Thinking Inside the Box

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!

Something for the Pain

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I dont know where you are Jimbo, sovaldi last I recall you ran off to Arizona. This one is for you man! We did it! Finally! I still remember that Sea Hawks hat you got me when they changed their logo. We finally did it! We were there when Moon was there, public health
when they blew up the King Dome, when they were at the UW Stadium and even Kitna. It was a long cold road for us when we were all alone back then, but we did it! We never lost faith!
Here something that I been passing the time with, buy
it is calledCubeoban. It is a simple puzzle game where you move colors boxes to their respected spots.

I had some trouble in the beginning but once my mine clicked on it it went smoothly.

Tips: Move backwards and see where and what you can move to get it to its correct spot. And they are 30 levels.

4 thoughts on “Thinking Inside the Box”

  1. It takes a while to have your mind in box mode, but once you get it. The game will move smoothly. Think at level 20 something was just stuck it was going no where and I forgot about it and then started talking to someone on the phone and then it just clicked.

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