Life Syndicated

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I am sick of social networks like Orkut Friendster, order
and Tribe. They have a great idea, purchase
of just connecting people and showing who is connected to who, and a place for people to get together. But they have one crutch, its centralized so you have to log in to actually check on messages and people, and no one has time for that.

I think the future of networking is blogs and syndication.

With blogs you have a quick glance of the persons life, you can see who they know by their links. Their links can have tons of meta data using XFN. Which allows you to saw who you are close to, neighbors, friend, business associate etc. I think it needs more work in the linking options but its simple and basic so thats a plus for it.

Also in a blog you can have other information with syndication system. With people using Amazon and Netflix they can get a feed showing what they just rented, read, got etc. Like how I have my listening and reading on the right. Thats just an rss feed from Also my Flickr pics are there on what I am seeing.

But we can take it on step further with a complete syndication. My friends can just subscribe to my feed, and without visiting my blog. Friends can get my zeitgeist of what I am doing, reading, watch, listening, and taking picture of. Also I can attach some sort of “where am I” so it updates it on my location when I am traveling or just in town.

They are lots of options and ideas, but the main focus is sharing your life with your friends easily. I think slowly we are going to be reaching there.

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