke. Yet as more and more programs incorporated their options to the Services menu and it just got all cluttered. This program will remove that clutter, and redefine the keystrokes to access them. According to some people your boot time will also get faster since OSX isn’t checking for services that are on if you have many applications.

Desktop Manager, this I can consider my killer app for mac usage. I just love the ability to have more than one desktop active. I currently have 3 desktops. One just for my web sufring, the other for messaging (IM, Mail etc) and the other misc for Finder, and other apps. So switching between them is a breeze just a quick key stroke and some cool visualazation and I am on another desktop with those active apps. This is great if you are a power user, or have a small screen like a laptop and running too many windows and can’t conentrate on each one.

Notable Mentions:
VLC, mPlayer, MacStumbler, Smultron, Imagewell, TinkerTool, X Resource Graph, SideTrack.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Went to graveyard in the afternoon to attend a burial. The place grows & grows. There were 5 burials going on at the same timc

I been wanting to do one of these for ages, gerontologist especially before my upgrade to Tiger so I can remember what to install again. Luckily Om Malek started a meme on his top ten Mac apps. I posted a comment on my 10, symptoms but after some consideration I revised mine, nurse and added more info and my reasons for it and here it is:

Quicksilver: I dont know how my Mac usage would be without this great app. It just allows me to do everything from the keyboard. I can open files, launch/quit applications, access my bookmarks, have a clipboard catalog and just so much more. If this isn’t in your Applications folder then you are really missing out.

Adium: This is the best chat client for Mac. It just works. One feature that I love is the chat window with Tabs. So instead of having multiple chat windows scattered all over my screen I have just one with tabs in the bottom of the people who I am talking to. A quick Apple Left/Right allows me to switch between them. Also that it supports almost every type of IM system is also an added plus.

TextWrangler: BBedit’s younger brother, but still a powerful and rich text editor. I like using this editor for its ability to open and saves on remote servers, and having a tabbed option. This allows me to access a file on the server, while keeping a control copy on my side to compare what I am doing with what is happening. And to make sure what I am doing is right, it has syntax coloring. These features haven’t even scratched the surface of what it can really do.

OmniWeb: This is my offical web broswer. I can talk about it features over and over again, but if you have to ask, then you wouldn’t understand.

NetNewsWire Lite: I love this RSS aggregator it is light, quick and easy on the eyes, and takes very little CPU and its FREE! It is so simple to use, just hitting Spacebar to move from post to post and if it is a long post it does a page down.

iTerm: I love Terminal.app I am on the CLI regularly, either accessing my servers, or chatting on IRC, but it has its restrictions, like no ANSI, or the PageUp/Down options; so it can be quite aggravating. iTerm fixes all those little problems and gives you much more like tabbed options and bookmarks.

Cocoalicious: I am a del.icio.us fiend. I have the bookmarklet on all my browsers. It is really the only way to bookmark for me now. I enjoy it since I can maneuver from multiple PCs, and browsers and still have my bookmarks. Also it allows me to continue reading what I started somewhere else. Since all my browsers support RSS they are a quick click away. Yet the main issue I have is trying to find old bookmarks, or even just categorizing my new ones properly. Cocoalicious allows me to access my bookmarks on my Mac. It sorts them as tags, or I can for search them, then edit them on the fly from the program without having to visit del.icio.us to do it.

Growl: Growl isn’t an app per se, but a system notification utility. I currently have it setup to inform me when I receive new IMs in Adium, this way I dont have to flip over to the other desktop to see what that person said. I also have it to inform me when I receive new mail and it shows From, Subject, and a few lines from the message. Also I have it with Dictionary, just Apple-F and it will lookup the word and inform me of the definition without having to actually open Dictionary.app and see it. Growl has a lot of features for many more apps, but this is what I just use it for.

