Kuwait’s Changing

It is time we get some equal rights.

Christina Hoff Sommers on The Penis Monologues on National Review Online

It is time we get some equal rights.

Christina Hoff Sommers on The Penis Monologues on National Review Online

I just finished watching the Battlestar Galactica mini series and have to say GOD DAMN thats good TV. It has been a real long while since I have seen a sci-fi show that really captures you with the charachters, nurse plot and just everything.

There is just so much to say about it, basicly I just put it on to watch and then fall asleep on the couch. I couldn’t it just took me on a roller coaster rider keeping awake all night.

This is not your old classic one, but totally redefined and advanced. It really feels like a new show.

I highly recommend sci fi fans to order this DVD.
Amazon.com: DVD: Battlestar Galactica (2003 Miniseries) (2003)

It is time we get some equal rights.

Christina Hoff Sommers on The Penis Monologues on National Review Online

I just finished watching the Battlestar Galactica mini series and have to say GOD DAMN thats good TV. It has been a real long while since I have seen a sci-fi show that really captures you with the charachters, nurse plot and just everything.

There is just so much to say about it, basicly I just put it on to watch and then fall asleep on the couch. I couldn’t it just took me on a roller coaster rider keeping awake all night.

This is not your old classic one, but totally redefined and advanced. It really feels like a new show.

I highly recommend sci fi fans to order this DVD.
Amazon.com: DVD: Battlestar Galactica (2003 Miniseries) (2003)

I met up with Rampurple earlier tonight so I can drop some more books for her report at the Marina Crescent. Some other people were suppose to show up but got tied up with family and other stuff so it was just us waiting for them at Lina’s Cafe.

Just want to state their Chilled Coffee is good, remedy but if you like sweet coffee ask them to add sugar to it, vitamin but their AngeLINA was great.

So back to the Crescent it was great just sitting there watching people, clinic you can tell Kuwait is changing. There more curves, color and skin on both the girls and guys. You see this vast expression with people and just the feeling of everyone is out and about to see people and be seen by them. I regret that we have to go to malls and commercial areas for this and dont have the whole city feeling that you get in Paris, or Italy where it is at the center of the city and its a flow of people. But I will take what I can get.

I am got a good feeling about it for you can’t control this. There is no way to restrict these people anymore as individuals; they will wear what they want, go where they want. Its a feeling of openness within Kuwait. The government either has to embrace is or just be taken over by it.

8 thoughts on “Kuwait’s Changing”

  1. This is definitely needed, I took a breath after reading this.. Little hope for the ones who are starting to suffocate over here.. Thank you..

  2. men having curves? I know women do. If they do then I want to see! Here in America, the men all look young! I cant tell who is what age group :(. The guys in my neighborhood ain’t doing anything to me. Oh, an email coming your way

  3. i just wanted to know if men have curves not bout ur social life and i always get this wierd feelig wen men hit on me that there some random faggot like today afta xtra classes in jeeleb…………… wahev the fu?k eva
    (dun’t be mad am only crazy it’s wat makes me happy)

  4. Well the men with curves had a double meaning. One it was about more gays being visible, and also clothing wise for men. Men clothing before was simple straight laced clothes. Now its very expressive and forming around the body.

  5. dun’t forget bout the xtra tight tees dominante in the pakistani male section ewwnessss

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