In Germany

Call Home

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

At airport about to board. So tired been one hectic day one thing aftet another. Didnt get out of work til 930pm. I feel dead & barely feel my feet. So going to passout on plane.

Call Home

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

At airport about to board. So tired been one hectic day one thing aftet another. Didnt get out of work til 930pm. I feel dead & barely feel my feet. So going to passout on plane.

Call Home

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

At airport about to board. So tired been one hectic day one thing aftet another. Didnt get out of work til 930pm. I feel dead & barely feel my feet. So going to passout on plane.

We just crossed the border from czech to germany for Carls party. It was one hell of a communist trip through memmory lane. We rode this old ass train that Stalin must have pissed on we couldnt get any place to sit so we decided to do the upgrade to 1st and those seats had their cushion removed felt like it. It was a very fun trip.

Since I am in Germany I can get on my GPRS and upload some quick pics to my Flickr account soon. Czech has been great theplace is very international we found so many people from so many countries there. Prague is a very international city.

My friend Bill has some issues with Czech, about it
they dont know how to make a Martini or coffee. If you want to get him pissed just start mention the coffee here. It is all coffee grounds and just icky. He is surviving slowly. It takes him longer to get up and be able to deal with early in the morning.

Oh we been walking TONS just hour after hour we walk, stomatology
we really pushing this walking thing I feel by the time I come back we would have lost like 10kgs or more. My legs are all powerful now especially since I carry my messenger back with me with my stuff. Makes climbing stairs a whole new experinece of power.

Where Am I?

How to make a pizza: :: The Ridiculously Thorough Guide to Making Your Own Pizza
How to make a pizza: :: The Ridiculously Thorough Guide to Making Your Own Pizza
How to make a pizza: :: The Ridiculously Thorough Guide to Making Your Own Pizza
I really been getting a kick out of Google Maps and Google Earth. I like Earth for it gives me the fun of Maps but without having to wait since it downloads everything and stores it on the computer for later viewing.

So for more fun I can now install Mobile GMaps, surgery
which will give me Google Maps on my mobile phone! So with the support of my navigation system in my car to give me lat/lon I can pop them in to my phone and see what it looks like from on top!

Another cool thing I plan to be doing is tagging my photos on Flickr with lat/lon so that people can see them on Earth and do searches of that area.

I tell you this now, the next big thing for digital cameras is not going to be more megapixels but a built in gps, or some bluetooth system to access GPS data and embed that information in your photos. I tell you its all going to be meta in the future.

Love Me, Love My Bag

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Well the meetings and stuff are over, more about
to the end it was getting to be to much. Went with a guy from Spain and one from Mexico to the town to change the scenery. We were stuck in that hotel for 2 days we needed to get out or get cabin fever. We wandered around breathing the air. We dont get air like this where we come from crisp and clean. Just feels good going down.

So after the last meeting I just booked it to the train station, health
it really was close calls all the way. I had to catch 2 trains wihin seconds of each other, and as soon as I got on the doors closed. Perfect timing.

I crossed over to Germany to see a friend for a while got visit the cities around his area for a couple days get some change of scenery from Kuwait, seeing all these trees, and green with the clouds is so refreshing compared to our yellow sun and beige landscape.

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Well the meetings and stuff are over, more about
to the end it was getting to be to much. Went with a guy from Spain and one from Mexico to the town to change the scenery. We were stuck in that hotel for 2 days we needed to get out or get cabin fever. We wandered around breathing the air. We dont get air like this where we come from crisp and clean. Just feels good going down.

So after the last meeting I just booked it to the train station, health
it really was close calls all the way. I had to catch 2 trains wihin seconds of each other, and as soon as I got on the doors closed. Perfect timing.

I crossed over to Germany to see a friend for a while got visit the cities around his area for a couple days get some change of scenery from Kuwait, seeing all these trees, and green with the clouds is so refreshing compared to our yellow sun and beige landscape.

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Well the meetings and stuff are over, more about
to the end it was getting to be to much. Went with a guy from Spain and one from Mexico to the town to change the scenery. We were stuck in that hotel for 2 days we needed to get out or get cabin fever. We wandered around breathing the air. We dont get air like this where we come from crisp and clean. Just feels good going down.

So after the last meeting I just booked it to the train station, health
it really was close calls all the way. I had to catch 2 trains wihin seconds of each other, and as soon as I got on the doors closed. Perfect timing.

I crossed over to Germany to see a friend for a while got visit the cities around his area for a couple days get some change of scenery from Kuwait, seeing all these trees, and green with the clouds is so refreshing compared to our yellow sun and beige landscape.
Well I am back and to cut long posts short, this site
I will link to pics of my messenger bag after my trip.

Here are pics of it closed, open and with everything out.

I have to say that the Bailey Works Messenger Bags rocks my socks. They guy designs a bag right, the pockets and sway were just perfect for traveling and accessing stuff quickly, and that quick release thing is something just perfect for quick release and strapping.

On the Train Again

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Bah Shoes

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Really hate wearing shoes in hot weather. Just want to get all Kuwaiti & take them off & put my feet on my chair.

Well the meetings and stuff are over, more about
to the end it was getting to be to much. Went with a guy from Spain and one from Mexico to the town to change the scenery. We were stuck in that hotel for 2 days we needed to get out or get cabin fever. We wandered around breathing the air. We dont get air like this where we come from crisp and clean. Just feels good going down.

So after the last meeting I just booked it to the train station, health
it really was close calls all the way. I had to catch 2 trains wihin seconds of each other, and as soon as I got on the doors closed. Perfect timing.

I crossed over to Germany to see a friend for a while got visit the cities around his area for a couple days get some change of scenery from Kuwait, seeing all these trees, and green with the clouds is so refreshing compared to our yellow sun and beige landscape.

