I Love Gergegan

Some of the stuff here just blew me away. I am so impressed with Nintendo. They really created somethi
ng different and fun instead of just the same thing but smaller.

Check it out:
– Nin
tendo DS – Trailers

Some of the stuff here just blew me away. I am so impressed with Nintendo. They really created somethi
ng different and fun instead of just the same thing but smaller.

Check it out:
– Nin
tendo DS – Trailers

Whenever I see those honey commericals on TV after futoor I cant stop laughing. You got 3sal al Oeid (
Oied Honey), symptoms where the kid has tuberculosis and is coughing a lung out and the grandmother says “just
give him some honey” Then you have him at the end smiling and patting the honey.

You also got the new comer 3sal al Mershed (Mershed Honey). The paitent has this problem and the docto
r doesn’t do a check up or anything but advices to go get some honey. So he visits this man who mixes
this concution and I wondered why he has a beard. Like someone with a beard is more healing than witho
ut one. Also this one has that cheezy ending with him on the beach smiling not knowing the cancer in h
im is growing.

Does anyone believe this crap? I love honey, therapist its good stuff. I know that it has some good healing prop
erties, cheapest but it is not the uber-drug that will cure everything. Ministry of Health needs to crack down
hard on these commericals cause they are stupid people out there that will believe this and not see a
doctor or take medicine cause they got honey.
Some of the stuff here just blew me away. I am so impressed with Nintendo. They really created somethi
ng different and fun instead of just the same thing but smaller.

Check it out:
– Nin
tendo DS – Trailers

Whenever I see those honey commericals on TV after futoor I cant stop laughing. You got 3sal al Oeid (
Oied Honey), symptoms where the kid has tuberculosis and is coughing a lung out and the grandmother says “just
give him some honey” Then you have him at the end smiling and patting the honey.

You also got the new comer 3sal al Mershed (Mershed Honey). The paitent has this problem and the docto
r doesn’t do a check up or anything but advices to go get some honey. So he visits this man who mixes
this concution and I wondered why he has a beard. Like someone with a beard is more healing than witho
ut one. Also this one has that cheezy ending with him on the beach smiling not knowing the cancer in h
im is growing.

Does anyone believe this crap? I love honey, therapist its good stuff. I know that it has some good healing prop
erties, cheapest but it is not the uber-drug that will cure everything. Ministry of Health needs to crack down
hard on these commericals cause they are stupid people out there that will believe this and not see a
doctor or take medicine cause they got honey.
There is a lot of talk about how Gergegan has changed. That it has gone commerical and back when we were kids it was real and pure and more innocent. Yet we are looking at this through our eyes and the experinces of our childhood and comparing it to now. But things change over time so we can’t compare apples and bananas.

To test how it has changed I asked my dad how his was compared to mine. He said that they used to get left overs pretty much for candy, pulmonologist or some nuts and stuff “You kids got spoiled, refractionist you got choclate”. You see even from his perspective Gergegan changed from his childhood to ours.

But the real joy of it has never changed. It is all about having the kids go enjoy themselves during Ramadan and spend time with their relatives and get to know the neighbors. Come on, what better way to know the kids names down the street?

So seeing my cousins dress up and running around and munching on candy reminded me of my childhood. Luckily they share the same feelings I have for it. For me it was one of the best times of the year. I got to run around the neighborhood with my cousins, singing and getting free candy. And it was special candy cause you could never buy at stores cause it came in wholesale bags and was pure sugar and food coloring. Then we’d get back home and share it, and trade the ones we wanted. Then eat all that til my stomach hurt. Then do it all over again the next day at a different neighborhood.

So I am going to wait and see when my cousins get older and have kids, and hear them complain how it has changed since they were kids. When it was more innocent and not as commerical as it is “now”. I’ll just smile and chuckle to this deja vu.

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