Go Postal at Work

Even thou this 10 part article: Dallas Food – What’s Noka Worth? is an expose on a certain brand of very over priced choclate the author goes in to great detail explaining the making of a choclate bar from the source to the bar.

It has really given me a real perspective on choclate the “real” price of it and what makes a good piece of choclate.
Even thou this 10 part article: Dallas Food – What’s Noka Worth? is an expose on a certain brand of very over priced choclate the author goes in to great detail explaining the making of a choclate bar from the source to the bar.

It has really given me a real perspective on choclate the “real” price of it and what makes a good piece of choclate.
You know the feeling, rehabilitation you are at work its dragging and dragging and you got that coworker/manager who just won’t give you a break. So you are left with one resort. They must die.

But you dont have any weapons to do it with. No matter with OfficeGuns you can make your own with just basic office supplies.

Be the MacGuyver/Jack Bauer of your work place.

Thinking Inside the Box

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!
Here something that I been passing the time with, buy
it is calledCubeoban. It is a simple puzzle game where you move colors boxes to their respected spots.

I had some trouble in the beginning but once my mine clicked on it it went smoothly.

Tips: Move backwards and see where and what you can move to get it to its correct spot. And they are 30 levels.

Riddle Me This

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.