On My Way Back

Traveling to Bangkok tonight will be back on Saturday morning.
Traveling to Bangkok tonight will be back on Saturday morning.
I can’t believe its been 3 days without internet or any form of communication. I am dead tired and at the airport lounge waiting for my flight. Bangkok is amazing city, diet I have really fallen in love with it. Even with the pollution, the taxi drivers, and the traffic to me its what makes it a city.
There is this life and culture here that accepts the new but respects teh old ways. It really knows where it is, been and going. I have lots of faith in this place and country. My trip was sudden and kinda unexpected it just happened. I been so busy that past week at work and the 2 days proir to my trip that I totally forgot when I was leaving. That day I just wanted to go home take a shower and just go to sleep. Then found out that I had to leave, so when I got home showered packed my bags then left for airport it was just bam bam bam. Luckily being that tired allowed me to sleep on the plane. I just got to my seat had my blanket and pillow and passed out even before we took off and didn’t wake up until we landed.
Also the drive from airport to hotel I was sleeping. Really that whole day whenever I got the chance to rest my eyes I did. Didn’t care where I was I just needed my sleep.
We had a good business trip met with some the companies and old friends. I toured around the city at night and ate lots of sea food at the Sea Food restaurant.
This place is amazing their slogan is “if it swims we have it” and they do a good job of keeping stocked with fish. Two nights in a row we were there just stuffing myself with fish. Suprisingly I actually lost a kilo being here just a couple days. I think it was from eating the healthy food and walking around all day and eating regulary. Something I really need to do in Kuwait.
I am trying to capture my trip quickly before I forget but its just feels like I been here a week and really I been taking it to the extreme. Wake up and goto the meetings and stuff, then go back to the hotel rest for like an hour get up and go out to town dinner and stuff.

Let me try to list some stuff to talk about later:
Sky Train, this thing rocks and we need one in Kuwait
Music got me some thai cds and need to get a CD player screw mp3s and ipod they aren’t practical when you travel and buy.
Food thai food rock, ’nuff said
People the people here are just friendly and filled with life you can tell by the way they eat. Where else in the wolrd you can find a place that offers a 7 course meal on the street.
Temples. Seeing places of offerings nad temples right next to high rises and 5 star hotels
Massages: they give good massages here different from teh swedis, they aim for certain points on the back and body. It amazes me how so many thai people get massages and massage parlors are located here. And I mean real massages not that wink wink nudge nudge stuff.
That reminds me everytime we took a cab I say in front and had to deal with the taxi driver showing me the same freaking brochure of “massage parlors” Every cab we took had the same freaking brochure atleast change them a bit and pass em around. They take them out of their pocket open them up and give you their speil. And its the same one, its like they are trained to say the same thing.
That reminds me of another thing, twice we went to the Seafood Restaurant and twice they tried to take us to a completely different one, it looked sea food, but wasn’t the orignal one. So keep your eyes out for that here.
Colors, lots of colors here its like they are trying to treat their eyes, the same way they treat their food.
Hunidity, ick but the city life makes you forget it and just walk
Got a suit tailor made for me
The shopping here is really extensive with lots of choices and styles.
The night market. That was freaky we stepped in to this bar to cool down and rest our feet, leave and its a whole new street filled with small stands selling fake watches, dvds, tshrits. It was shocking when we went in it was empty sidewalk and leave to find a whole mall. The dvd system here is like Kuwaits you tell them what you want, he makes a call and tada he has your dvds ready to go. The prices here were just cheaper than Kuwait’s, but we didn’t haggle hard enough.
So glad to go home, but man I got work tomorrow as well get to home, shower sleep for an hour or 2 then get back to work. Ugh…
Grand Hyatt is a great hotel, great staff and security. I was impressed when I went back to my room and they were cleaning it and the guy asked me to use my card to make sure it was my room. That rocked. I love when they are secure like that.
We went to this mall and on the top fall was the Thai Knowledge Park this thing rocked my wolrd in so many ways. Its this palce for kids and teens to read books, and magazines get online, learn how to do computer stuff, experience a whole new world. The place is made for kids to learn how to express themselves. It is something we desperately need in Kuwait for our lost youth.
Have and idea for a project in Kuwait, finally got some of the strings out of it need to check on some stuff more info on it later.
Oh pictures took a good couple pics I hope, once I get them developed I will be sure to have them online.
Being away from the internet for 3 days is wierd but really freeing. After the 2nd day I was like eh. Even my phone was quiet no messages or calls which was also weird.
Sent the postcard to my mailing list. So those who read it be expecting somethig in the mail soon.
Um drained and tired.
Oh Bed great club, stylish and fun but the DJ there was SO BAD! Train wrecking all over the place and mixing song badly, we be dancing and grooving to one song, the bam switches to another, no mix or transfer, just switch. Very annoying was going to jump of his decks and then take him outside to beat him down.
I miss the good bass line.
Once I get home need to catch up on stuff I missed dont have many emails to reply too which is good, cause I am so bad on repling to them.
Anyway I am going to walk and stuff before the flight.

