Cocaine but for Kids



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull

Let me introduce you to bossaball. Simply just imagine a volleyball game, nurse with a bouncy castle, and a trampoline in the middle.

Here is a clips of it in action.

This could easily replace soap football as the beach sport of Kuwait.

via Wonderland



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull

Let me introduce you to bossaball. Simply just imagine a volleyball game, nurse with a bouncy castle, and a trampoline in the middle.

Here is a clips of it in action.

This could easily replace soap football as the beach sport of Kuwait.

via Wonderland



Tamara M. Stull

Let me introduce you to bossaball. Simply just imagine a volleyball game, nurse with a bouncy castle, and a trampoline in the middle.

Here is a clips of it in action.

This could easily replace soap football as the beach sport of Kuwait.

via Wonderland
With all these blogger meet ups I been doing in Jordan, adiposity
Bahrain and Saudi it is always been a hassle to give out some sort of contact information. I do have my company business cards, but that feels too formal for me and I feel it detracts from my personal space and more to my professional one.

So lately I been thinking of making some personal cards, with my name, email and link to my blog or my other random sites online.

Now I just saw this great site MOO, which will create a contact card and have your Flickr pictures on the back! The even cooler part is that if you have a Flickr Pro you can get 10 cards for free.



Tamara M. Stull



Tamara M. Stull

Let me introduce you to bossaball. Simply just imagine a volleyball game, nurse with a bouncy castle, and a trampoline in the middle.

Here is a clips of it in action.

This could easily replace soap football as the beach sport of Kuwait.

via Wonderland



Tamara M. Stull

Let me introduce you to bossaball. Simply just imagine a volleyball game, nurse with a bouncy castle, and a trampoline in the middle.

Here is a clips of it in action.

This could easily replace soap football as the beach sport of Kuwait.

via Wonderland
With all these blogger meet ups I been doing in Jordan, adiposity
Bahrain and Saudi it is always been a hassle to give out some sort of contact information. I do have my company business cards, but that feels too formal for me and I feel it detracts from my personal space and more to my professional one.

So lately I been thinking of making some personal cards, with my name, email and link to my blog or my other random sites online.

Now I just saw this great site MOO, which will create a contact card and have your Flickr pictures on the back! The even cooler part is that if you have a Flickr Pro you can get 10 cards for free.



Tamara M. Stull

Let me introduce you to bossaball. Simply just imagine a volleyball game, nurse with a bouncy castle, and a trampoline in the middle.

Here is a clips of it in action.

This could easily replace soap football as the beach sport of Kuwait.

via Wonderland
With all these blogger meet ups I been doing in Jordan, adiposity
Bahrain and Saudi it is always been a hassle to give out some sort of contact information. I do have my company business cards, but that feels too formal for me and I feel it detracts from my personal space and more to my professional one.

So lately I been thinking of making some personal cards, with my name, email and link to my blog or my other random sites online.

Now I just saw this great site MOO, which will create a contact card and have your Flickr pictures on the back! The even cooler part is that if you have a Flickr Pro you can get 10 cards for free.

I have never been much of an energy drinking guy, viagra
feel they do more damage than good, healing
and nothing beats a good cup of coffee. So when I saw this new energy drink calledCocaine. I got scared.

They say a high hits you within five minutes, followed by a caffeine boost 15 minutes later. But hold on – the ride lasts five hours and the concoction is “350 percent stronger than Red Bull”.

It is made up of deadly concoction sugars and B12, and a special ingredient that will “lightly numb the throat to add an oral sensation – much like cocaine does”

I dont know about you, but I will stick to my coffee and coffee houses,at least those are more known to start revolutions instead of cardiac arrests.

