Think Differently

You read this title:

Crack found in foam on shuttle fuel tank

and think:

They are smuggling crack into space.
You read this title:

Crack found in foam on shuttle fuel tank

and think:

They are smuggling crack into space.
I was taught to look at the process and not the final product, click see how something is created developed and where ideas are formed into a set process to give the final answer or product.

Yesterday I was given a puzzle, stuff it was a simple one. I had a square with 9 boxes inside, discount rx and the puzzle was that vertically, horizontally, and diagonally all had to equal 15 using only the numbers between 1-9 once.

My method to solve it was concise and methodical, first figure out what numbers shouldn’t be there, then figure out which of the remainder would equal 15. Then the number that was repeated the most would be in the middle.

It took a bit of jotting down but figured it out, I was especially proud of myself on how I solved it and not that I solved it, cause I broke down the problem to its core.

Today I should someone that same puzzle and they found it out a totally different way. In a lot quicker time I might add and even a different solution to the same problem. I was really impressed and amazed and learned something from it. Even thought I do admit at first I was trying to coach them, but then just shut up and let them do their own thing.

So when you see someone doing something differently don’t question the final product, but see the process. They will get to the end eventually and you could learn something different.

4 thoughts on “Think Differently”

  1. Goodluck applying that in Kuwait.. the way the managerial system works is simple.. Im the manager.. im right and thats it. moo 3ajbik is what he will ask!

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