Whats in My CD Magazine

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the ref face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the ref face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. I picked them out based on cover art. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the red face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
      The cover just seemed funny some guy on a mountain with wolves around him. It made me thing of an Alternative John Denver. Which is what he sounded like if John Denver lived in New York instead of Colorado. This is your folk album for the city. At first I was scared it was emo when I started listening to it, cialis 40mg but lukcily he doesn’t whine and moan. Good listen to for when moopy and just cruising.
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
      They had a piece of meat on a clock radio, buy information pills so I had to get it. This album could be a great sound track for a movie, health with the starting song containing 33 seconds of digital silence, then 2. Wake Up, 3. Train Track. You can just imagine someone waking up and going to do something. Its has a jazzy rock feel with just the right amount of digital effects to still have a old roots soul.
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
      It was bright and shiny and has Brazil in the title. Bossanova owns your ass, what a great album, and this is the bands like 30th year together. This album also has a jazz feel, real calming and you just hit play and forget about it, and then notice your humming to the song and tapping your feet to the beat. I plan to get more of their music. This album won me over, but when this girl was in my car and noticed it was Brazillian she was impressed so that gives it extra points.
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
      The cover was cool the name even cool, and the first song owned your ass so bad you were like DAMN this insturmental epic of it, and you just have these high hope for whats next. Sadly next was hearing the lead singers vocal. Ugh annoying, the music on this album is amazing, but the singer just butchers the song. Supposedly he sounds much much better live, but how couldnt they get that in the studio beats me. There are couple good songs on here, but it just falls short due the singer.
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
      The name of the band reminded me of Kraftwerk and their Trans European Express, and with the cover art of some sewing it just got me interested in what this was. I imagined electro beats to old classical Balkan music, and that what it was. Good album quiet impressed with songs and beats. It is a very simple album but has lots of history in it especially with his choice of insturments like violins and I think I heard some bag pipes.
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
      I couldn’t keep my eyes from this cover, it was psychadelic and silver and was pretty. Basicly Joss Stone=Old and Busted, Alice Russel=New Hotness. This girl got some lungs and a soul. You can’t miss this album if you a fan of 70s soul divas.
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People
      I just remeber the name and said wtf. I was lucky I had a good memmory its Prince Paul and Dan the Automator back again with their large number of guests giving vocals to their amazing beats. Its a hip hop album for the people who dont like hip hop or rap but enjoy good music and well produced stuff. One of my favorite songs on there is If there wasn’t for you about a guy talking about the important people in his life, like his best friend, his child etc and the song Rock and Roll (Could Never Hip Hop Like This)


These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the ref face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the ref face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. I picked them out based on cover art. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the red face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
      The cover just seemed funny some guy on a mountain with wolves around him. It made me thing of an Alternative John Denver. Which is what he sounded like if John Denver lived in New York instead of Colorado. This is your folk album for the city. At first I was scared it was emo when I started listening to it, cialis 40mg but lukcily he doesn’t whine and moan. Good listen to for when moopy and just cruising.
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
      They had a piece of meat on a clock radio, buy information pills so I had to get it. This album could be a great sound track for a movie, health with the starting song containing 33 seconds of digital silence, then 2. Wake Up, 3. Train Track. You can just imagine someone waking up and going to do something. Its has a jazzy rock feel with just the right amount of digital effects to still have a old roots soul.
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
      It was bright and shiny and has Brazil in the title. Bossanova owns your ass, what a great album, and this is the bands like 30th year together. This album also has a jazz feel, real calming and you just hit play and forget about it, and then notice your humming to the song and tapping your feet to the beat. I plan to get more of their music. This album won me over, but when this girl was in my car and noticed it was Brazillian she was impressed so that gives it extra points.
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
      The cover was cool the name even cool, and the first song owned your ass so bad you were like DAMN this insturmental epic of it, and you just have these high hope for whats next. Sadly next was hearing the lead singers vocal. Ugh annoying, the music on this album is amazing, but the singer just butchers the song. Supposedly he sounds much much better live, but how couldnt they get that in the studio beats me. There are couple good songs on here, but it just falls short due the singer.
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
      The name of the band reminded me of Kraftwerk and their Trans European Express, and with the cover art of some sewing it just got me interested in what this was. I imagined electro beats to old classical Balkan music, and that what it was. Good album quiet impressed with songs and beats. It is a very simple album but has lots of history in it especially with his choice of insturments like violins and I think I heard some bag pipes.
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
      I couldn’t keep my eyes from this cover, it was psychadelic and silver and was pretty. Basicly Joss Stone=Old and Busted, Alice Russel=New Hotness. This girl got some lungs and a soul. You can’t miss this album if you a fan of 70s soul divas.
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People
      I just remeber the name and said wtf. I was lucky I had a good memmory its Prince Paul and Dan the Automator back again with their large number of guests giving vocals to their amazing beats. Its a hip hop album for the people who dont like hip hop or rap but enjoy good music and well produced stuff. One of my favorite songs on there is If there wasn’t for you about a guy talking about the important people in his life, like his best friend, his child etc and the song Rock and Roll (Could Never Hip Hop Like This)

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the ref face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. I picked them out based on cover art. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the red face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
      The cover just seemed funny some guy on a mountain with wolves around him. It made me thing of an Alternative John Denver. Which is what he sounded like if John Denver lived in New York instead of Colorado. This is your folk album for the city. At first I was scared it was emo when I started listening to it, cialis 40mg but lukcily he doesn’t whine and moan. Good listen to for when moopy and just cruising.
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
      They had a piece of meat on a clock radio, buy information pills so I had to get it. This album could be a great sound track for a movie, health with the starting song containing 33 seconds of digital silence, then 2. Wake Up, 3. Train Track. You can just imagine someone waking up and going to do something. Its has a jazzy rock feel with just the right amount of digital effects to still have a old roots soul.
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
      It was bright and shiny and has Brazil in the title. Bossanova owns your ass, what a great album, and this is the bands like 30th year together. This album also has a jazz feel, real calming and you just hit play and forget about it, and then notice your humming to the song and tapping your feet to the beat. I plan to get more of their music. This album won me over, but when this girl was in my car and noticed it was Brazillian she was impressed so that gives it extra points.
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
      The cover was cool the name even cool, and the first song owned your ass so bad you were like DAMN this insturmental epic of it, and you just have these high hope for whats next. Sadly next was hearing the lead singers vocal. Ugh annoying, the music on this album is amazing, but the singer just butchers the song. Supposedly he sounds much much better live, but how couldnt they get that in the studio beats me. There are couple good songs on here, but it just falls short due the singer.
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
      The name of the band reminded me of Kraftwerk and their Trans European Express, and with the cover art of some sewing it just got me interested in what this was. I imagined electro beats to old classical Balkan music, and that what it was. Good album quiet impressed with songs and beats. It is a very simple album but has lots of history in it especially with his choice of insturments like violins and I think I heard some bag pipes.
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
      I couldn’t keep my eyes from this cover, it was psychadelic and silver and was pretty. Basicly Joss Stone=Old and Busted, Alice Russel=New Hotness. This girl got some lungs and a soul. You can’t miss this album if you a fan of 70s soul divas.
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People
      I just remeber the name and said wtf. I was lucky I had a good memmory its Prince Paul and Dan the Automator back again with their large number of guests giving vocals to their amazing beats. Its a hip hop album for the people who dont like hip hop or rap but enjoy good music and well produced stuff. One of my favorite songs on there is If there wasn’t for you about a guy talking about the important people in his life, like his best friend, his child etc and the song Rock and Roll (Could Never Hip Hop Like This)

