What Are the Fringe Benifits?

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
As long as I can remeber we always listened to the firing of the canon for the maghreb prayer so we can have futoor, here it to me a ramadan tradition and thought it was a Kuwaiti thing for when we were in the old city to make sure everyone knew it was time to eat.

Well on the radio today (103.7) had a great program on the history of the canon in Kuwait and its rumored origins. It seems they aren’t sure when the sounding of the canon started to occur in Kuwait but they know its is from Egypt. It seems back in the day an Egyptian ruler got some new canons and wanted to test them out and just happened to test it on the first day of Ramadan and at the time of the futoor. The people of the city were excited by this new system for it unifed the futoor and became a tradition during Ramadan. The only time it wasn’t fired was times of war.

Ramadan Kareem All

As MC Hammer says

“We got to pray just to make it today”

This is the first time since 1942 that the Jewish new year and Ramadan have both started around the same time.

So, try L’shana tova (Happy Rosh Hashana).

And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us all with his noodly appendage during this holy time.
As long as I can remeber we always listened to the firing of the canon for the maghreb prayer so we can have futoor, here it to me a ramadan tradition and thought it was a Kuwaiti thing for when we were in the old city to make sure everyone knew it was time to eat.

Well on the radio today (103.7) had a great program on the history of the canon in Kuwait and its rumored origins. It seems they aren’t sure when the sounding of the canon started to occur in Kuwait but they know its is from Egypt. It seems back in the day an Egyptian ruler got some new canons and wanted to test them out and just happened to test it on the first day of Ramadan and at the time of the futoor. The people of the city were excited by this new system for it unifed the futoor and became a tradition during Ramadan. The only time it wasn’t fired was times of war.

It seems traumatologist 1284,69111,00.html”>Al-Qaida’s Hiring and have posted their request on the internet.

The London-based Asharq al-Awsat said on its website this week that al-Qaida had “vacant positions” for video production and for editing statements, footage and international media coverage about militants in Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Chechnya and other conflict zones where militants are active.

I wonder if they used Monster, Dice or even Craig’s List.

2 thoughts on “What Are the Fringe Benifits?”

  1. ja jdu domu, ty jdesh domu…..

    no just kidding….

    but is that add for real, there must be some kind of a trick to it……!!!

  2. Craig’s List is the Infidel List.
    There’s probably a ‘DurkaDurka Mohammad Jihad’ list out there that we sane Kuwaiti Muslims know nothing about.

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