Making Money via Twitter in Kuwait

When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
I been on Twitter for a while and seeing many Kuwaiti companies making a account and not knowing how to use it for their benefit. Thinking just opening an account will simply generate sales. Well here are some pointers you can use for your advantage.

Dont Spam
I can’t stress this enough. Just repeating the same statement over and over again will annoy us and will simply block you. You aren’t doing anything to make you different.

You have to engage your followers. Dont just offer the latest sales promotion. Give them updates on what you are planning to do, psychotherapist and working on. Reply to their tweets. Their feedback is important. Twitter is giving you a direct access to them and vice-versa. If you ignore them they will ignore you in return.

Link to other sites with tips and trick as well as reviews of new products as well as features and options you dont and see if they are interested in them.

Have other members of the company also participate with their on Twitter accounts. Have each department have their own offer their own take on whats happening. Also if you are a big company have a dedicated customer support team for dealing with problems and solving them on spot.

These are just some basic guidelines. Each company, restaurant, shop etc is different. Once you start dont stop because you dont have immediate results. It take time to build a following and figure out what works best.

Oh this just came to me. Restaurants can post if they are full or not and how long the wait will be. I am sure many people would enjoy that during busy weekends. Bakeries can tweet how many cakes or muffins they have left if anyone wants to make a quick order before they get sold out.

6 thoughts on “Making Money via Twitter in Kuwait”

  1. you actually think that other people in the companies are going to use twitter …… they’re too damn arrogant to learn how to use it and even when they do it’ll just end with them mirroring the same news as the companies feed …..

    they’ll never learn ……

  2. I agree with you
    But it doesn’t have to be companies, it could be a small family buseness

  3. i wouldn’t hold my breath for kuwaiti or regional companies to adopt twitter anytime soon for anything. why? here are my thoughts:

    * there’s not enough of an appreciation for web tech and other forms of modern business tools. they’ll get there eventually.
    * the concept has barely begun to get traction in the US, the seed market for most web innovations we’ve seen. this relates to my point above in that if it takes time in the US it will take longer here but its still a challenge.
    * the space is still fragmented in terms of twitter tools and applications. the basic twitter service is too limited for any serious businesses to make much use of but now that the API has has been opened it will be a period of time to see who takes the lead and becomes the go to provider for essential services. (read maturity and reliability)

    i haven’t seen any kuwaiti companies yet. have you?

  4. I know some companies are interested. I advised a one on some ideas and concepts. The benefit of twitter to companies is there is no cost involved. You dont have to make a server and have someone running it. You dont need to mess with the API at all. All the dirty work is already done. All that is left is to start posting.

  5. Have to admit – really do like the restaurant status idea, especially for favorite hole-in-the-wall type places.

  6. You know, I bet a good business in Kuwait using twitter would be for smugglers to send out notifications when they return from Dubai… ;)

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