Note to self dont post “how to” stuff when sleep depped”

So I didn’t quiet explain stuff well in my previous post, information pills but thankfully someone got it (Valiant Contender)

Here is what he wrote:

1. Sign up at
2. After verifying the email, sanitary login and click “post” in the top menu
3. Add any of the links to create a bookmark to your browser toolbar. To add any of those links to Firefox or Internet Explorer drag a link from the emblem of the site in the address bar to the link bar
4. Whenever you want to add a site you want to keep track of, discount rx all you need to do is click that link you added on the toolbar and enter a tag “comments” or so, then you can visit your account (hehe no pun intended) whenever you want to review the links you kept track of.

That is the the gist of it.

Here is a better link on what you can do with It also gives you the process on creating live bookmarks.
These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the ref face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People

These are the albums I got while I was at Austria. I picked them out based on cover art. They have all been on heavy rotation in my car for the past month.

  • Kasabian
    • Kasabian – Kasabian:
      I picked up this album cause of the red face in the cover. It just look so rebelish and terroristical that I was like yeah. I can feel what this band is about. And I wasn’t wrong this is music to start a revolution with. Beats and bass is the real kicker on this album and the melodic guitar riffs. The lead singers voice can get annoying at times with his “aha ah ah” but you it passes quickly. This is the indie band of 2005.
  • On My Way
    • Ben Kweller – On My Way
      The cover just seemed funny some guy on a mountain with wolves around him. It made me thing of an Alternative John Denver. Which is what he sounded like if John Denver lived in New York instead of Colorado. This is your folk album for the city. At first I was scared it was emo when I started listening to it, cialis 40mg but lukcily he doesn’t whine and moan. Good listen to for when moopy and just cruising.
  • Cafe Drechsler
    • Cafe Dreshsler – Radio Snacks
      They had a piece of meat on a clock radio, buy information pills so I had to get it. This album could be a great sound track for a movie, health with the starting song containing 33 seconds of digital silence, then 2. Wake Up, 3. Train Track. You can just imagine someone waking up and going to do something. Its has a jazzy rock feel with just the right amount of digital effects to still have a old roots soul.
  • Brazilian Soul
    • Aymuth – Brazilian Soul
      It was bright and shiny and has Brazil in the title. Bossanova owns your ass, what a great album, and this is the bands like 30th year together. This album also has a jazz feel, real calming and you just hit play and forget about it, and then notice your humming to the song and tapping your feet to the beat. I plan to get more of their music. This album won me over, but when this girl was in my car and noticed it was Brazillian she was impressed so that gives it extra points.
  • Lost Riots
    • Hope of the States – The Lost Riots
      The cover was cool the name even cool, and the first song owned your ass so bad you were like DAMN this insturmental epic of it, and you just have these high hope for whats next. Sadly next was hearing the lead singers vocal. Ugh annoying, the music on this album is amazing, but the singer just butchers the song. Supposedly he sounds much much better live, but how couldnt they get that in the studio beats me. There are couple good songs on here, but it just falls short due the singer.
  • OMFO
    • OMFO – Trans Balkan Express
      The name of the band reminded me of Kraftwerk and their Trans European Express, and with the cover art of some sewing it just got me interested in what this was. I imagined electro beats to old classical Balkan music, and that what it was. Good album quiet impressed with songs and beats. It is a very simple album but has lots of history in it especially with his choice of insturments like violins and I think I heard some bag pipes.
  • Under Munka Moon
    • Alice Russel – Under the Munka Moon
      I couldn’t keep my eyes from this cover, it was psychadelic and silver and was pretty. Basicly Joss Stone=Old and Busted, Alice Russel=New Hotness. This girl got some lungs and a soul. You can’t miss this album if you a fan of 70s soul divas.
  • White People
    • Handsome Boy Modeling School – White People
      I just remeber the name and said wtf. I was lucky I had a good memmory its Prince Paul and Dan the Automator back again with their large number of guests giving vocals to their amazing beats. Its a hip hop album for the people who dont like hip hop or rap but enjoy good music and well produced stuff. One of my favorite songs on there is If there wasn’t for you about a guy talking about the important people in his life, like his best friend, his child etc and the song Rock and Roll (Could Never Hip Hop Like This)

Note to self dont post “how to” stuff when sleep depped”

So I didn’t quiet explain stuff well in my previous post, information pills but thankfully someone got it (Valiant Contender)

Here is what he wrote:

1. Sign up at
2. After verifying the email, sanitary login and click “post” in the top menu
3. Add any of the links to create a bookmark to your browser toolbar. To add any of those links to Firefox or Internet Explorer drag a link from the emblem of the site in the address bar to the link bar
4. Whenever you want to add a site you want to keep track of, discount rx all you need to do is click that link you added on the toolbar and enter a tag “comments” or so, then you can visit your account (hehe no pun intended) whenever you want to review the links you kept track of.

That is the the gist of it.

Here is a better link on what you can do with It also gives you the process on creating live bookmarks.
I got a new lens for my camera just a couple days ago its a 55m Aspherical Lens F1.2 for my Canon F1 and its just amazing, mind haven’t developed the pictures with it yet, thumb but just holding it in my hands and looking through it is really sharp. The clarity and focus on it, unhealthy wow and with a F1.2 its great for indoor shots.

Speaking of pictures got the rest of the ones from Austria just today, they turned out pretty good. I got some great ones of my brother doing jumps on his snowboard. I took some with my wide angle and just a regular lens to get two different perspectives of the shot. The best part is that he found a picture that he liked which is good. I froze my ass off that day too. Bending down in the snow trying not to slip waiting for him to get up the hill and then put his bindings on then go down and jump.

