Go Postal at Work

Even thou this 10 part article: Dallas Food – What’s Noka Worth? is an expose on a certain brand of very over priced choclate the author goes in to great detail explaining the making of a choclate bar from the source to the bar.

It has really given me a real perspective on choclate the “real” price of it and what makes a good piece of choclate.
Even thou this 10 part article: Dallas Food – What’s Noka Worth? is an expose on a certain brand of very over priced choclate the author goes in to great detail explaining the making of a choclate bar from the source to the bar.

It has really given me a real perspective on choclate the “real” price of it and what makes a good piece of choclate.
You know the feeling, rehabilitation you are at work its dragging and dragging and you got that coworker/manager who just won’t give you a break. So you are left with one resort. They must die.

But you dont have any weapons to do it with. No matter with OfficeGuns you can make your own with just basic office supplies.

Be the MacGuyver/Jack Bauer of your work place.

Find Your Dead Celebrity Soulmate

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

I know it is sick to think about Taco Bell with their grade D meat and the soggy tortillas not to mention the exceptional staff. Yet you know all this when you go order the food, health it is in your mind and you somehow either deny or accept it and go with it. My favorites were the 3 soft taco combo, or the mexican pizza. Wait I think there was this combo that was the mexican pizza with like 2 soft tacos, damn that was good. Sometimes when I felt a bit zesty I’d order the 7 layer burrito without layers 3 and 5.

Then to top this all off I’d get a whole bunch of hot sauce, you know the stuff the ones that would remove the gunk and stuff from pennies and just smear it all inside the stuff. Secretly hoping that it would kill any of the ebola, botcholism or salmonella that may be in the food.

mmm I really do miss some Taco Bell.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

I know it is sick to think about Taco Bell with their grade D meat and the soggy tortillas not to mention the exceptional staff. Yet you know all this when you go order the food, health it is in your mind and you somehow either deny or accept it and go with it. My favorites were the 3 soft taco combo, or the mexican pizza. Wait I think there was this combo that was the mexican pizza with like 2 soft tacos, damn that was good. Sometimes when I felt a bit zesty I’d order the 7 layer burrito without layers 3 and 5.

Then to top this all off I’d get a whole bunch of hot sauce, you know the stuff the ones that would remove the gunk and stuff from pennies and just smear it all inside the stuff. Secretly hoping that it would kill any of the ebola, botcholism or salmonella that may be in the food.

mmm I really do miss some Taco Bell.
I know it is sick to think about Taco Bell with their grade D meat and the soggy tortillas not to mention the exceptional staff. Yet you know all this when you go order the food, health it is in your mind and you somehow either deny or accept it and go with it. My favorites were the 3 soft taco combo, or the mexican pizza. Wait I think there was this combo that was the mexican pizza with like 2 soft tacos, damn that was good. Sometimes when I felt a bit zesty I’d order the 7 layer burrito without layers 3 and 5.

Then to top this all off I’d get a whole bunch of hot sauce, you know the stuff the ones that would remove the gunk and stuff from pennies and just smear it all inside the stuff. Secretly hoping that it would kill any of the ebola, botcholism or salmonella that may be in the food.

mmm I really do miss some Taco Bell.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

I know it is sick to think about Taco Bell with their grade D meat and the soggy tortillas not to mention the exceptional staff. Yet you know all this when you go order the food, health it is in your mind and you somehow either deny or accept it and go with it. My favorites were the 3 soft taco combo, or the mexican pizza. Wait I think there was this combo that was the mexican pizza with like 2 soft tacos, damn that was good. Sometimes when I felt a bit zesty I’d order the 7 layer burrito without layers 3 and 5.

Then to top this all off I’d get a whole bunch of hot sauce, you know the stuff the ones that would remove the gunk and stuff from pennies and just smear it all inside the stuff. Secretly hoping that it would kill any of the ebola, botcholism or salmonella that may be in the food.

mmm I really do miss some Taco Bell.
I know it is sick to think about Taco Bell with their grade D meat and the soggy tortillas not to mention the exceptional staff. Yet you know all this when you go order the food, health it is in your mind and you somehow either deny or accept it and go with it. My favorites were the 3 soft taco combo, or the mexican pizza. Wait I think there was this combo that was the mexican pizza with like 2 soft tacos, damn that was good. Sometimes when I felt a bit zesty I’d order the 7 layer burrito without layers 3 and 5.

Then to top this all off I’d get a whole bunch of hot sauce, you know the stuff the ones that would remove the gunk and stuff from pennies and just smear it all inside the stuff. Secretly hoping that it would kill any of the ebola, botcholism or salmonella that may be in the food.

mmm I really do miss some Taco Bell.

Ever felt you can’t find that special someone? Well maybe it is because they are dead and you are out of luck then, anemia but just to be sure that you know what to look for check out: Dead Celebrity Soulmate Game from < Biography, they could match you up with someone.

