Tag: protestors
Kuwait 5
Protest the Anti
History of coffee and music culture
Transcript of 60 Minutes on Echelon
Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.
If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int
Transcript of 60 Minutes on Echelon
Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.
If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
Transcript of 60 Minutes on Echelon
Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.
If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
There are many stereotypes in Germany about life in the United States. Here I will try to compare these stereotypes to the reality in the US as I perceive it. In this comparison, help
I will also portrait the situation in Germany so that Americans might learn -
Making a magnetic strip emulator
A multiplayer strategy game for windows. Supposedly amazing and fun.
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list or even a page
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list
Integrates delicious bookmarks as a separate post for each link
Transcript of 60 Minutes on Echelon
Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.
If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
There are many stereotypes in Germany about life in the United States. Here I will try to compare these stereotypes to the reality in the US as I perceive it. In this comparison, help
I will also portrait the situation in Germany so that Americans might learn -
Making a magnetic strip emulator
A multiplayer strategy game for windows. Supposedly amazing and fun.
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list or even a page
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list
Integrates delicious bookmarks as a separate post for each link
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
There are many stereotypes in Germany about life in the United States. Here I will try to compare these stereotypes to the reality in the US as I perceive it. In this comparison, help
I will also portrait the situation in Germany so that Americans might learn -
Making a magnetic strip emulator
A multiplayer strategy game for windows. Supposedly amazing and fun.
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list or even a page
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list
Integrates delicious bookmarks as a separate post for each link
Kuwait Private Investigator, ailment Matrimonial Investigator – kuwait city – Private Detective Online ComparisonThink ebay but for detective work. This one wants someone to spy on her husband in Kuwait.
Transcript of 60 Minutes on Echelon
Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.
If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
There are many stereotypes in Germany about life in the United States. Here I will try to compare these stereotypes to the reality in the US as I perceive it. In this comparison, help
I will also portrait the situation in Germany so that Americans might learn -
Making a magnetic strip emulator
A multiplayer strategy game for windows. Supposedly amazing and fun.
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list or even a page
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list
Integrates delicious bookmarks as a separate post for each link
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.
Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.
It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
There are many stereotypes in Germany about life in the United States. Here I will try to compare these stereotypes to the reality in the US as I perceive it. In this comparison, help
I will also portrait the situation in Germany so that Americans might learn -
Making a magnetic strip emulator
A multiplayer strategy game for windows. Supposedly amazing and fun.
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list or even a page
Integrates delicious bookmarks in to your WP blog as a link list
Integrates delicious bookmarks as a separate post for each link
Kuwait Private Investigator, ailment Matrimonial Investigator – kuwait city – Private Detective Online ComparisonThink ebay but for detective work. This one wants someone to spy on her husband in Kuwait.
I just finished watching the movie Syriana and have to say “eh”. It is a nice visual movies, more about beginning was kinda slow in introducing the players, illness middle had some interesting parts, salve and end was a slow fade. My American friend highly recommended it to me and said I should watch it, and the story behind it was also tempting. That whole what happens behind closed doors and hotel rooms over oil and the Middle East.
Yet as I was telling my brother when he was walking in and out of the movie asking what is going on I replied “it is just telling what we live”. Yes they took some artistic liberties in some parts, but overall .
Ok this is amusing just finished watching the end credits and had a link to this site http://www.participate.net/oilchange. Very interesting, I am sure that is the goal of the film makers and producers of the film. This is from the site:
Oil addiction. It saps America’s economic strength, pollutes our environment, and jeopardizes national security. Breaking that addiction begins with the choices we make as individuals. Instead of oil dependence, let’s choose Oil Change!
Time for a tangent.
I was at the WTO protest in Seattle and went there with an open mind listening to the protesters, reading their pamphlets and all that stuff. I got tear gassed and ran way from cops shooting at me and have to say those protesters were a bunch of fucking idiots. I swear these people knew nothing of the world economy, or the concept of trade or really how other people lived on the other side of the world. They just believe was is fed to them and think to themselves “I want to save the planet” or what ever latest trend would get them laid.
I recall this one guy telling me how the people in Thailand are suffering, and I asked him “have you been there? Did you ask this person yourself” he of course replied “no” and went to I remember this one guy have this “Stop Nike” sign wearing Nike shoes. I for one have not worn Nike shoes since Rebok pumps first came out, I also dont drink Starbucks coffee, havent done for over 2 years. I dont do this because I dont like their commercial practices, but a personal choice as a consumer not liking what they provide me.
So as I was saying, they dont know what they were protesting against. I remember how it was just before Christmas season and the big shopping spree people do and as we were marching downtown Seattle right by all the shops and stores and rows of Starbucks coffee shops that tomorrow all these people will be back here wearing Nike sneakers and drinking their lattes, buying goods they are protesting against today, and complaining why the prices are so high.
Well simply because they didn’t let trade happen. They didn’t let market forces balance out and make things cheaper for them, because they keep buying stuff they are supposedly against.
Trade, for lack of a better word, is good. trade is right. trade works. Trade clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Trade, in all of it’s forms – trade for life, for money, knowledge – has marked the upward surge of mankind and trade.
So Syriana, decent movie, I’d give it a 6/10 it is a bit slow, and “eh” but overall a decent waste of time.