Also from that trip got firework pictures, some turned out pretty good, was worried even though I had 800 iso I thought it may not be bright enough, but they came out great.

Also posted some from my trip to Sharm El Shiek. This picture I will remeber the most from the trip, poor guy. Stuck in a box.

Oh and when I was in Hawalli earlier this week I saw this thing: a 265mbUSB Flash drive mp3 player that runs on 1 AA battery I think I will get this over an iPod shuffle or even a bigger memstick for my phone. Since its practical, and runs on an AA battery. I mean how cool is that? No need to worry about recharge, or some crazy DRM system.

Also removed the Flickr Zeitgeist from the right it was slowing down the page load so now it is just showing just 1 random picture.

Back for More

I attended the grand opening for Baroue. It is a new store at the Avenues that caters to children and is a Kuwaiti concept. These guys have put a lot of passion and dedication to this and it shows.

I was impressed with it size and attention to details and just how it attends to both parents and children. You really have to check it out to really see all the features and wonder feeling from just entering the place.

I attended the grand opening for Baroue. It is a new store at the Avenues that caters to children and is a Kuwaiti concept. These guys have put a lot of passion and dedication to this and it shows.

I was impressed with it size and attention to details and just how it attends to both parents and children. You really have to check it out to really see all the features and wonder feeling from just entering the place.

Today we had the first Kuwait Blogger Meetup at Second Cup in Kuwait City. It was a great event we had good a turn out in my opinion and it was great puttting faces to names and actually talking to people and getting to know them personally instead of just reading their blogs.

We stayed a long time at Second Cup and talked about lots of random stuff, audiologist and really not a lot about blogging suprisingly. I enjoyed it for I really love meeting new people and especially having a good conversation with them. A good stimulating crowd that wasn’t shy and very open to sharing and hearing other people’s opinions.

Tata did a good job of picking the even and getting people to come to it. Even though when I tried calling him he wasn’t picking up or replying to my messages. He said he didn’t hear the phone, pill I think that means it is time for a haircut for him. For his efforts I got him a Moleskine. He always said he has a lot of ideas that he forgets, so now he doesn’t have an excuse and its good for his creativity.

Some of the group left there around 9, while the rest of stayed to talk then went to get food at Restaurant 99 for sharwarmas and more talking.

It was a really good meetup, good conversation with good people. I really dont want to get into more detail about it, cause if you didn’t come you missed out. Also the people who came got to learn the meaning of nibaq. So you if you were thinking about coming to this one and didn’t, you better come to the next one!

I attended the grand opening for Baroue. It is a new store at the Avenues that caters to children and is a Kuwaiti concept. These guys have put a lot of passion and dedication to this and it shows.

I was impressed with it size and attention to details and just how it attends to both parents and children. You really have to check it out to really see all the features and wonder feeling from just entering the place.

Today we had the first Kuwait Blogger Meetup at Second Cup in Kuwait City. It was a great event we had good a turn out in my opinion and it was great puttting faces to names and actually talking to people and getting to know them personally instead of just reading their blogs.

We stayed a long time at Second Cup and talked about lots of random stuff, audiologist and really not a lot about blogging suprisingly. I enjoyed it for I really love meeting new people and especially having a good conversation with them. A good stimulating crowd that wasn’t shy and very open to sharing and hearing other people’s opinions.

Tata did a good job of picking the even and getting people to come to it. Even though when I tried calling him he wasn’t picking up or replying to my messages. He said he didn’t hear the phone, pill I think that means it is time for a haircut for him. For his efforts I got him a Moleskine. He always said he has a lot of ideas that he forgets, so now he doesn’t have an excuse and its good for his creativity.

Some of the group left there around 9, while the rest of stayed to talk then went to get food at Restaurant 99 for sharwarmas and more talking.

It was a really good meetup, good conversation with good people. I really dont want to get into more detail about it, cause if you didn’t come you missed out. Also the people who came got to learn the meaning of nibaq. So you if you were thinking about coming to this one and didn’t, you better come to the next one!
Arrived in Sharm ok, online well I wouldn’t have carried where that plane landed I just wanted to get off it. My god some people should be banned from flying. The Sagayda with me were just annoying moving around from chair to chair, asking for more bread over and over again. When we were landing, we are all supposed to sit in our seats with seatbelts but these guys kept moving, standing up and wondering when they will get more tea.

The Kuwait Airways airplane also sucked, they showed a cool movie Cellular. But my head phone only worked with one ear, and if I moved around in my seat I didn’t hear anything. I tried other head phone jacks next to me but those didn’t work at all. Serisouly annoying.

It was an alright flight overall, quick and easy straight to Sharm El Sheik. The airport is sooo tiny, when I got there the passport people were just hanging around. I think it was 8 or 9 of us that got off the plane, it continued to Luxor. I had a carry on so straight outside.

I setup for tomorrow a diving trip form 8:30-5:00pm that will be long and tiring. I just know when I get back I will be dead. Hopefully I have some energy for the dinner and more importantly the Seattle / St Louis game at 11:30. I am so excited that I got access to ESPN and FOX Sports. Going to watch me football.

Currently in Nimat bay, found a internet cafe what I pay here for 1 hour is like 1/2 at the hotel. I swear they just keep nickle and diming you on anything. Even the health clup you have to pay money to get in. Bastards.

I wanted to eat at Hard Rock but its like an hour wait and didn’t feel like eating anywhere else in the streets so I goto the standard fast food. It filled me up and just going to wander around a bit maybe stop for a sheesha.

Lots of nationalities here, in my hotel is like Russia central they are all over the place, but the city has a mix of Italians, Spanish, German, English and I think I heard some French. Very international place, and the people are friendly. Well they have to be tourism is their source of income.

The weather is like 20-25c when I arrived, but its quiet chilly now, like Kuwait weather in winter, but with some humidity. I will take a sweater with me tomorrow just incase I get cold in the boat.

I am tempted to go stop at the TCHE TCHE sheesha here, jsut cause we have one in Kuwait and say I been to the one in Dubai, Kuwait and now here. But its just to busy for my liking.