Coffee Grinder Blues

Turn your pictures to Polaroid style ones with Polaroid-o-nizerâ„¢

Turn your pictures to Polaroid style ones with Polaroid-o-nizerâ„¢

This trip is a vacation of sorts to get a change of scenery and relax and I can’t sleep. It is odd. I am in a good bed, cure went to bed reasonably late last night and I was up at 7 with around 4-5 hours of sleep and this is after spending all day out and about starting from 8:30.

I guess there is that feeling of just comfort and really I can’t explain how relaxing it feels to be here, yet you also have this urge to go visit and explore around Bahrain. It really is a great country the little corner we been seeing and experiencing. Stallion and I both agree that it is so much better than Dubai. There is this sense of expansion and development but it feels natural, you can see it and feel it even with the people here. They just seem more comfortable in their own city compared to the feeling of Dubai’s hustle and bustle.

Mahmood was great enough to take us on a tour of Bahrain yesterday giving us and showing us a more personal view of Bahrain. Took us to the BIC which is an amazing place, I really didnt expect it to be that big or that well designed. I always saw snippets and more personal pictures, but being there is really a sight to see. I can’t wait to go there again and race.

Yes, race. I got to see the Caterham (the H is silent) here in Bahrain and meet with the owner who was a friend of Mahmood and and get in the car and learn more about its history and the racing team they have in Bahrain. They have races with Caterham in Bahrain and its a long fun tournament and really plan to attend and get my way around the track. I figure this way I can get a feel for the car before I get it and really understand it.

Turn your pictures to Polaroid style ones with Polaroid-o-nizerâ„¢

This trip is a vacation of sorts to get a change of scenery and relax and I can’t sleep. It is odd. I am in a good bed, cure went to bed reasonably late last night and I was up at 7 with around 4-5 hours of sleep and this is after spending all day out and about starting from 8:30.

I guess there is that feeling of just comfort and really I can’t explain how relaxing it feels to be here, yet you also have this urge to go visit and explore around Bahrain. It really is a great country the little corner we been seeing and experiencing. Stallion and I both agree that it is so much better than Dubai. There is this sense of expansion and development but it feels natural, you can see it and feel it even with the people here. They just seem more comfortable in their own city compared to the feeling of Dubai’s hustle and bustle.

Mahmood was great enough to take us on a tour of Bahrain yesterday giving us and showing us a more personal view of Bahrain. Took us to the BIC which is an amazing place, I really didnt expect it to be that big or that well designed. I always saw snippets and more personal pictures, but being there is really a sight to see. I can’t wait to go there again and race.

Yes, race. I got to see the Caterham (the H is silent) here in Bahrain and meet with the owner who was a friend of Mahmood and and get in the car and learn more about its history and the racing team they have in Bahrain. They have races with Caterham in Bahrain and its a long fun tournament and really plan to attend and get my way around the track. I figure this way I can get a feel for the car before I get it and really understand it.

Oh the tiredness, resuscitator we arrived home around 10 last night. It was a much easier drive back cause the Saudi borders wasn’t as crowded as the way there. That is what is the kiler on these road trips waiting at the border for you turn in line and then its the customs check.

Like Bahrain, the guy was asking me if I had any knives or daggers with me, and was quesitoning why we had cameras and tripod with us. I explained to him we are “tourists” we are visiting and going to take pictures and such. Yet that question about knives and daggers really put me off.

Then you have Saudi where its just a mess. You got 4 lanes of cars coming from passport control going to this one line for customs check and thats where the mess happens. You wait and wait for your turn and then get stuck behind a car that will take forever.

Kuwait on the other hand is a dream. It took us 5 minutes to do passports and customs! It was great. It is the icing in the cake after that long drive and getting that service!

This morning I woke up like ussualy at 7am feeling totally fine in my brain and upper body, then my legs protested. They were in throbbing pain and weren’t ready to move. After 4+ hours of driving I know how those cosmonauts felt when they return from long trips around the Earth away from gravity.

The trip was great, I have a post in draft from yesterday about some stuff, will post more about the trip and the Bahrain bloggers oon.

