Making Money via Twitter in Kuwait

When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
I been on Twitter for a while and seeing many Kuwaiti companies making a account and not knowing how to use it for their benefit. Thinking just opening an account will simply generate sales. Well here are some pointers you can use for your advantage.

Dont Spam
I can’t stress this enough. Just repeating the same statement over and over again will annoy us and will simply block you. You aren’t doing anything to make you different.

You have to engage your followers. Dont just offer the latest sales promotion. Give them updates on what you are planning to do, psychotherapist and working on. Reply to their tweets. Their feedback is important. Twitter is giving you a direct access to them and vice-versa. If you ignore them they will ignore you in return.

Link to other sites with tips and trick as well as reviews of new products as well as features and options you dont and see if they are interested in them.

Have other members of the company also participate with their on Twitter accounts. Have each department have their own offer their own take on whats happening. Also if you are a big company have a dedicated customer support team for dealing with problems and solving them on spot.

These are just some basic guidelines. Each company, restaurant, shop etc is different. Once you start dont stop because you dont have immediate results. It take time to build a following and figure out what works best.

Oh this just came to me. Restaurants can post if they are full or not and how long the wait will be. I am sure many people would enjoy that during busy weekends. Bakeries can tweet how many cakes or muffins they have left if anyone wants to make a quick order before they get sold out.

A 70 Million Dollar Apartment

Why would you want to put a toupee on your baby so they can look like Lil Kim or Dondal Trump?

If you do the check out

Why would you want to put a toupee on your baby so they can look like Lil Kim or Dondal Trump?

If you do the check out

I always here how high rent and living in New York City is but this $70, web 000, unhealthy 000 apartment got to be something special. Guaranteed that it is located on 5th Ave and Central Park and the top 3 floors of the Pierre Hotel with 16 rooms, 5 bed room, 7 bathrooms and a library and has a 360 degree view of Manhattan.

Yet, I still can’t shakes that 70 million. I can accept 7 with ease, 20 with some salt, and 50 million after a shot of tequila, but 70?