Time to go walk around now.

I attended the grand opening for Baroue. It is a new store at the Avenues that caters to children and is a Kuwaiti concept. These guys have put a lot of passion and dedication to this and it shows.

I was impressed with it size and attention to details and just how it attends to both parents and children. You really have to check it out to really see all the features and wonder feeling from just entering the place.

Today we had the first Kuwait Blogger Meetup at Second Cup in Kuwait City. It was a great event we had good a turn out in my opinion and it was great puttting faces to names and actually talking to people and getting to know them personally instead of just reading their blogs.

We stayed a long time at Second Cup and talked about lots of random stuff, audiologist and really not a lot about blogging suprisingly. I enjoyed it for I really love meeting new people and especially having a good conversation with them. A good stimulating crowd that wasn’t shy and very open to sharing and hearing other people’s opinions.

Tata did a good job of picking the even and getting people to come to it. Even though when I tried calling him he wasn’t picking up or replying to my messages. He said he didn’t hear the phone, pill I think that means it is time for a haircut for him. For his efforts I got him a Moleskine. He always said he has a lot of ideas that he forgets, so now he doesn’t have an excuse and its good for his creativity.

Some of the group left there around 9, while the rest of stayed to talk then went to get food at Restaurant 99 for sharwarmas and more talking.

It was a really good meetup, good conversation with good people. I really dont want to get into more detail about it, cause if you didn’t come you missed out. Also the people who came got to learn the meaning of nibaq. So you if you were thinking about coming to this one and didn’t, you better come to the next one!
Arrived in Sharm ok, online well I wouldn’t have carried where that plane landed I just wanted to get off it. My god some people should be banned from flying. The Sagayda with me were just annoying moving around from chair to chair, asking for more bread over and over again. When we were landing, we are all supposed to sit in our seats with seatbelts but these guys kept moving, standing up and wondering when they will get more tea.

The Kuwait Airways airplane also sucked, they showed a cool movie Cellular. But my head phone only worked with one ear, and if I moved around in my seat I didn’t hear anything. I tried other head phone jacks next to me but those didn’t work at all. Serisouly annoying.

It was an alright flight overall, quick and easy straight to Sharm El Sheik. The airport is sooo tiny, when I got there the passport people were just hanging around. I think it was 8 or 9 of us that got off the plane, it continued to Luxor. I had a carry on so straight outside.

I setup for tomorrow a diving trip form 8:30-5:00pm that will be long and tiring. I just know when I get back I will be dead. Hopefully I have some energy for the dinner and more importantly the Seattle / St Louis game at 11:30. I am so excited that I got access to ESPN and FOX Sports. Going to watch me football.

Currently in Nimat bay, found a internet cafe what I pay here for 1 hour is like 1/2 at the hotel. I swear they just keep nickle and diming you on anything. Even the health clup you have to pay money to get in. Bastards.

I wanted to eat at Hard Rock but its like an hour wait and didn’t feel like eating anywhere else in the streets so I goto the standard fast food. It filled me up and just going to wander around a bit maybe stop for a sheesha.

Lots of nationalities here, in my hotel is like Russia central they are all over the place, but the city has a mix of Italians, Spanish, German, English and I think I heard some French. Very international place, and the people are friendly. Well they have to be tourism is their source of income.

The weather is like 20-25c when I arrived, but its quiet chilly now, like Kuwait weather in winter, but with some humidity. I will take a sweater with me tomorrow just incase I get cold in the boat.

I am tempted to go stop at the TCHE TCHE sheesha here, jsut cause we have one in Kuwait and say I been to the one in Dubai, Kuwait and now here. But its just to busy for my liking.

Time to go walk around now.
Went snorkling today, web that was good fun. I really enjoy being in the sea water, site there really isn’t anything like being in just open water really a good feeling. I hada good time with the diving and the people on the boats. They were Russians, skincare Italians, and Germans and one Kuwaiti, and of course the Egyptian crew.

I found out something about the Egyptians here they are all from different areas of Egypt, but each area has a speciality. Its like the drivers are from Cairo, the waiters and bar staff are from Luxor, the boat crew are from Alexandria.

When I frist dived in my body took a while to get used to everything. Its been a while since I done any diving snorkel or tank. So had to remeber long deep breaths. The corals were alright, there wasn’t anything wow. I recall last time I was here it was just more vibrant, and also I been to other places then, so maybe the area they took us was the regular areas. One thing I did enjoy was the small pink corals just forming by the shore. Those were really eye catching to me for this sea of beige and then you have this pink coral. Its like a flower in the desert.

On the way to the diving area it got cold fast. This feirce wind came out of now where and blowed everyone inside. Luckily I had my sweater and my towel and with those waves I knew it would be a bad thing to stay inside with those people and heat going up and down. I stayed up with the captian and blocked myself from the wind and reading the Illiad.

One of the highlights for me was when we were going back and met some dolphins/porposis. We got close to them and I got some pictures of them jumping and next to us. I think those will come out good.

Now we got back in time to last night. I wandered around a bit and ran into the Kuwaitis that were on the flight with me at a sheesha place. They invited me to join them and we sat and talked and looked that the people walking back and forth. This was like a short street I already ran into them 3 times earlier that night. We discussed if they closed Salmiya and just made it into one long walking area and did it like here with coffee shops on either side and stores behind them you would see a great boom in Kuwait with people actually going out and walking. I told them I would love to see that in Kuwait City, where its really is a shame that you dont see Kuwaitis living or doing anything there besides driving to and from work.

We started the business now, met with the people had a nice dinner with them tomorrow 8:15 time to bust out my notes taking skills and start learning. I think I will call it an early night. The Seahawks – St Lous game was last night and sadly we lost in OT. I dont know what will happen next year, I hope they keep Holgrem and stuff cause really he is a great coach and done wonders for the team.

Its a nice night I may go for a walk before hand and just relaxt the body a bit.

