Maybe He Meant Another August

Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
I found this article from Arab Times from July 22nd where the Energy Minister states

No cuts in power, healthful
water supply during August, say Minister

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