Whats Your Number?


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.

I was taking a shower this morning and was thinking about politics, page marketing and what to wear. When I started mix mashing thoughts and came with this question: “Does politics have a product cycle?” .

A little track back on the product cycle. They are marketing terms for a product, on how and when does it get accepted into the market.

In the cycle they are 4 main categories:

  • Early Adopters* First 15% – 20% that adopt the product. These are the people on the cutting edge. So cost doesn’t mean much to them, they also influence the next group.
  • Early Majority Next 30-35%. This is where the money comes in and when it gets accepted in the market. This is also when competition starts coming in and fighting for market share
  • Late Majority Next 30%. The last part of the money train people have accepted the product and its become a house hold name and their are lots of competitors in the market.
  • Laggards Remaining 20%. Here is when the product stops really making money and the early companies with this product stop doing it.

So how does this relate to politics.

One good current example is women’s rights in Kuwait.

I think the struggle started back in the 70s-80s and thats when early adopters came in with this idea and belief. Of course they were in the minority. Yet still with this 20-30 year period I don’t think we have even got near to the Late Majority stage. Cause to me if feels this movement is right down the middle now with the people who want it and the ones who are against it, and there will always be some people who are even after it gets accepted.

So in conclusion its coming, there is no question about it, it will come and be accepted. Yet what I am already thinking about now is whats next? What will be the next early adopter movement, and that is what is scares me a little.


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.

I was taking a shower this morning and was thinking about politics, page marketing and what to wear. When I started mix mashing thoughts and came with this question: “Does politics have a product cycle?” .

A little track back on the product cycle. They are marketing terms for a product, on how and when does it get accepted into the market.

In the cycle they are 4 main categories:

  • Early Adopters* First 15% – 20% that adopt the product. These are the people on the cutting edge. So cost doesn’t mean much to them, they also influence the next group.
  • Early Majority Next 30-35%. This is where the money comes in and when it gets accepted in the market. This is also when competition starts coming in and fighting for market share
  • Late Majority Next 30%. The last part of the money train people have accepted the product and its become a house hold name and their are lots of competitors in the market.
  • Laggards Remaining 20%. Here is when the product stops really making money and the early companies with this product stop doing it.

So how does this relate to politics.

One good current example is women’s rights in Kuwait.

I think the struggle started back in the 70s-80s and thats when early adopters came in with this idea and belief. Of course they were in the minority. Yet still with this 20-30 year period I don’t think we have even got near to the Late Majority stage. Cause to me if feels this movement is right down the middle now with the people who want it and the ones who are against it, and there will always be some people who are even after it gets accepted.

So in conclusion its coming, there is no question about it, it will come and be accepted. Yet what I am already thinking about now is whats next? What will be the next early adopter movement, and that is what is scares me a little.
I have this strange fascination with numbers, store I love just looking at them and figuring out some weird pattern and such. One place for random number combinations that I love are with license plates on cars. I’ll look at the numbers and try to figure out a pattern or even random ways to memorize the numbers.

Here is an example from a car outside.

So its +/- 1, injection 3 times with 8.
8 8 8
-1 +1 +1
7 9 9

I know most if not all of you will go wtf that doesn’t make any sense at all, health but some how it makes sense to me.

So now to make matters worse I have this site: What’s Special About This Number?. That shows some mathematical facts to numbers.

Like 138:

138 is the smallest possible product of 3 primes, one of which is the concatenation of the other two.

3 thoughts on “Whats Your Number?”

  1. I think that math book you are reading has missed up your mind. But don’t worry you are not alone. I do the same but in different ways. To me each number has a different personalities. I love odd number, my favorites are 3 and 7 and 73 ;)

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