I attended the grand opening for Baroue. It is a new store at the Avenues that caters to children and is a Kuwaiti concept. These guys have put a lot of passion and dedication to this and it shows.

I was impressed with it size and attention to details and just how it attends to both parents and children. You really have to check it out to really see all the features and wonder feeling from just entering the place.

Today we had the first Kuwait Blogger Meetup at Second Cup in Kuwait City. It was a great event we had good a turn out in my opinion and it was great puttting faces to names and actually talking to people and getting to know them personally instead of just reading their blogs.

We stayed a long time at Second Cup and talked about lots of random stuff, audiologist and really not a lot about blogging suprisingly. I enjoyed it for I really love meeting new people and especially having a good conversation with them. A good stimulating crowd that wasn’t shy and very open to sharing and hearing other people’s opinions.

Tata did a good job of picking the even and getting people to come to it. Even though when I tried calling him he wasn’t picking up or replying to my messages. He said he didn’t hear the phone, pill I think that means it is time for a haircut for him. For his efforts I got him a Moleskine. He always said he has a lot of ideas that he forgets, so now he doesn’t have an excuse and its good for his creativity.

Some of the group left there around 9, while the rest of stayed to talk then went to get food at Restaurant 99 for sharwarmas and more talking.

It was a really good meetup, good conversation with good people. I really dont want to get into more detail about it, cause if you didn’t come you missed out. Also the people who came got to learn the meaning of nibaq. So you if you were thinking about coming to this one and didn’t, you better come to the next one!
Arrived in Sharm ok, online well I wouldn’t have carried where that plane landed I just wanted to get off it. My god some people should be banned from flying. The Sagayda with me were just annoying moving around from chair to chair, asking for more bread over and over again. When we were landing, we are all supposed to sit in our seats with seatbelts but these guys kept moving, standing up and wondering when they will get more tea.

The Kuwait Airways airplane also sucked, they showed a cool movie Cellular. But my head phone only worked with one ear, and if I moved around in my seat I didn’t hear anything. I tried other head phone jacks next to me but those didn’t work at all. Serisouly annoying.

It was an alright flight overall, quick and easy straight to Sharm El Sheik. The airport is sooo tiny, when I got there the passport people were just hanging around. I think it was 8 or 9 of us that got off the plane, it continued to Luxor. I had a carry on so straight outside.

I setup for tomorrow a diving trip form 8:30-5:00pm that will be long and tiring. I just know when I get back I will be dead. Hopefully I have some energy for the dinner and more importantly the Seattle / St Louis game at 11:30. I am so excited that I got access to ESPN and FOX Sports. Going to watch me football.

Currently in Nimat bay, found a internet cafe what I pay here for 1 hour is like 1/2 at the hotel. I swear they just keep nickle and diming you on anything. Even the health clup you have to pay money to get in. Bastards.

I wanted to eat at Hard Rock but its like an hour wait and didn’t feel like eating anywhere else in the streets so I goto the standard fast food. It filled me up and just going to wander around a bit maybe stop for a sheesha.

Lots of nationalities here, in my hotel is like Russia central they are all over the place, but the city has a mix of Italians, Spanish, German, English and I think I heard some French. Very international place, and the people are friendly. Well they have to be tourism is their source of income.

The weather is like 20-25c when I arrived, but its quiet chilly now, like Kuwait weather in winter, but with some humidity. I will take a sweater with me tomorrow just incase I get cold in the boat.

I am tempted to go stop at the TCHE TCHE sheesha here, jsut cause we have one in Kuwait and say I been to the one in Dubai, Kuwait and now here. But its just to busy for my liking.

Time to go walk around now.
Went snorkling today, web that was good fun. I really enjoy being in the sea water, site there really isn’t anything like being in just open water really a good feeling. I hada good time with the diving and the people on the boats. They were Russians, skincare Italians, and Germans and one Kuwaiti, and of course the Egyptian crew.

I found out something about the Egyptians here they are all from different areas of Egypt, but each area has a speciality. Its like the drivers are from Cairo, the waiters and bar staff are from Luxor, the boat crew are from Alexandria.

When I frist dived in my body took a while to get used to everything. Its been a while since I done any diving snorkel or tank. So had to remeber long deep breaths. The corals were alright, there wasn’t anything wow. I recall last time I was here it was just more vibrant, and also I been to other places then, so maybe the area they took us was the regular areas. One thing I did enjoy was the small pink corals just forming by the shore. Those were really eye catching to me for this sea of beige and then you have this pink coral. Its like a flower in the desert.

On the way to the diving area it got cold fast. This feirce wind came out of now where and blowed everyone inside. Luckily I had my sweater and my towel and with those waves I knew it would be a bad thing to stay inside with those people and heat going up and down. I stayed up with the captian and blocked myself from the wind and reading the Illiad.

One of the highlights for me was when we were going back and met some dolphins/porposis. We got close to them and I got some pictures of them jumping and next to us. I think those will come out good.

Now we got back in time to last night. I wandered around a bit and ran into the Kuwaitis that were on the flight with me at a sheesha place. They invited me to join them and we sat and talked and looked that the people walking back and forth. This was like a short street I already ran into them 3 times earlier that night. We discussed if they closed Salmiya and just made it into one long walking area and did it like here with coffee shops on either side and stores behind them you would see a great boom in Kuwait with people actually going out and walking. I told them I would love to see that in Kuwait City, where its really is a shame that you dont see Kuwaitis living or doing anything there besides driving to and from work.

We started the business now, met with the people had a nice dinner with them tomorrow 8:15 time to bust out my notes taking skills and start learning. I think I will call it an early night. The Seahawks – St Lous game was last night and sadly we lost in OT. I dont know what will happen next year, I hope they keep Holgrem and stuff cause really he is a great coach and done wonders for the team.

Its a nice night I may go for a walk before hand and just relaxt the body a bit.
I am finally back, phimosis what a trip. Well the plane trip was just crazy even the airport was nuts. Russians and Egyptians are things that shouldn’t mix.