Services Manager: I dont know how this little program existed under the radar for so long. This thing is a savior. When OSX first came out and that services menu was all shiny and simple. You could do quick web searches, create text documents from selected text etc with just a keystroke. Yet as more and more programs incorporated their options to the Services menu and it just got all cluttered. This program will remove that clutter, and redefine the keystrokes to access them. According to some people your boot time will also get faster since OSX isn’t checking for services that are on if you have many applications.

Desktop Manager, this I can consider my killer app for mac usage. I just love the ability to have more than one desktop active. I currently have 3 desktops. One just for my web sufring, the other for messaging (IM, Mail etc) and the other misc for Finder, and other apps. So switching between them is a breeze just a quick key stroke and some cool visualazation and I am on another desktop with those active apps. This is great if you are a power user, or have a small screen like a laptop and running too many windows and can’t conentrate on each one.

Notable Mentions:
VLC, mPlayer, MacStumbler, Smultron, Imagewell, TinkerTool, X Resource Graph, SideTrack.
I been wanting to do one of these for ages, gerontologist especially before my upgrade to Tiger so I can remember what to install again. Luckily Om Malek started a meme on his top ten Mac apps. I posted a comment on my 10, symptoms but after some consideration I revised mine, nurse and added more info and my reasons for it and here it is:

Quicksilver: I dont know how my Mac usage would be without this great app. It just allows me to do everything from the keyboard. I can open files, launch/quit applications, access my bookmarks, have a clipboard catalog and just so much more. If this isn’t in your Applications folder then you are really missing out.

Adium: This is the best chat client for Mac. It just works. One feature that I love is the chat window with Tabs. So instead of having multiple chat windows scattered all over my screen I have just one with tabs in the bottom of the people who I am talking to. A quick Apple Left/Right allows me to switch between them. Also that it supports almost every type of IM system is also an added plus.

TextWrangler: BBedit’s younger brother, but still a powerful and rich text editor. I like using this editor for its ability to open and saves on remote servers, and having a tabbed option. This allows me to access a file on the server, while keeping a control copy on my side to compare what I am doing with what is happening. And to make sure what I am doing is right, it has syntax coloring. These features haven’t even scratched the surface of what it can really do.

OmniWeb: This is my offical web broswer. I can talk about it features over and over again, but if you have to ask, then you wouldn’t understand.

NetNewsWire Lite: I love this RSS aggregator it is light, quick and easy on the eyes, and takes very little CPU and its FREE! It is so simple to use, just hitting Spacebar to move from post to post and if it is a long post it does a page down.

iTerm: I love Terminal.app I am on the CLI regularly, either accessing my servers, or chatting on IRC, but it has its restrictions, like no ANSI, or the PageUp/Down options; so it can be quite aggravating. iTerm fixes all those little problems and gives you much more like tabbed options and bookmarks.

Cocoalicious: I am a del.icio.us fiend. I have the bookmarklet on all my browsers. It is really the only way to bookmark for me now. I enjoy it since I can maneuver from multiple PCs, and browsers and still have my bookmarks. Also it allows me to continue reading what I started somewhere else. Since all my browsers support RSS they are a quick click away. Yet the main issue I have is trying to find old bookmarks, or even just categorizing my new ones properly. Cocoalicious allows me to access my bookmarks on my Mac. It sorts them as tags, or I can for search them, then edit them on the fly from the program without having to visit del.icio.us to do it.

Growl: Growl isn’t an app per se, but a system notification utility. I currently have it setup to inform me when I receive new IMs in Adium, this way I dont have to flip over to the other desktop to see what that person said. I also have it to inform me when I receive new mail and it shows From, Subject, and a few lines from the message. Also I have it with Dictionary, just Apple-F and it will lookup the word and inform me of the definition without having to actually open Dictionary.app and see it. Growl has a lot of features for many more apps, but this is what I just use it for.

Services Manager: I dont know how this little program existed under the radar for so long. This thing is a savior. When OSX first came out and that services menu was all shiny and simple. You could do quick web searches, create text documents from selected text etc with just a keystroke. Yet as more and more programs incorporated their options to the Services menu and it just got all cluttered. This program will remove that clutter, and redefine the keystrokes to access them. According to some people your boot time will also get faster since OSX isn’t checking for services that are on if you have many applications.

