
At Airport

About to board.

At Airport

About to board.

In Amsterdam so busy with work and stuff haven’t had a chance to go out and explore the city much. I t
hink tomorrow I will have time to go out during the day and wander around and take pictures and stuff.

I been spending my time with work, emergency and the companies I am visiting. They have been really fun and well
“horrible” (that is a personal thing for me). I think they are using me an excuse to have fun but the
y have been really good and just really making it fun for all of us.

I love Amsterdam for a simple reason you dont need a car here, you can easily manage with a bike, walk
ing and even taking the train/tram. I love that. I do enjoy owning a car and driving long distances, b
ut really what I enjoy more is just being able to walk and smell the roses every know and then. Sadly
in Kuwait you can’t do that when you driving 120+ and have your windows rolled up to keep th heat out.

I plan to govisit some musuems here tomorrow they are having some night special for everything seems l
ike it will be fun to do. Will find some people to join me, still waiting a phone call from someone so
I can meet them (hint hint).
At Airport

About to board.

In Amsterdam so busy with work and stuff haven’t had a chance to go out and explore the city much. I t
hink tomorrow I will have time to go out during the day and wander around and take pictures and stuff.

I been spending my time with work, emergency and the companies I am visiting. They have been really fun and well
“horrible” (that is a personal thing for me). I think they are using me an excuse to have fun but the
y have been really good and just really making it fun for all of us.

I love Amsterdam for a simple reason you dont need a car here, you can easily manage with a bike, walk
ing and even taking the train/tram. I love that. I do enjoy owning a car and driving long distances, b
ut really what I enjoy more is just being able to walk and smell the roses every know and then. Sadly
in Kuwait you can’t do that when you driving 120+ and have your windows rolled up to keep th heat out.

I plan to govisit some musuems here tomorrow they are having some night special for everything seems l
ike it will be fun to do. Will find some people to join me, still waiting a phone call from someone so
I can meet them (hint hint).
The tiredess, visit this site been busy with the shows running around and visiting people then go back to hotel rest u
p and go back out invited to dinners then go out and walk around the city. My body got the aches and a
cks. Can’t wait to get back home and rest up during Eid, life seems so far away now.

I got access to a computer finally with IR so I uploaded my pics that I took with my phone. You can se
e them on my Flickr Page. Some really nic
e flower pics and other random stuff from Amsterdam.

Tonight I am going to check out the Musuem Night, treatment really want to visit 2 of them but it is a great tim
e to go see them cause I dont have time during the day and I hear its really good fun. There is an Inc
an exhibition at the Rijkesmusuem that I want to see and maybe visit the other ones in that area.

Tomorrow I got to be up early and at the train station and goto Germany. I already packed my bags last
night just to make it easier for me since I doubt I will have time tonight or tomorrow morning.

I tried getting GPRS but its just to pricey and not really worth it and they aren’t sure if I can get
full roaming with is. So scew it. Instead I got something really cool Flash for my Phone
this thing is really bright and I can use it as a flash light. Totally pimp.

Can’t wait for night to fall so I can start playing with it.

So anyway I am being antisocial to the people I am visiting.

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