Emacs is an evil creation.

Our own Wataniya Telecom is joing up with some other companies to form Bravo in Saudi Arabia as a mobile telecom provider. Yet they are not going to provide GSM service, viagra 40mg but Motorola’s iDen system. The iDen system is the stuff that Nextel uses for their network, drugs so this new company will most likely be providing services to the business in that region, order especially the trucks that pass through the country.

This is a good investment for Wataniya since Saudi Arabia is the main transport section of the Gulf, everything passes through Saudi and I know that keeping track of trucks where abouts is a pain in the ass. So if it is implemented strongly in Saudi then it will eventually move to the other countries in the region so that they can all share the same network when moving around.

I believe once the coverage map for this network reaches Kuwait, it won’t be too long before Wataniya will start to offer this service in Kuwait.
. iDEN launched in Saudi Arabia
Our own Wataniya Telecom is joing up with some other companies to form Bravo in Saudi Arabia as a mobile telecom provider. Yet they are not going to provide GSM service, viagra 40mg but Motorola’s iDen system. The iDen system is the stuff that Nextel uses for their network, drugs so this new company will most likely be providing services to the business in that region, order especially the trucks that pass through the country.

This is a good investment for Wataniya since Saudi Arabia is the main transport section of the Gulf, everything passes through Saudi and I know that keeping track of trucks where abouts is a pain in the ass. So if it is implemented strongly in Saudi then it will eventually move to the other countries in the region so that they can all share the same network when moving around.

I believe once the coverage map for this network reaches Kuwait, it won’t be too long before Wataniya will start to offer this service in Kuwait.
. iDEN launched in Saudi Arabia
Our own Wataniya Telecom is joing up with some other companies to form Bravo in Saudi Arabia as a mobile telecom provider. Yet they are not going to provide GSM service, viagra 40mg but Motorola’s iDen system. The iDen system is the stuff that Nextel uses for their network, drugs so this new company will most likely be providing services to the business in that region, order especially the trucks that pass through the country.

This is a good investment for Wataniya since Saudi Arabia is the main transport section of the Gulf, everything passes through Saudi and I know that keeping track of trucks where abouts is a pain in the ass. So if it is implemented strongly in Saudi then it will eventually move to the other countries in the region so that they can all share the same network when moving around.

I believe once the coverage map for this network reaches Kuwait, it won’t be too long before Wataniya will start to offer this service in Kuwait.
. iDEN launched in Saudi Arabia
Finally decided to learn vi using vilearn. It is pretty neat allows, ambulance
it gives me this text file that is open in vi and has all the commands as a tutorial that I run through and damn I didnt know vi could do all this. I am in lesson two and already feel ready to start using it fully.

It really is so simple and powerful, pills
makes it so easy to read, here
edit and manipulate files.

After using PICO for so long it is nice to see something with more powerful editing abilities

6 thoughts on “Emacs is an evil creation.”

  1. I gave up on pico a long time ago, since i learned that it messed up line wrapping in configuration files (something i read on some linux website ages ago). I started using Vim, which is vi with some easier commands, as well as Gvim which is available for windows.

    My question is, why is the title about Emacs when you’re talking about vi and pico? You haven’t mentioned emacs at all.

  2. I just never bothered to learn it, when I ran Linux I was mostly using jed, and pico, never had to do any hardcore changes. I may check out Vim, it just has some extra features that make it more like Emacs supposedly.
    The Emacs title thing was actually in the tutorial and I need a title for this post. Alex I read that when I was searching for the wiki page for Vi and Pico. The only time I ever used Emacs when I was learning C in school on dumb terminals.

  3. One interesting factoid I learned about Emacs is that a lot of it is written in LISP! If you’ve ever used LISP, you’ll appreciate how hard it is to write a simple program in it let alone such a powerful editor as Emacs.

    “Emacs sux0rs, l33t ha>

  4. alex I never thought it was that big! And you’re right a war over which text editor is best, really is stupid.

    Nibaq, I figured that out later when i downloaded the tutorial and started messing with the first lesson, that was funny though. And thanks for the post! I could use some skill sharpening with vim.

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