Turn your pictures to Polaroid style ones with Polaroid-o-nizerâ„¢

This trip is a vacation of sorts to get a change of scenery and relax and I can’t sleep. It is odd. I am in a good bed, cure went to bed reasonably late last night and I was up at 7 with around 4-5 hours of sleep and this is after spending all day out and about starting from 8:30.

I guess there is that feeling of just comfort and really I can’t explain how relaxing it feels to be here, yet you also have this urge to go visit and explore around Bahrain. It really is a great country the little corner we been seeing and experiencing. Stallion and I both agree that it is so much better than Dubai. There is this sense of expansion and development but it feels natural, you can see it and feel it even with the people here. They just seem more comfortable in their own city compared to the feeling of Dubai’s hustle and bustle.

Mahmood was great enough to take us on a tour of Bahrain yesterday giving us and showing us a more personal view of Bahrain. Took us to the BIC which is an amazing place, I really didnt expect it to be that big or that well designed. I always saw snippets and more personal pictures, but being there is really a sight to see. I can’t wait to go there again and race.

Yes, race. I got to see the Caterham (the H is silent) here in Bahrain and meet with the owner who was a friend of Mahmood and and get in the car and learn more about its history and the racing team they have in Bahrain. They have races with Caterham in Bahrain and its a long fun tournament and really plan to attend and get my way around the track. I figure this way I can get a feel for the car before I get it and really understand it.

Oh the tiredness, resuscitator we arrived home around 10 last night. It was a much easier drive back cause the Saudi borders wasn’t as crowded as the way there. That is what is the kiler on these road trips waiting at the border for you turn in line and then its the customs check.

Like Bahrain, the guy was asking me if I had any knives or daggers with me, and was quesitoning why we had cameras and tripod with us. I explained to him we are “tourists” we are visiting and going to take pictures and such. Yet that question about knives and daggers really put me off.

Then you have Saudi where its just a mess. You got 4 lanes of cars coming from passport control going to this one line for customs check and thats where the mess happens. You wait and wait for your turn and then get stuck behind a car that will take forever.

Kuwait on the other hand is a dream. It took us 5 minutes to do passports and customs! It was great. It is the icing in the cake after that long drive and getting that service!

This morning I woke up like ussualy at 7am feeling totally fine in my brain and upper body, then my legs protested. They were in throbbing pain and weren’t ready to move. After 4+ hours of driving I know how those cosmonauts felt when they return from long trips around the Earth away from gravity.

The trip was great, I have a post in draft from yesterday about some stuff, will post more about the trip and the Bahrain bloggers oon.

I been having this crazy craving for black coffee even since I been back from Bahrain. It is really strange. It really been bothering my brain and functions. It started on Saturday morning with just a little tinge when I saw the coffee pot at home. I was thinking “oh I’ll take a thermos cup of it with me so I can drink on the way to work”. Then of course I totally forgot with the push and rush to get to work and decided to brew me a pot when I get to work, prescription and of course work takes over and I totally forget. Which led me to feel really angst and really out of it.

Then Sunday it started the same thing with me totally forgetting to get a cup when leaving to work and not making one at work, but I did go to Coffee Bean and get a mocha latte there, but that really didn’t work. It quieted the urge a bit, but didn’t quiet hit it.

This led to an icky headache that lasted most of the day, even with the Casper’s X-Presso Yourself in the afternoon didn’t even get close to that craving, and just made my head ache almost worse.

Even now at 2am I am thinking about it, my mouth is even salivating at the thought of it. I know if I go down to the kitchen and brew me a pot I might as well just shoot myself in the head rather than turn to a zombie tomorrow. Also it isn’t what I want. The more I been thinking about it the more I been wanting a certain type of coffee. It has to be either from the airport Cinnabon with their Seattle Best Coffee, or from Johnny Rockets.

Luckily my schedule tomorrow will have in Salmiya area where I can my coffee fix.