My New Favorite Sport



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull

Let me introduce you to bossaball. Simply just imagine a volleyball game, nurse with a bouncy castle, and a trampoline in the middle.

Here is a clips of it in action.

This could easily replace soap football as the beach sport of Kuwait.

via Wonderland

My Brain Just Exploded

Tiredness sleep.

Tiredness sleep.

What a day; this was a full museum trifecta.

The first one that I went to was the Gezira Art Center: Musuem of Islamic Ceramics.

This was a great musuem that had ceramic art ranging from the Fatimiya/Abasyia period and the all the way till if I recall correctly the Ottoman empire.Really wonderful works you can see the many influnces from Persian and even Chinese art in thse pieces in terms of color and brush styles. There were two peices that caught my eye. One was a regular jug but the Persian writing was in reverse, drugs I pointed it out to the curator and even he was astonished bny it for he never noticed it. The other was more of a pcractical thing, some juges came with artistic war filtering system that would block debris in the water from coming out.

After this musuem it was the Mohammed Mahmood Khalil Musuem. This one is a totally different collection. It is based on Khalil private collection of contempary European art. There was a Van Gogh, Renior, Monet and many others. There was also a large collection of small Chinese boxes and I guess from the few that were opened had some religous or scenic thing.

After a light lunch it was time for the Musuem of Egyptian Modern Art and this was really overwhelming. I really can’t go into explaining or even capturing the stuff that is in here. They were filling the walls with art and it was so many. So many colors, shapes and styles. I was talking to the guy there and he told me there is even more in storage. Such a shame for it is great stuff, but just so much to take in at one sitting.

This is where I got a bit lost. I decided to walk to my hotel. I recalled from the taxi ride that the Marriot hotel, which is a great place to stay in Cairo. Good location, nice rooms (Zamalek Tower) and great facilities in food and others.

So I started walking, and walking and um walking. I asked a couple times and they said it was straight and I knew it was, but they also mentioned it was a long way and boy it was long.

But I enjoyed it I was checking out street signs and taking pictures of them. I was walking on Om Khaltom road and just kept taking pictures of the street sign and the cool or strange part was that each street sign had a differt stytle adn sometimes name for her. Either Mrs Om Khalthom or just Om Khalthom or just Arabic.

This also gave me a chacne to walk in to the Cairo neighborhoods and it is filled with some great life. Really feels just wodnerful walking in the city with the people livin gtheir lives around you.

I kept walking and finalyl think I got whereII needed to be and still felt lost, then I recall this building I took pictures of from my hotel room and it was infront of me and was just across the street. I got back around 8 and was dead tired.

Oh the picture that is attached has a strange story. The Islamic art musuem is located in an old castle/palace built around early 1900s and this watch was located in the upstairs bathroom by the sink where the mirror would be. It was just strange for it to be there and especially at that time.

Just read that syringe
23739, price
20349534-952,00.html”>Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin has died via a sting ray barb (the tail) while filming his latest documentary. Poor guy I always expected him to die via a mosquito bite, or in his home, but he died dramatically like his personality.

Just read that syringe
23739, price
20349534-952,00.html”>Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin has died via a sting ray barb (the tail) while filming his latest documentary. Poor guy I always expected him to die via a mosquito bite, or in his home, but he died dramatically like his personality.

Just read that syringe
23739, price
20349534-952,00.html”>Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin has died via a sting ray barb (the tail) while filming his latest documentary. Poor guy I always expected him to die via a mosquito bite, or in his home, but he died dramatically like his personality.

3DTRIS which is a clone of 3D Tetris Blockout clone written in flash.

I remember playing this game on my old 286 and it was on a 5.25 floppy drive, page
and was actually good at it if I recall correctly.

Now I cant even get 5 lines done. I think I need to get some practice in.

Brother Mario

Finally the explanation of why there is chocolate rabbitswith Easter
A Glimpse into the History of Easter Candy

Finally the explanation of why there is chocolate rabbitswith Easter
A Glimpse into the History of Easter Candy

Found this link that really had me chuckling and also questioning my memory when I was younger. It finds these strange similiarities of Mario Bros the game and communism.

Examples are:

  • Mario placing a red flag when finishing a stage
  • Mario wearing red
  • Mario’s resemblance to Stalin

There are some other but those were the ones that caught my eye, ambulance but check it out Communist Mario?

Thinking Inside the Box

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!
Here something that I been passing the time with, buy
it is calledCubeoban. It is a simple puzzle game where you move colors boxes to their respected spots.

I had some trouble in the beginning but once my mine clicked on it it went smoothly.

Tips: Move backwards and see where and what you can move to get it to its correct spot. And they are 30 levels.

Riddle Me This

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.