Desktop Manager, this I can consider my killer app for mac usage. I just love the ability to have more than one desktop active. I currently have 3 desktops. One just for my web sufring, the other for messaging (IM, Mail etc) and the other misc for Finder, and other apps. So switching between them is a breeze just a quick key stroke and some cool visualazation and I am on another desktop with those active apps. This is great if you are a power user, or have a small screen like a laptop and running too many windows and can’t conentrate on each one.

Notable Mentions:
VLC, mPlayer, MacStumbler, Smultron, Imagewell, TinkerTool, X Resource Graph, SideTrack.
Some guy had the time and energy to make the game Lemmings playable on your web browser. It is pretty cool, thumb
the levels are just like I remeber them, find
and comes with sound and such, but I have tried that since I have sound turned off.

So if your looking for some time to kill and feel nostaligic play some Lemmings!â„¢

Laugh a Bit

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Been so lazy lately, steroids just not in the mood to post, cheap find some good stuff and have some pics of things that I want to post, but just havent had the urge to just go and post it. Today forced me to get and do some online stuff due to the hack that happened. Also was due to laziness, didn’t upgrade wordpress to 1.5.2 or drupal to latest version. Didn’t even know Drupal had a major upgrade. Both those hacks were due to the xmlrpc call.
So need to do some fixes and updates and of course backups. I usually do just SQL backups, but Rami suggest doing full directory backups. I will start doing that, make some cron job and have it email it to my gmail account.
Had Wimpys in Nuzha earlier tonight, good stuff. Dont recall the old stuff tasted like, but this stuff was good.

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Been so lazy lately, steroids just not in the mood to post, cheap find some good stuff and have some pics of things that I want to post, but just havent had the urge to just go and post it. Today forced me to get and do some online stuff due to the hack that happened. Also was due to laziness, didn’t upgrade wordpress to 1.5.2 or drupal to latest version. Didn’t even know Drupal had a major upgrade. Both those hacks were due to the xmlrpc call.
So need to do some fixes and updates and of course backups. I usually do just SQL backups, but Rami suggest doing full directory backups. I will start doing that, make some cron job and have it email it to my gmail account.
Had Wimpys in Nuzha earlier tonight, good stuff. Dont recall the old stuff tasted like, but this stuff was good.

Some of my favorites from the ailment ,2-2005400426, look 00.html”>The Edinburgh Fringe Festival

  • Cats have nine lives. Which makes them ideal for experimentation.

    Jimmy Carr

  • The dodo died. Then Dodi died, Di died and Dando died… Dido must be sh***ing herself.

    Colin & Fergus

  • It’s easy to distract fat people. It’s a piece of cake.

    Chris Addison

I for One Welcome Our New Diety

This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

First GTA San Andreas and now Nintendo Dogs! Will it ever stop!

Hot Biscuit Mod

Mark, ailment
I am going to borrow your DS and Nintendo dogs when your done.
This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

First GTA San Andreas and now Nintendo Dogs! Will it ever stop!

Hot Biscuit Mod

Mark, ailment
I am going to borrow your DS and Nintendo dogs when your done.
This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

First GTA San Andreas and now Nintendo Dogs! Will it ever stop!

Hot Biscuit Mod

Mark, ailment
I am going to borrow your DS and Nintendo dogs when your done.
I have renounced my all my previous religious affiliations and have decided to become a Pastafarian and accept the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I hope that we all join this new religion for the end is near if we dont all become pirates and stop hurricanes, cost
earth quakes and global warming.


Will Someone Think of the Children!

This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

This stuff is just sick and twisted!
Cats In Sinks

First GTA San Andreas and now Nintendo Dogs! Will it ever stop!

Hot Biscuit Mod

Mark, ailment
I am going to borrow your DS and Nintendo dogs when your done.