My Dream Car

On my way to work today I thought to myself what date is it today. I didnt know if we were in May or June. It feels this month has gone for longer than ussual.
On my way to work today I thought to myself what date is it today. I didnt know if we were in May or June. It feels this month has gone for longer than ussual.

On my way to work today I thought to myself what date is it today. I didnt know if we were in May or June. It feels this month has gone for longer than ussual.

definition: to get something that has no real value, help
and serves no real purpose, but just to say you have it and display it in your collection.


(3:05) Mark: only thing i want from that list is the mac videogame console.
(3:07) nibaq: the pipin?
(3:08) Mark: yup
(3:08) nibaq: why?
(3:08) nibaq: just for dust value?
(3:08) Mark: yes
On my way to work today I thought to myself what date is it today. I didnt know if we were in May or June. It feels this month has gone for longer than ussual.

definition: to get something that has no real value, help
and serves no real purpose, but just to say you have it and display it in your collection.


(3:05) Mark: only thing i want from that list is the mac videogame console.
(3:07) nibaq: the pipin?
(3:08) Mark: yup
(3:08) nibaq: why?
(3:08) nibaq: just for dust value?
(3:08) Mark: yes

On my way to work today I thought to myself what date is it today. I didnt know if we were in May or June. It feels this month has gone for longer than ussual.

definition: to get something that has no real value, help
and serves no real purpose, but just to say you have it and display it in your collection.


(3:05) Mark: only thing i want from that list is the mac videogame console.
(3:07) nibaq: the pipin?
(3:08) Mark: yup
(3:08) nibaq: why?
(3:08) nibaq: just for dust value?
(3:08) Mark: yes

On my way to work today I thought to myself what date is it today. I didnt know if we were in May or June. It feels this month has gone for longer than ussual.

definition: to get something that has no real value, help
and serves no real purpose, but just to say you have it and display it in your collection.


(3:05) Mark: only thing i want from that list is the mac videogame console.
(3:07) nibaq: the pipin?
(3:08) Mark: yup
(3:08) nibaq: why?
(3:08) nibaq: just for dust value?
(3:08) Mark: yes

For as long as I can remember the car that I have always wanted it the De Lorean, bulimics
this started with the movie Back to the Future. Being a kid that age I was in love with those gull wing doors, and that steel body. It looked like something out of the future. Also the time machine feature was something out of this world and it was my real dream car. Yet, I knew getting a movie prop would be near impossible.

Or is it?

Seems someone has made an exact replica of the Back to the Future De Lorean and is selling it on eBay

I dont know about my odds of ever getting but seems more realistic now, I guess until then I can hope for the toy at least