Well first the airport. The airport was a mess, pregnancy tons of Russians flying out that day and they were in full force. The lines were long and the waiting area before the boarding area was completely full. There wasnt a place empty. I had some extra Egyptian money so I could get a snack in the airport. They had a Sbarra so I got 2 slices of pizza and 2 pepsi. I didn’t notice the price of the pizza, nurse but the pepsi was 15 Egyptian Pound for one! One can of pepsi was 750fils! I swear it like wtf. I paid 100 pounds for that stuff 5kd. That was a mixed blessing though. I orignally had 70 pounds and figured use that for food, but then found more in my passport was regret I didn’t use it to pay for some other stuff.

The Egyptians selling stuff there was just ludicrous and trying to con me to buy it. One was asking if we have sweets in Kuwait. I tried convicing him that I live in Kuwait home of 300,000 Egyptians I am sure that we have the same sweets you are offering and soo much cheaper than what you are selling. Everything was just ridicoulsly overpriced. They even had these sheesha in little bags that they were taking home with them. Sheeshas?!

The boarding area for the airport was one big area, and had two entrances with security/xray stuff one on the left the other on the right. All the russians were going to the one on the right. A huge line all lining up pushing and shoving trying to get though. The one on the left was empty not a single person. Go figure…

As I am waiting for my plane with the other 5 passengers to Kuwait. The Egyptian flight attendent guy kept screaming stuff in Russian. And I thought arabs were bad in getting to planes on time, these guys were even worse. Though I think the security was to blame for some of it.

So as people are going through one by one, and Egyptian attendent screaming people names and “MOSCOW!” counting how many people are left the power goes out. So no power, no x-ray machine, no x-ray machine, no one passing security. Now this is where the fun started.

I got myself a chair right by that point and just watched the mad house of russians screaming pushing and trying to get through to get to their plane. But security wouldn’t let them cause no x-ray machine. People shouting trying to push through but the security won’t let them. The attendent screaming stuff in Russian, then you got us the handful of passenger going to Kuwait waiting for our flight quietly and paitently.

Now the plane when it finally arrived was something else “AL-SAGAYDA WASALOW” It was Sageed central, all the over head compartments were FULL. I was lucky since my seat was on the emergency lane and the attendent was next to me. He was telling me that the compartments were all full and thats just the 1/4 of the stuff. The rest of the things they tried to bring as carry on was in the cargo. These guys are getting smarter, they are learning to use duty free at the airport to the thier advantage. They now get stopped with excess carry on baggage on the security check point, so now they get the stuff from duty free.

When we arrive at Luxor and they left all the staff just let out a big sigh. But now we had to get more passenger back with us to Kuwait. Luckily this group was more subdued and relaxed and quiet and had no carry ons. The flight back was quiet, I read Illiad, and watched the ending to The Village, and saw Forgotten. Decent flicks but I wouldn’t pay to see them.

So lets go back a day to Sharm El Sheik. I stayed at Jolie ville Movenpick – Golf. It is right next to the airport, and has a golf course. It is a great hotel very good staff, good big rooms, yet the bathroom has no bath and designed weirdly. Like you have to leave the shower and walk like 5 steps to get towels. The pools they had were big and really made for kids to run around and play in. They had sea access but no beach front really. But the people there didn’t mind since they just sun bathed and jumped in the water.

The food was good at their restaurants and the staff were very friendly and courteous. The channels on the TV were great, had the major sat. movie channels as well as ESPN and Fox Sports.

One benifit of staying there is that you can rent villas. These are 4-6 room villas with their own private garden and pool. So you can have access to the hotel stuff, as well as your own private pool and kitchen. The hotel only has 5 to rent out, the rest are owned by people such as the King of Bahrain, Qaboos of Oman, and Al-Rayes Hussani Mubarak.

Thats one thing that bugged me there. How they were calling be Al-Rayes. This is a term that they used to call their president Hussani Mubarak, which means “The Leader”. Everytime I heard it I kept thing of Mussolini and “El Duci”. They used that term a lot to call their superiors. Egyptians and protocols. They really love making simple things complicated and really not needed. Rank and position really are a big deal there. Well the higher ups made it a big deal and the lower guys have to suck up if they want to get a promotion or even keep their job.

Thats about it for Sharm that I can recall. The confrence was great learned a lot of amazing stuff, but everytime I learn more about this stuff I keep thinking of this book: Brave New World.

That book freaks me out more and more lately on how true it is.


Liberation Tower After the Rain

It looked so clean & shimmering. Everyone was excitced & happy that it rained & cleaned up the city & air.

Liberation Tower After the Rain

It looked so clean & shimmering. Everyone was excitced & happy that it rained & cleaned up the city & air.

Just got home drove to Saudi (Al-Hasa) and back today. That journey is becoming less and less stressful and much easier to drive. The roads still suck there but I managed.

It was a good drive in the morning, traumatologist the clouds were scattered so there was these rays of light and dark spots on the ground. As well as the Arfaj seemed to be much bigger and greener. These things were literaly covering the landscape to the horizon, anaemia and people say nothing grows in the desert.

Just figured something about myself when I drive these long distances. Suprised I never noticed it before. Well it seems when I do them I dont eat. I will have a small meal and just gun it all the way. Not sure why I do it. I’ll drink water and always have a pepsi ready for when I feel tired, pill but thats ab
out it. Not sure why I do that.

One the way back I stopped at this “gift shop” just before the border at the gas station. They sell your standard bedouin style stuff. Large framed pictures of falcons, and “Bo Shanab” and cultural things (think velvet Elvis), as well some random little toys.

So well last time I was there I saw the “Bo Shanab” paintings and pictures and they caught my eye on how weird and strange they were. Yet didn’t have time to pick them up. So this time I did. I got me a painted one where the car is looking out to the wilderness, and a picture of ones profile with guns and
some caught animals hanging from it.

So home now, its good to be home, there is nothing sweeter than driving to Kuwait and seeing the lights. Its like “CIVILIZATION”. What is strange is when your not even near the border, but see these rows and rows of lights you think “must be Kuwait”. Your focus is get to the light.